View Full Version : My body Bends

14th September 2010, 06:43 PM
For some reason when i attempt to astral travel my body bends. Before attempting to astral travel my body is fully relax, I reach the mind awake+body sleep state, and I dont eat before either. I do the rope technique and then I start to feel vibrations, torso energy, my heatr beating fast, and the brow chakra tingling. Then I begin to feel my projected double coming out of my body and it feels like im being lifted. Then for some reason its actually my real body thats being lifted and my body starts to feel light. My body just bends with my upper body and legs being lifted in the air and my but on the floor. This has happen to me 5 times already.

Robert Bruce
30th October 2010, 09:46 AM

Your physical body may feel like it is lifting, but this is actually your real time astral body separating.

The next time this happens, relax and observe yourself and the sensations you are feeling. Do nothing else. Relax. Let it happen.

Then, keep your OBE very short. Ten seconds out and deliberately reenter, passionately shouting your success keywords. EG, 'my hands melted' or 'I saw my body' or 'I can fly' etc. Something from the actual experience, to key in the memory. Then, quickly write down keywords, then the whole experience.

Increase time out progressively during subsequent obe's. 10 seconds, 30, 1 min, 1.5 min, etc. Reduce time out if you start to lose the memories.

the first obe you have, with a deliberate reentry, is the most important obe you will ever have. This makes it very real for you, which changes your belief system 'a realization'.
