View Full Version : Ocular Treatment via Ear

16th September 2010, 08:32 AM
I had an odd, vivid dream just before the alarm woke me this morning - I was undergoing some sort of treatment to my left eye, administered by a male being, with an instrument poked into my left ear, through which a fluid was being introduced into my eyeball to "even the intra-ocular pressure". I could see a small white dial, & was quite uncomfortable; it had to be done twice. At the end, I asked how to get the fluid out again, & was told to just swallow, as "the systems are all connected" & it "was only 2 small phials". I woke very disoriented. . what on earth couuld it mean? :roll:

16th September 2010, 09:01 AM
Hello, sono.

Don't worry. Just an adjustment to your energy system.

I cannot say if it was actually related to the physical body system you were told in the dream or to a purely energetic structure in another energy body. In a sense it does not really matter.

Even if it was indeed the physical body, all systems in your body are really interconnected. Adjustments to one body part will affect others and it will even out. I would expect that such a change would be carefully done to take this into account.

The "white dial" and the precision instrument could be hints to the fact that the change was carefully monitored and done.


16th September 2010, 06:16 PM
I had an odd, vivid dream just before the alarm woke me this morning - I was undergoing some sort of treatment to my left eye, administered by a male being, with an instrument poked into my left ear, through which a fluid was being introduced into my eyeball to "even the intra-ocular pressure". I could see a small white dial, & was quite uncomfortable; it had to be done twice. At the end, I asked how to get the fluid out again, & was told to just swallow, as "the systems are all connected" & it "was only 2 small phials". I woke very disoriented. . what on earth couuld it mean? :roll:

2 things I want to mention:

1. Intraocular pressure is very important and if imbalanced, it can cause nearsightedness or farsightedness or astigmatism, etc. So it sounds like someone was doing healing on you.

2. Completely different but also interesting. I remember reading something like this in Whitley Strieber's original book on aliens "Communion". Are you sure you weren't visited by an alien?

16th September 2010, 07:06 PM
Are you sure you weren't visited by an alien?

Are you sure Whitley Strieber was visited by an actual alien?

He talks about OBE experiences in later books.


16th September 2010, 10:18 PM
Are you sure you weren't visited by an alien?

Are you sure Whitley Strieber was visited by an actual alien?

He talks about OBE experiences in later books.

Oliver Mr. Strieber often speaks of the possibility of visitors as astral entities, however he considers at least some of his early experiences as physical, because of the implants surgically removed from his body and other 'physically described' experiences, such as their smell and his physical reaction when visited in body (some sort of allergic reaction).

The UFO/'alien' phenomenon is fascinating, isn't it?

17th September 2010, 03:59 AM
Thanks for all the responses. . . . .btw yes, I am very short-sighted & astigmatic, use hard contact lenses (at the same time as glasses for reading & close work) so maybe this will help!

I don't think the experience was 3rd dimensional /real, it was either astral or dream state. Funny, I wrote to Whitley Strieber after reading "Communion" years ago, & received a strange, rambling reply in which he asked me to "pray for him". ( He seems much "better" now, judging from his website.)

PS: I also am fascinated by "aliens", & have my own theories about them (don't we all?) but mainly I am inclined to support the theory of Dark Plasma life forms, along with some astral technology. . . .

17th September 2010, 02:34 PM
Thanks for all the responses. . . . .btw yes, I am very short-sighted & astigmatic, use hard contact lenses (at the same time as glasses for reading & close work) so maybe this will help!

I don't think the experience was 3rd dimensional /real, it was either astral or dream state. Funny, I wrote to Whitley Strieber after reading "Communion" years ago, & received a strange, rambling reply in which he asked me to "pray for him". ( He seems much "better" now, judging from his website.)

PS: I also am fascinated by "aliens", & have my own theories about them (don't we all?) but mainly I am inclined to support the theory of Dark Plasma life forms, along with some astral technology. . . .

My theory is that aliens are 4th density beings. They are on a higher vibrational state than us. That is why they can appear and disappear just like that. And to appear to us, they have to lower their vibration to our 3rd density, so if they do place objects in us, the objects have been constructed or changed to our density. Now, just because they are on a higher density, doesn't mean they are more spiritually advanced, in my opinion, they are just not limited by the static physical environment that we are in. Just my theory, though.

Now to answer Korpo on "are you sure Whitley Strieber was visited by an actual alien?" I would have to say that according to my theory it is all the same. When you have an OBE, you are entering a higher density/vibrational state. If aliens live in a higher density, then you would be able to visit them in the higher state. Many people have reported seeing aliens in their OBEs.

I also think greys, like negs, are attracted to people with problems, maybe people who are unsure of themselves or weak or fearful. I may be wrong about this, but the reason I think this is I used to know a person when I lived in NYC and he had told me stories of his abductions. He had also mentioned to me that he had been an alcoholic in the past.

Maybe this is a reason why Whitley sent that email to pray for him.

17th September 2010, 02:57 PM
Hello, TheLawOfOne.

The thing is, I don't see an alien here. No matter what answer any of us, including me, comes up here, will be according to our belief systems. In mine there is certainly place for aliens, but I don't see one here.

I do however see what you explain here, and of course you might come to a different conclusion. :)


17th September 2010, 03:53 PM
sono, I have a recommendation for your vision problems.

I went to the chiropractor several times and he did some adjustments to my neck vertebrae. I also do these exercises in the morning and night:

While sitting up straight, gently tilt your head over to the left side as if to touch your left shoulder. Slowly bring it back up and over to the right side. Repeat this 3 times each side. Tilt your head forward touching chin to chest and backward 3 times each in the same manner. Then slowly roll your head to the right, forward, left and backward 3 times (in a circle clockwise). Then roll it in reverse order counterclockwise several times.

My vision would always get worse each year (I am near-sighted with astigmatism), but the last time I went to the eye doctor, she was surprised to see that my vision had improved 1 point after 6 months of starting this treatment.

20th September 2010, 03:51 AM
Hello, TheLawofOne, thank you for that adie, I shall certainly do so!

Palehorse Redivivus
20th September 2010, 09:11 AM
Hi Sono,

Just wanted to say... I know that at least one negative interference sort of MO uses the "go with the nice man in the labcoat" effect which ties into the appeal to authority fallacy to override the conscious mind and obtain "consent" in a completely unethical way. They may even claim to be "helping" with something known that you've already got going on, but there is always an agenda, and one that has nothing to do with your own best interest. Many people are also way too quick to assume that anybody nonphysical who appears benevolent, authoritative or both has an automatic right to work on them energetically. Way too many nonphysical beings also tend to take advantage of what I've taken to calling (with much cynicism) "pretend consent", which basically seems to mean whatever they want it to at the time. Authoritative statements to revoke consent tend to counter this effect. Revoking it retroactively can even get your system reversing some of the damage of anything they may have done.

Obviously you'd have to work out what this event was and what the significance is for yourself, but my position has been basically to deny consent across the board for anything like this to take place. IMO it should raise a red flag that you were uncomfortable, but in general I do not personally recommend granting consent for healing to anyone nonphysical unless it's someone you know personally and have a good history with.

20th September 2010, 09:51 AM
Mmmmm, food for thought indeed - in fact, I don't remember that I did give my consent at all to this procedure. . .

20th September 2010, 02:19 PM

21st September 2010, 03:38 AM
Wow, Tim, are you channelling, if you don't mind my asking? There is so much there that I have to think about it for a while (very busy at work at the moment). . .fwiw the word "nun" leaped out at me, though - I was a (Buddhist) nun for a short while in Thailand. . . got very ill & had to leave the "ashram" . . .

21st September 2010, 03:29 PM

22nd September 2010, 03:49 AM
Thank you for your wisdom & insights! And for the links, I found them both very interesting; I have personal experience of the truth of the direction of the head when sleeping - would you mind posting that link again for others to benefit from, too - maybe under the Off Topic section? :)