View Full Version : Third eye complex

27th August 2010, 10:13 PM
Hi people :)

Fro the last couple of days my third eye have been heavily stimulated. :)
And... I noticed something interesting. My third eye has become a part of some energy structure. It has always been a part of bigger structure -energy body- but now it seems it is using some energy structures around it. The energy sensations i get are between my brows obviously, but also there are present from between my brows going down between my eyes and further through the ridge of my nose to my upper lip and front teeth even. The stimulated structures also go to the sides: behind brows, behind eyes and behind cheeks.

And it distinctively feels like they are related to third eye, supporting it.
I had some clairvoyant episodes during this time. Maybe the third eye structure is rearranging itself to increase "performance"?

What are your opinions.


27th August 2010, 10:53 PM
I think I saw an illustration showing this, almost as you describe. Will have to do some research to see if I can find it.

ps. I think you developed a stone, I think it's the 'moon stone' but I have to check before I label it that.

27th August 2010, 11:24 PM
I couldn't find a picture, but I found this. See if it resonates with your experience:

....For example let us look at the structures of the head ;
The Head or Moon Stone and the Upper Tan Tien
Hermetically, the entire head is the stone and clairvoyantly that area is a large energy storage centre of its own with two chakras within it vertically stacked.

There are two large flat salad plate sized openings above and below the head at the crown and above the throat. The crown plate has been called a kanda by some. In meditation circle we were told this is the Crown of the Goddess ...snip...

The third eye is the tan tien of this stone it is typically closed at birth and must often be re opened with development by the magician. Some do this naturally recalling it instinctively from past life memories. Others work very hard at it.

The nose is naturally open as are the ears to the flow of breath and sound but not to clairience necessarily.

The core of the stone is a denser energy centre that forms over time between the blue and green chakras eventually overlapping as it grows in girth. It is in the vertical centre of the horizontal centre of the head . Typically it is the size of a golf ball to a mandarin. It changes colour over time with development but it is typically fire energy within this water stone. It develops a seed in its centre that is wrapped elementally in layers of energy like a jawbreaker wrapped in lolly flavours. So it grows inwardly and outwardly in ever increasing sophistication.

Around any core smaller centres will form in a field not unlike moons in orbit around a planet The orbital cores manifest in the front , then the back then on either ear side of the body to the right and the left . When these four have manifested at the cardinal directions then four more manifest at the bicardinal. These 8 moons of the core oscillate but they become fixed and no longer seem to orbit after they manifest. I believe that there is a force lke gravity which causes the nebulous clouds of energy around the core to form predictably occurring structures .Then there is a crowning at the top and bottom of the core with small round centres too these are large grape to olive in size . Finally a ring of four spheres manifests between what is the equator of the core and the polar regions ;

http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/ ... 176.5;wap2 (http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php?topic=3176.5;wap2)

To simplify some of this- the tan tien is the 'gravitational center' of the structure, the stone is the whole thing, and the chakras manifest these stones when they start forming interconnecting structures.

28th August 2010, 12:12 AM
hmm, all I can say is that the energy sensations are felt shallowly under the skin.

I made a quick drawing:

It's more or less like that. Maybe it's stone related but it feels focused on the third eye.

Aunt Clair
28th August 2010, 02:46 AM
Robert Bruce calls the area you describe the brow centre. This is apt because the third eye is only one single part of the sophisticated energy centre complex that supports clairience.

Where you have drawn lines there are spheroid centres that you are perceiving as the flow . This flow between the new spheres which are manifesting in your energy body can be profound.

-----core of fire energy/ tan tien of shen

A wheel of life is 8 centres in orbit around a larger centre

A wheel begins in the centre,the the diamond on the ring manifests at the front and centre , this doubles to 2 when one manifests at the back , then doubles to 4 having a pair at right and left so now all cardinal directions have a centre and then doubles to 8 filling in the bicardinal directions too.

A wheel will manifest above , below , to the front and to the back of each centre in a predictable continuum. When the wheels develop vertically on the right and left of the core , clairaudience will begin.

When the wheel manifests at the front clairvoyance will improve.From your symptoms ,it would seem you have developed the wheel that is vertical on the front of the face which has 8 centres now . One is at the end of each point you have drawn in purple. These 8 centres will dramatically increase your clairience.

The two above the physical eyes are called the eyes of the dragon and these will become stellated and jewel toned in colour. The one on the right becomes topaz and the one on the left is sapphire. The two below the physical eyes are the eyes of the cobra and wil be ruby on right and emerald on left. You can learn to look to the orange topaz eye to the see the future and the indigo sapphire eye to see the past.

28th August 2010, 03:39 AM
Thanks Aunt Clair and CFTraveler :)

The stimulation is constant and strong. I keep feeling energy sensations all over my head. I guess I need to wait for the end of the growth phase and see how things have changed.
Once again, thanks :)


28th August 2010, 05:38 AM
i have a very similar experience when doing energy work. keep in mind my third eye has always been highly active since i was a child so it may seem normal to me....but when doing energy work my third eye is always first to activate, even if i focus on others(i think it works as a sort of key for me to open the others for me) but when it activates i feel a pressure like a quarter sized marble between my eyes. as it gets more intense it feels like 2 beads with a thread behind them roll along my brows and down my cheeks, 2 go up into my scalp(they seem to have something to do with the crown aswell, waiting for activation of all the others to open the crown) and a larger one that goes down the bridge of my nose, and continues down through all the other chakras and activating them on the way down, but that one loses its intensity on the way down, while the other 5 remain extremely active.....

the drawing is very similar to where i feel this, but the two that go outwards along my brow come down along my temples to my cheeks

28th August 2010, 03:18 PM
Robert taught us an exercise that I found very comforting (for lack of a better word) that you may like - imagine an energy ball in your head about the size of a tennis ball, and bounce it from side to side, bouncing at the temples. I find this stimulates the brow center without causing pressure (it actually eases pressure for me) and then, if you feel comfortable doing this (depending on your sensitivity level) from front to back (forehead to the back of the head). This will stimulate it a bit more directly, so I do it only ocassionally.

Aunt Clair
28th August 2010, 06:16 PM
Another exercise you might like during this stage is to draw in fire energy in a figure 8. The right eye is Shiva and Sun energy the left eye is Shakti and Moon energy . The third eye usually opens to clairvoyance before the physical eyes can see clairvoyantly. Then right eye tends to be open before the left. And even after the left opens the right eye is stronger . Similarly the brow centre energy structures tend to open first on the right then on the left.

A good exercise to work the lazy left eye centres is to draw fire through them .
I was taught to draw fire in the right eye and out the left ear on inhalation and then to reverse that flow on exhalation then to alternate breaths and draw fire in the left eye and out the right ear on inhalation and then in the right ear and out the left eye on exhalation.

I liked that exercise and found it boosted clairvoyance especially when hampered by bright light . It boosted my open eyed clairvoyance in bright light and this amazed me.

So I experimented and learned that it was easier for me to do a figure 8 instead of alternating breaths in Kriya Yoga style. I draw fire in the left eye like a golden thread out of the right ear and then draw fire in the right eye and out the left ear and repeat .

In the centre of the violet screen of the brow centre a golden lotus will appear. Looking through the golden lotus provides a heightened clairvoyance than the violet or indigo screens which occurred before this vibration.

Some people are born able to see clairvoyantly in bright light with eyes open but I have not been able to do this except when a spirit raises my vibration to help me see them.

The brow centre works best in dim light with closed physical eyes . It is a joy to be able to see clairvoyantly with open eyes and when you have opened this wheel that runs from the forehead to the nose , it is a good time to experiment with clairvoyance development.

29th August 2010, 10:53 PM
The sensations have ceased.
Thanks CFT for the exercise advice. I haven't used since I don't usually stimulate main energy centres directly but I will keep it for reference and try it out if I ever find third eye stimulation unbearable.

AC, I have tried the exercise below:
A good exercise to work the lazy left eye centres is to draw fire through them.
I was taught to draw fire in the right eye and out the left ear on inhalation and then to reverse that flow on exhalation then to alternate breaths and draw fire in the left eye and out the right ear on inhalation and then in the right ear and out the left eye on exhalation.

The energy sensations a bit uncomfortable. :roll: I find the fire energy a bit "uneasy" and "vigorous" for the lack of better words.

I also tried to see the eyes of the cobra and the eyes of the dragon. I don't know whether I suppose to see actual eyes but I do see clear, simple cut jewels. Red ruby, green emerald, yellow topaz and deep blue/purple sapphire. All about 1.5 inch wide
The jewel cut is something like this:

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQ_NovVKh8Icib9biEvWD2VBIGyfnVL JLEjLHuSqu_vp6Lyzo&t=1&usg=__S-v7XdD3XscybVANTBA8HBYjv80=

I decided to develop my clairience if I can. Do you happen to have a neat package of exercises I could do?

Aunt Clair
30th August 2010, 01:46 AM
Edit: yes that's right. They look like jewels and looking through these the jewels becomes windows , they appear to look after a while like the All Seeing Eye/ Ey of Fatima /Eye of Horus.

I feel that daily meditation, energy work and projection is the best way to generally develop the energy body and attain all sidhi powers.

But drawing fire energy into the moonstone is fundamental to developing clairvoyance and drawing air energy into the moonstone is fundamental to developing clairaudience .

Fire is light bright hot dry ,yellow/orange to golden,electric , active, male energy
Air is imho light , bright , cool, damp, chartreuse to emerald, active, female energy
Fire energy is light and facilitates sight.
Air energy facilitates sound .

If you draw energy through a centre it improves it ; removing blockages and increasing it in vibration and triggering further development.

So devise practices to draw energy into the moonstone or head and to sit daily in the now in the sacred space in meditative trance.

open in protection to avoid monkeys and negs
Sit in dim light to activate the pineal gland and general brow centre
sit in sacred space to attain the highest vibration and protection
sit in asana which facilitates energy flow i.e; Throne , Thoth or lying down
deep breath cleanse down the spine crown to heels; to relax and purge the body of negative toxins and stale prana
raise energy up the spine ; feet to heart to brow centre to activate the clairient senses and to attain trance and meditative visions.
dwell in the brow centre in the NOW

You could also make energy arms as Robert Bruce teaches then form a fire psi ball
and after the hands are primed by this ; place one hand on the third eye and one hand directly behind it on the back of the head . Then continue to send flow from palm to palm. Repeat doing this with the ears and using an air psi ball.

When you breathe up energy send the breath from the heart as a lily opening petals to flow out the eyes and ears. Then learn to inhale through each of these 4 portals .

The right eye is fire the left eye water the left ear is earth and the right ear is air.
The magician will open these in a widdershins fashion.The ear of air is precious and the last to open .So it is in all hermetic fashions the flames of kundalini are in order fire , water, earth and air. Air is the subtle princess we seek.
When we attain unio mystica the work of air is last .
When we are born we have the earthstone belly, the sunstone chest , the moonstone head but we lack the heavenstone above the head which is air .

So read and practice ;
Earth;yoga , tai chi, qi gong, NEW - MAP -AD regarding energy works and OBE
Water; meditation and kaballah regarding clairvoyance and mystic projection
Fire ; Kundalini Yoga, et cetera regarding kundalini
Air ; pranayama , hermetics regarding ascension alchemy

Aunt Clair
2nd September 2010, 10:10 AM
"People are confused now...We must see what they are really saying so that we can help them... But if this (third eye )isn't lit up then we miss . Emotions take over and we're just on the bandwagon of really a lot of untruth, slander and gossip...When you open this you live in truth. When you don't live in truth , that's when you run that's when you're afraid and you are operating out of act in action , reaction. Sunya zero the neutral mind means to stay lit here (third eye) and then you can live through here (heart)" ~ GURMUKH


"Do this for 11 minutes" on each of 40 days to open up the sixth sense the third eye point" :shock:

"If you are emotionally sidetracked by someone else's story . If this (third eye) works you work. It must stay lit up. This is the lighthouse in the time of the dark ship." 8)

4th September 2010, 09:49 AM
Hi my nickname is Bee andi just want to say i am glad to be here....... i came accross this site while doing a google search on the latest energy activity i have been receiving( it led me straight here first lol) ..... i have not been studying with any people or classes or from books.... but what i have been doing is looking for understanding as to what it is i am experiencing....

I have activity from all chakras ... i have been getting activity where you are currently describing.... which this morning as i lay in bed ... my third eye automatically activated ,and started sending energy outwards ...at the same time i felt both my temples kick in and the base of my skull ..... so i was aware all active at the same time.....

I generally just accept what is happening but at the same time im fascinated by what your talking about.... because my understanding is continuously expanding..... could someone please either refer to me some books so i can better understand or explain more where im at because i kind of feel like a fish out of water as far as comprehending what your talking about LOL :)

4th September 2010, 10:27 AM
OK I now realise im on a website of Robert Bruce ..... I will as a starting point go and read up some more and i welcome any input :D

4th September 2010, 03:16 PM
I recommend you start with the New Energy Ways resource (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/new-energy-ways.html), which is free, and then go from there.
Welcome, Bee.
ps. are you the Bee I know?

4th September 2010, 06:25 PM
Thank you for your recommendation :D I don't think I know you..... I have been on various sites over the years.... but i live in the uk not far from the city of Nottingham :D

4th September 2010, 09:30 PM
Just checking... you never know.

5th September 2010, 09:30 AM
Yes you never know ..... i have used a pc since the late 90's and being Spiritual minded ..i have talked to a lot of people online on various sites and its only natural that peoples paths may cross more that once..... So i know what you mean :D :D

11th September 2010, 06:12 PM
maybe she's one of the 65 I never knew about

13th September 2010, 02:27 PM
Pranayama, like what Aunt Claire said.

The breath of fire is what you are looking for, alternate nostril breathing and retention.
It is not called 'breath of fire' for nothing, as the heat you generate is intense.

Couple this with the kriya of abdominal pulling, and you will start seeing results, very , very quickly. However, be warned, you will experience the following:

mood swings, detachment

Aunt Clair
15th September 2010, 09:48 AM
I second that motion :D

NEW by Robert Bruce is a fantastic holistic approach to basal energy practice which reduces blockages, facilitates energy body development and boosts the immune system. Once you learn the basics it is easy to modify these and use them as you will. For example Robert Bruce's spinal bounce was fantastic to help heal my spine after surgery . I used the NEW techniques and modified these to suit my injury because I could not place my feet on the floor to draw up energy being bedridden at the time.

I offer free energy body readings on Skype which is a free download of speech software. All you need to purchase is a microphone. I can see your energy centres by remote linking through voice and if you are clairvoyant and keen I can teach you how to see these yourself . I am in Perth and that is a problem I need to read late at night or in the early morning hours to avoid the hustle and bustle of my family . But I do try to get online each day. You can add me as auntclair@msn.com

There is some metaphysical research online and Robert Bruce of course has some diagrams in Astral Dynamics and his other texts. There is not a lot of material available on the developmental continuum of energy body centres but here is a thread with some data unfortunately I need to upload new images because the site supporting those is down.

viewtopic.php?f=20&t=324 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=324)

Aunt Clair
15th September 2010, 03:08 PM
hmm, all I can say is that the energy sensations are felt shallowly under the skin.
I made a quick drawing:
It's more or less like that. Maybe it's stone related but it feels focused on the third eye.

Your drawing is apt here is another's version of this stage of growth;