View Full Version : Trouble with dream elements in projections

26th August 2010, 03:03 PM
I managed to have my third intentional projection tonight, but like the last one in the below link it was really contaminated with dream elements

viewtopic.php?f=19&t=21135 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=21135)

In this projection I realized i was dreaming and went about coming back to my body and rolling back out again. Unlike the last one, the time of day seemed to be right this time. Some of the posters and other stuff on the right side of my room were missing and there seemed to be some sort of air vent by the ceiling where there isn't one. I decided that I should try to do some stuff to verify the experience so I went downstairs and looked under couch cusions. I found a red string and a blade of grass (turns out these werent there, though there was a blue rubber band under the one where the red string was) after that i got pulled back but came back out again, oddly some girl who looked kinda like this one girl I almost wne tout with was sitting near my bed, I touched her but got no reaction so I went on to what I was doing. I tried to go over to the area I went by in the last projection, my idea was to go into some of the shops there and see how similar they looked to the real world places. But I had a bit of trouble doing this, for one when I tried to fly there I fell back down after going about 20 ft. Also some sort of dream element version of my mom kept trying to stop me, lastly the ground seemed to tilt upwards when i tried run there at first but by concentrating I made it go back to normal. When I did get there almost none of the shops were the same I mean the building subway was in seemed to have some sort of bar in it and another place was selling swords. So I'm wondering if there's a way to cut down the amount of dream elements as it makes it more difficult to tell whats going on. I havent had time to get to the part of the program dealing with conciously induced projections, maybe those work better?

26th August 2010, 03:12 PM
Where exactly in the program are you?

26th August 2010, 04:57 PM
I'm in the mind taming section, I would be alot further, but with work and other things going on I haven't really had much time to move ahead in the book.

26th August 2010, 05:44 PM
Then keep working it- when you achieve a conscious projection (which is the goal of the program) the exit will be to the RTZ, and the environment will be stable.