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19th August 2010, 11:46 PM
Hi Robert

you describe in your book (I refer to the first edition now) you were kind of healed from a curse or similar by a spirit in (if I remember right) a priest's robe.

On the other hand, you generally state that you do not believe you have a personal guide, at least no one has showed up so far. Who was this guy then? (And couldn't it be that since you are a spiritually highly evolved person, that your guide just knows that you don't need help cuz you "find your own way" well without him/her?)

Also, you occasionally recommended consulting Shamans for spritual help, protection or healing. Shamans do have "power animals" they refer to as friends and spiritual helpers. Aren't these power animals guides, too, in a way?

Thanks and best wishes

Robert Bruce
17th September 2010, 05:42 AM

My jury is still out on the guide thing.

Some spirits are helpful, yes. And some people work with spirits that are helpful, yes.

But I do not know if everyone has a personal guide or not. In my experience, this seems illogical and unlikely so far. But I am open on this matter.

If you have not already read it, you might like to read my Catch Basket Concept


This explains where I am coming from...personal experience only. This is incredibly important, that I do not 'choose' my beliefs but live them.
