View Full Version : Please help interpret my mums dreams.

8th September 2010, 02:13 PM
Hi, my mum had two interesting dreams but I can't seem to help her with an interpretation.

Dream one: She is in "her" house (not her real life house, and it's not on her real life street either), everything is pitch black. In the dark she can hear violence occurring, fights and arguments and such, also involving knives, she knows these people. She leaves her house to find help, onto a dark empty street. She sees a light on in the house directly next door on the left. She approaches and enters to find the house filled with an intensely bright light. The people here she didn't know, and they were all laughing and having a good time.

EDIT: EDIT: I made a mistake in the first dream, the people in the bright house were NOT laughing and having fun, they laughing AT my mum.
Note: the darkness and intense light prevented anything from actually being SEEN in each house.

The next dream is repeated three times, each one slightly different.

In this dream she is aware that today is the day she is going to die. She is in one of her sister's old houses. She knows she is perfectly healthy but today is the day. Some people arrive in white clothes to take her to be executed.

In the next repetition she is walking down an empty street, a big main road sloping upwards that was empty of cars and other people, in the daylight with her boyfriend and baby. Again she knew she was in perfect health, but she was going somewhere to be killed (euthanasia). She didn't want to die, she knew she was in perfect health, and she knew it was the last time she was going to see her baby and she didn't want to say goodbye.

In the next repetition, she is at her boyfriends house feeling well, her boyfriends parents were there, but she knew that today she was going to die in this house, again she didn't want to have to say goodbye to her baby. She walked out onto the back garden (daylight, a nice day, the green of the grass stood out) and sat in a chair still feeling well. As she tried to get up, she felt ill and and too weak to move.

I might as well add this small dream here: She is arguing with her boyfriend and he is winning. He then turns into a bag of cheese and onion crisps and she eats him. (I know eating someone/something means integrating certain qualities, does this mean she is integrating masculine qualities from her boyfriend that will aid her in "arguments"?)

Any help appreciated

10th September 2010, 12:21 PM
Hello, Cal.

Hi, my mum had two interesting dreams but I can't seem to help her with an interpretation.

Dream one: She is in "her" house (not her real life house, and it's not on her real life street either), everything is pitch black. In the dark she can hear violence occurring, fights and arguments and such, also involving knives, she knows these people. She leaves her house to find help, onto a dark empty street. She sees a light on in the house directly next door on the left. She approaches and enters to find the house filled with an intensely bright light. The people here she didn't know, and they were all laughing and having a good time.

The opposition of light and darkness often refers to enlightenment or illumination. Note the special brightness of the light - more below.

Violence, fights and arguments result from limited perspectives, so it's no wonder she encounters them in the darkness. This house could represent her self, so she might also have a "dark night of the soul" which occurs because the illumination from the soul seems to be absent.

The travelling to another door and finding a house full of light could then be the spiritual journey, a journey for another self, a more illuminated self, for a self that shines from the inside out, as does the core self.

EDIT: EDIT: I made a mistake in the first dream, the people in the bright house were NOT laughing and having fun, they laughing AT my mum.
Note: the darkness and intense light prevented anything from actually being SEEN in each house.

This could be the tendency to take things personal that aren't. The soul perspective is hard to understand for many people, so they take it personal, from a stance of "Why is this happening to me?" for example. In a time of crisis (the darkness) it might seem like everyone else is against you, also.

That the light is too bright to discern anything is probably a sign that your mom can get a glimpse of the soul perspective, but not see or discern at this level. This is more like a reminder that such a thing exists, a place or state of higher illumination, but the dream does not say that she's there, or living from that perspective or able to regularly go there.

This dream could be taken as a pointer to where the way out is - acknowledging the idea that the possibility of illumination exists and following a path that may lead to closer contact. This would lead beyond the world of spiritual darkness as represented in the violence, etc.


10th September 2010, 12:52 PM
Hello, Cal.

The next dream is repeated three times, each one slightly different.

In this dream she is aware that today is the day she is going to die. She is in one of her sister's old houses. She knows she is perfectly healthy but today is the day. Some people arrive in white clothes to take her to be executed.

In the next repetition she is walking down an empty street, a big main road sloping upwards that was empty of cars and other people, in the daylight with her boyfriend and baby. Again she knew she was in perfect health, but she was going somewhere to be killed (euthanasia). She didn't want to die, she knew she was in perfect health, and she knew it was the last time she was going to see her baby and she didn't want to say goodbye.

In the next repetition, she is at her boyfriends house feeling well, her boyfriends parents were there, but she knew that today she was going to die in this house, again she didn't want to have to say goodbye to her baby. She walked out onto the back garden (daylight, a nice day, the green of the grass stood out) and sat in a chair still feeling well. As she tried to get up, she felt ill and and too weak to move.

The interesting thing in these dreams is the presence of the positive overlayed with negative expectations.

People in white clothes seldom represent something bad, but more often purity, healing, etc. Walking upward, daylight, a nice day, green grass - all positive signs. You mentioned the green of the grass stood even out - a typical growth symbol.

In a strange twist even the method of dying is carrying a hint for the positive - "eu" is good and "thanatos" means death, hence "euthanasia" was originally intended to be a merciful death for those who exist in extreme suffering.

That so many positive things prevail in such "doom scenarios" is interesting. It might point to a misunderstanding or false expectations. The mental body can shape your reality through expectations, and these expectations can cause you suffering. Necessary changes can be seen as hardships, punishment (an execution is even "capital punishment").

This is combined with the idea of clinging, being attached, holding on to something or someone. The baby could be some state of infancy in general. Egoic fears can prevent chosing such a path of growth, and as it lessens the ego's grip on your existence it can even be interpreted as "death of ego."

In dreams, death can also be closely linked to rebirth, and in waking life letting go of beliefs you are overly identified with (or even roles) can feel threatening to one's personality. If you are very identified with that personality, role and associated beliefs the idea of stepping out of this can seem like death.

So, this dream could point to a similar direction as the darkness/illumination dream.


11th September 2010, 02:21 PM
Thank you Korpo! That was very helpful, I was hoping to get your input :)

Combined with you're post and meditating on these dreams I believe I have almost thoroughly interpreted them. I can now shed some light on my mums current circumstances.

Again, thank you.


11th September 2010, 07:49 PM
You're welcome. :)
