View Full Version : On stage with the band

13th August 2010, 01:37 PM
I was to play with some well-known band that played a small gig, I guess as a standin. The "stage" was actually in somebody's living room. I don't remember what instrument I played or the others. But I remember that I think we were three altogether, and our bandleader was bald with a ring of white hair remaining.

I also don't remember ever looking at the audience, I was focussing so much on what I was doing. I don't remember the music, but it seemed to be complex, like progressive rock, for example. The others didn't need focus as hard, but they were skillful and precise. They were certainly not doing less just because it was just a small gig, the played with the same serious attitude. I remember looking at them, thinking that I was playing with them maybe an 8 minute piece, and it took all my concentration. I admired them for how they could do that for two hours, precise and concentrated.

After the number finished, the bandleader dried himself with a towel, threw it in the air and it landed on my shoulder. And I was like "Erm, okay, thanks..." and we went off-stage for a break. I remembered that we had made breaks the nights before as well - how odd. It was even odder knowing that, waking up, that I remembered previous gigs.

We went back to our "backstage room." I had prepared something on the computer before we went on-stage, the "WinAmp" MP3 player program I use was still open. The guys thanked me for what I did.

I woke up.

In hindsight it was so odd to think that I played music but cannot remember music, lyrics, holding an instrument. Or the well-known band - I don't know them. I was wondering if the piece we played was from Yes - simply for the length and how complex the task felt. However, three people could not reproduce most any progressive rock piece. I also thought about the Mahavishnu Orchestra - same problem. But it felt like this level of musicianship, anyway. As a musician I am not even close to being able to play at that level, anyway.

As I tried to make sense of this I remembered that Charles told me once that music was the closest thing to "energy transformations in nonphysical reality." The mindset of a musician can also be likened to a meditator or energy worker - one-pointed focus is important, the skill that comes with repetition, etc. So I may have taken part in some kind of focussed group energy work with two more experienced beings - the symbolism of the band leader seems to indicate that. He's guiding the exercise (leader), he was older but didn't look old, he had this energy and vivid flair of somebody who ages well and retains his vitality. He symbolised experience. There was also a rather explicit comparison of the skill/focus (2 hours vs. 8 minutes :oops: :lol: ).

It was so odd to remember having done this the nights before. Guess I got it right last night.

The thing about the towel was also odd - he did not seem to "throw in the towel" (which I thought of first), so I wonder what this was about?


13th August 2010, 03:39 PM
(This is not dream interpretation, more like the impression I got)
I think you projected into a band that was practicing (the description sounds like Crosby to me?) and recalled past practices because you were accessing his memories at that moment, and the interpretation part would be why you chose this specific group and person- the resonance thing.
Or, in other words, your energy body was resonating with a specific 'frequency' which was the same 'frequency' he was/they were in, and you tapped into it at that time.

13th August 2010, 04:10 PM
I have to think about that. :)


14th August 2010, 02:31 AM
Thanks for dreaming about me, Korpo, brings back great memories. :love:


14th August 2010, 11:56 AM


14th August 2010, 12:20 PM
I've had a band since I was 14 years old. I think the piece you were involved with was 'Quilt'; a 13 minute patchwork of high energy music. My brother promised to never listen to in in the car again because he got a ticket for speeding. :lol:

You're tapped in, we're all getting that way. It'll be fun. :mrgreen:

14th August 2010, 12:24 PM
Would you PM me a link to listen to that piece, hm?


14th August 2010, 12:33 PM
I hope I still have it. Part of my 'dark night' was destroying my music. :(

I'll see, I think my daughter might have it.