View Full Version : A Question Regarding Kundalini

21st August 2010, 07:10 PM
I've been K-active for a couple years now. Overwhelmingly, this energy has been the greatest blessing in my life. I can say that I have become a completely different person now; all for the better.

One thing that has been present since the beginning is an almost complete loss of sex drive. For some reason, it doesn't even concern me that much. But I have to ask; what is a reason for this? Does it come back eventually? I know almost everyone will have a different experience with this, but I'm yet to come across someone online or elswewhere who has had a similar dramatic reduction in sex drive. My suspicion is that the energy has been re-directed. Still, I would really appreciate your professional opinion.

Robert Bruce
16th September 2010, 01:05 PM

I have only known a couple of people over the years who, through Kundalini, experienced a loss of libido.

Your libido will most likely return to above normal, once your energy body adjusts.

A healthy lifestyle will help with this.

If this goes on for too long, you might like to see a health professional and get some tests done.

Its always good to cover your bases.
