View Full Version : Your help in deciphering a dream

Sleeping Cookie
2nd September 2010, 01:12 PM
Hello all, it’s been a long time since I visited this forum, but this morning a friend contacted me and asked me for advice regarding a dream she had last night. Therefore, on her behalf, I’m posting the dream as she remembers it. I would very much appreciate your help in understanding the meaning of the last part:

I have been suffering from nightmares for several years now about my father threatening me or using brutal force on me and especially on my mom. These nightmares are easy to understand and no need for special interpretation since this was my reality till the age of 18. It is important for me to state that for a few years now the situation is perfectly calm. My father is leaving in his own house and is no longer a threat to us. Even more, he is trying to restore his relations with us, his kids.
Lately I’ve been dealing with several questions / dilemmas such as “should I stop being so afraid for my mother’s life, should I forgive him or should I can I trust men and for this should I be able to forgive my father and confront him. Therefore the following dream surprised me more than the previous ones:

The dream starts as usual with a confrontation between my father and myself. He is really trying to hurt me. I try to get away and somehow arrive home. I then receive a phone call from his girlfriend (not existing in real life) that somehow manages to warn me by coding that he’s on his way to my place. This resembles a situation that happened in the past after my mom and myself escaped from home. I lock all doors but after a few minutes he breaks down the door with a kick, runs to me and just before he starts hurting me I cry hysterically and scream that if he hurts me I won't be able to find love or forgive men and some more things of this sort. This freezes him. He stops everything and starts hugging me. This part is weird since usually my dreams don't end up well so this is a first timer.
And now the weirder part is that after the "forgiveness", he starts preparing us meat for lunch. I see him putting the meat in the oven.

I would really appreciate your help in understanding more about the dream, especially what the meat stands for. Your kind help would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance

2nd September 2010, 02:13 PM
Hello, Sleeping Cookie.

Sorry, but this sounds like your friend should consult a psychological professional and not us amateurs. The context of abuse and possibly the content of the dream itself is way too serious for me to consider interpreting this. Somebody who could follow this up with apropriate therapy should be present and remain available when dealing with these kind of issues.

Be well,

2nd September 2010, 02:32 PM
Hi to you and your friend. As you say, there really isn't much to say but the obvious until we get to the meat.

Quite simply, I imagine it represents a purification process. Cook the meat (the man) until it's done, at which time it will emerge in a different form. This is an alchemical perspective, but it might apply. You might look for, prepare, allow a transformation in your father. These things can happen and a lot of healing is accomplished.

Best to you guys... :)


2nd September 2010, 04:51 PM
I agree in that your friend need psychological help (not because she is having these dreams or 'something's wrong with her', but because the situation as presented sounds dangerous and volatile, and great care is needed here- it is obvious that she can't and doesn't trust her father, and the dreams show this, but none of us are qualified to give her advice as to the situation itself, that is, the relationship with the family.