View Full Version : About energies and environment, blockages?

26th August 2010, 02:02 AM
Hello everyone,

I don't really know if this is in the right forum, but rest assured that the end of this text is about OBEs. I am writing a big text, because I believe that I have other unanswered questions that could help me in my OBE quest. For some reason, I just felt the need to write that text.

There I am, very surprised by the last discovery I have made. I moved recently to an house I bought, not too far from the city. When still living in the city, I realized with a lot of introspection that my energies were affected by my environment. I actually knew that there was a problem two years ago, when I got involved in the whole isochronic scene. I became more conscious of what's really good for me, compared to the popular belief I was constantly exposed.

That really helped with some health issues, for example, I am young and I didn't understand why I was so tired almost every time. Binaurals and Isochronic really helped to stabilize my sleep pattern. I was also feeling more energetic during the day and well, I got a promotion at work a few months after. The tones were not the cause, but it is mostly because I wasn't sleeping anymore at work (lol).

A few years later, I continued my quest and I discovered the Chakras and how bio energy works. I'm still not a master, but I understand most of the concepts. I'm that theory guy, I like to read and then experiment. I kind of stopped until something really really weird happened to me.

I really don't know if that weird thing is related to me or is something coming from, let's say, the astral plane. I feel guided by "something" or "someone", and if I look closely I can see many sings in my waking life. It happened too many times just to be a coincidence.. For example, I was driving fast and I noticed a weird and very unusual noise coming out of my car's dash. Didn't really know what it was, I slowed down a little bit, and a few kilometers after I saw the cops that were arresting random speeding people (that never happened before OR after when speeding). I have many other examples that I will skip. Another thing, would be me always noticing weird times like 11:11 (most of the time), 3:33, 4:44..etc. and the weirdest thing being that that guidance..or intuition.. has been very helpful and brought me new opportunities. I really feel like there's a path in front of me...that I can't see but I know it's there.

I suspect these behaviors to be caused by the chakras. I'm not sure though, and that has always been a mystery for me. Now being outside the city, I have more focus and energy. I have much more motivation, ambition and intuition. For some reason, I just feel like the energy is there and just needs to be focused on the right things.

I started OBEs yesterday, well, I tried to start OBEs. It's not an easy task, and well, I was surprised to know that I was partly already doing the method without knowing it. I think I'm going too fast though, because I cannot control the energy surges in my body (read in chapter 8 ). In less than 15 minutes, I feel A LOT of pressure on my belly, then on my chest and then, well, I am aroused for some reason. Apparently this is due to energy blockages, the chakras being very blocked (explained by RB in his article). Yesterday the surge was quite intense, like, so intense that I had to stop because I was under the impression that something in my chest would blow up like a bomb. Incidentally, I noticed that my chest and my head were lifted in the air, in a strange position (one that requires you quite a lot of effort).

Today, I stopped before it happen, and I noticed that the blockages occur at three different places. I try to picture the energy flowing into my body, but that is quite hard. I lose focus, and I have hard time keeping focus on these things.

Any suggestions? ...and any comments about my story?

Big thanks everyone


26th August 2010, 02:32 AM
A few comments-
Usually when you start doing the type of meditative work that includes entrainment, what you are doing is bringing the conscious mind to your previously unconscious state- so that things that were unnoticed become more apparent- you could say that you are becoming more conscious of your part of the collective mind- you are bringing consciousness into the experience- and become more aware of the connection to everything- so things like synchronicities become more obvious- because the collective mind is now acting more directly in your mind- showing you what's there and now you notice. Like you're 'tuned into' the collective unconscious.

As to blockages, everyone has them on and off, and eventually they resolve.
Also, when you are attempting an OBE using exit techniques, the pressure you put on your energy body will be felt in the chakras- I was telling someone else that when you start projecting consciously, for some reason, the first experiences involve the heart chakra- sometimes intensely and even loudly- so do not be concerned- this is actually normal, and the exits eventually smooth out- after a while they smooth out too much, in fact.

26th August 2010, 11:45 AM
A few comments-
Usually when you start doing the type of meditative work that includes entrainment, what you are doing is bringing the conscious mind to your previously unconscious state- so that things that were unnoticed become more apparent- you could say that you are becoming more conscious of your part of the collective mind- you are bringing consciousness into the experience- and become more aware of the connection to everything- so things like synchronicities become more obvious- because the collective mind is now acting more directly in your mind- showing you what's there and now you notice. Like you're 'tuned into' the collective unconscious.

As to blockages, everyone has them on and off, and eventually they resolve.
Also, when you are attempting an OBE using exit techniques, the pressure you put on your energy body will be felt in the chakras- I was telling someone else that when you start projecting consciously, for some reason, the first experiences resting toinvolve the heart chakra- sometimes intensely and even loudly- so do not be concerned- this is actually normal, and the exits eventually smooth out- after a while they smooth out too much, in fact.

It is quite interesting to see that many changes are undergoing! This is more feeling like a relief, though I noticed that I took a lot of weight in the city (non-friendly environment).

Still, I read many warnings about chakras, if you don't open them correctly, they apparently can be very damageable to your life (anxiety, depression, anger management problems). Do you have any tips on chakra opening, knowing the fact hat I really have a tendency to burn steps (go too fast)?

And thank you for your reply, it is appreciated. I wish I had more time in my life to work my energies, but like we say, slowly but surely.



26th August 2010, 01:52 PM
Hi. There are a few 'guidelines' for chakra opening (I prefer stimulating, as I don't see them as 'doors' or 'flowers', just 'energy centers') but I see the utility of the visual of a flower opening.
The major guideline for chakra work would be this: Try to stimulate your secondary centers first, to begin optimal chi flow (secondary centers being the 'inside' of your whole body), starting at the feet, legs, torso, hands, arms and head- in general stimulation, such as tactile awareness or color visualizations (I prefer tactile awareness because I feel more than visualize)- and then work each chakra from the bottom up, starting at the base, and going up, leaving the third eye and crown for last.

If you have been stimulating everything equally, chances are you should be balanced enough not to have any of the nasty side effects of a too-active brow center- headaches, and thinking problems (as you mentioned).

27th August 2010, 04:14 PM
Hello and thanks,

I noticed that I am having hard time to reach the perfect state mostly because of my consciousness. It appear that my mind really insists on being lucid during that period, that it doesn't want to release the energy from the body. A kind of "hey, you are drifting away buddy, here's the right track". I feel like my mind doesn't want to let go physical reality; not because of fear.

I really know my mind well though, and it really feels like it's always on top of things. Like a command center of my physical reality, like it is managing everything, thinking about everything and keeps me awake, lucid. I do feel on control though, because I feel being "one" with it.

Letting the energy flow is a little bit easier now, but I still have a lot of practice to do!

Any helpful tips?

27th August 2010, 06:07 PM
Don't worry, with practice you'll be able to control where your mind gets free rein and where you want it to stay lucid, and then you'll teach it to follow the perceptions instead of the other way around.

27th August 2010, 08:38 PM

Well that's pretty much about it, you have answered all my questions and possibly questions that newbies may have too!

You were very very helpful, talk to you again on the forum!


27th August 2010, 09:52 PM

1st October 2010, 02:17 AM
Hi. There are a few 'guidelines' for chakra opening (I prefer stimulating, as I don't see them as 'doors' or 'flowers', just 'energy centers') but I see the utility of the visual of a flower opening.
The major guideline for chakra work would be this: Try to stimulate your secondary centers first, to begin optimal chi flow (secondary centers being the 'inside' of your whole body), starting at the feet, legs, torso, hands, arms and head- in general stimulation, such as tactile awareness or color visualizations (I prefer tactile awareness because I feel more than visualize)- and then work each chakra from the bottom up, starting at the base, and going up, leaving the third eye and crown for last.

If you have been stimulating everything equally, chances are you should be balanced enough not to have any of the nasty side effects of a too-active brow center- headaches, and thinking problems (as you mentioned).

I have a question for you CFtraveler, regarding your last sentance here. I have had a noticably active brow since i was a yound child, and over my life it has gotten more active. I frequently get migraines of all sorts that started when i was like 11, well after i noticed the activity. So i kinda make a connection there with increasing brow activity, and progressively worse migraines. recently i had one that was one of the worst i've had, and in the two or so weeks since i've had significant activity, aura sight, and increased awareness. the frequency of migraines for me have lessened, but when they do strike they are complely crippling. this has been going on long enough that i doubt its anything life threatening, and i kinda just accept the migraines as part of my life(except for when they are happening lol)

i am thinking maybe to much is being stored there, so pressure builds until it can't hold anymore and kinda explodes? i dunno, but i can always feel that pressure with in a day or two of a migraine. i made a post recently about the activity but i didn't make the connection to migraines till now

1st October 2010, 02:03 PM
Well, from a physical standpoint migraines have many causes; hormone activity, poor eyesight, sinus, even muscle strain, not to mention other things like vascular changes and scary stuff like head tumors and the like. So of course, if being a cerebral kind of person, you spend 12 hours a day reading, chances are you will get a headache, not only from eyestrain, but also from neck muscles stuck at the same position.
I know this happens to me when I read for long periods of time (and when I get into a book I will read it all the time, until my eyes give out or my family wants attention.)
But there is another type of headache, that I get from doing energy work on my brow, which gives me a headache, because I'm the type of person who tends to overthink things, and go into the conceptual frame of reference most of the time, even if I don't articulate myself in that way.

If your headaches are associated with too much activity, they can cause strain, because of the increase in circulation in the area- I don't think the problem is 'storage', because we don't really know how information is stored, or where, etc.- but if you think of the chakras as interfaces, the stimulation/activity can reflect back to the physical, causing discomfort.
Of course, this is my opinion.