View Full Version : Dream within a dream ?

12th September 2010, 05:31 PM
Ok,here it goes !I dreamed that I lived in a different apartment and some people were passing through my apartment and I sure didn't like that.I locked the door but they still opened it.Then I dreamed that I was in my oldest daughter's apartment and I went outside the door and saw that the door to the apartment next door was wide open and right inside the door was this pallet of boxes and only one box was open and I read what it said.It said roach bait and it was in this plastic syringe,many of them.I put it back .The boxes were half white and half lt. blue.I went inside my daughter's apartment and I told her about the apartment next door and she called it the house next door because it was huge. This woman then came inside and I asked my daughter why was she inside and my daughter told me that people inside the building go inside each other apartments without asking.She then told me that she told her not to come inside the apartment but then she gave up.I told her that I had a dream and people were coming into my apartment too. Then I opened what looked like her closet door and entered into someone elses apartment and then I woke up.Weird if you ask me ! Really weird! :shock: :o

13th September 2010, 06:07 AM
Strange dream.

That's happened to me, remembering a previous dream during the next one, and describing it to a dream character. Very strange!

13th September 2010, 12:55 PM
Hello, niki123.

Then I opened what looked like her closet door and entered into someone elses apartment and then I woke up.

Going through a door can denote a change in state of consciousness - here you're waking up.

I think the issue of people passing through other people's apartments has to do with how the mind works. A certain amount of thoughts are generated by the thought forms of others impacting us.

Maybe the "roach bait" then has something to do with the kind of thoughtforms you are attracting - remember how I suggested you clean up your energy field? The energy field attracts and repulses thoughtforms as well. So, maybe time to get rid of some material that attracts undesirable ones.

The colour pattern could denote the mental body, which likes clear-cut issues like "black and white" - but maybe here the problem is not black-and-white thinking, just the tendency of the mind to categorize (the boxes) and to think in extremes (two different colors).

The plastic syringe could denote how this leads to "injection" of thoughts into your mind.

Do not be alarmed by all of this. Reacting mentally to your environment is to a degree unavoidable, and the dream actually makes you aware of this and also gives a little hint as to what to improve.


18th September 2010, 07:40 PM
Thank you,Oliver !That sounds very interesting. :D

Hello, niki123.

Then I opened what looked like her closet door and entered into someone elses apartment and then I woke up.

Going through a door can denote a change in state of consciousness - here you're waking up.

I think the issue of people passing through other people's apartments has to do with how the mind works. A certain amount of thoughts are generated by the thought forms of others impacting us.

Maybe the "roach bait" then has something to do with the kind of thoughtforms you are attracting - remember how I suggested you clean up your energy field? The energy field attracts and repulses thoughtforms as well. So, maybe time to get rid of some material that attracts undesirable ones.

The colour pattern could denote the mental body, which likes clear-cut issues like "black and white" - but maybe here the problem is not black-and-white thinking, just the tendency of the mind to categorize (the boxes) and to think in extremes (two different colors).

The plastic syringe could denote how this leads to "injection" of thoughts into your mind.

Do not be alarmed by all of this. Reacting mentally to your environment is to a degree unavoidable, and the dream actually makes you aware of this and also gives a little hint as to what to improve.
