View Full Version : The origin of occult knowledge

13th August 2010, 04:58 AM
Hello. I'm new to the forum, and equally new to the techniques described herein. I have a question I want to ask out of pure curiosity, and I hope my ignorance is well-tolerated.

When a statement is made that a certain chakra is a certain color, or that energy techniques effect the etheric body (I understand there are also supposed to be a number of other types of bodies) where does this knowledge originate? Are there people who are able to see it directly, or is it perhaps from old eastern customs? How many of these things do the many practitioners experience themselves, and how many of them are learned from a book?

Thank you for your time and patience, and thank you for helping me understand what's being discussed in these forums.

13th August 2010, 06:42 AM
The techniques, meditation and energy work, among other things are based in alot of eastern tradition, but does not stick solely to that. some techniques are read from a book, and some are created, or learned in other ways. It is all actually experienced, and not only feels absolutely real, but at some times seems 'more' than real if that makes any sense.

13th August 2010, 06:44 AM
Alright. So, for a specific example: Are people today able to see chakras, or the color of them, or is this something that's solely handed down?

13th August 2010, 07:11 AM
Wikipedia's got a pretty interesting page on the topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra

Some of the current Western concepts dealing with this are more recent. There was a lot of theosophical influence in the 19th century, for example.

Personally, I've always seen the chakra idea as a very useful abstract model to describe something. I don't really take it literally, though (I sometimes use terminology that refers to this or that chakra, because it's easier to use known terms than just try to make it up every time). I know that a lot of people take the chakra model quite literally, but I don't.

13th August 2010, 08:45 AM
Thank you.

13th August 2010, 01:59 PM
well...light originates from sound, or light would sympathetically arise as answer upon sound's call.


light as colors, each significant color is relative to a tone/frequency/resonance; such as to set the whole into perspective, blue is G is throat is sol is center is axis, for from throat are all tones resonated in the formulation of speech/song/chanting...vowels, before the mouth variably adds consonantal definitiveness. the origin/vowel is the real agency of power, given the intent via tone. added to that, the consonants give dualistically to the (neutral) power whatever admixture of soft/hard, blunt/sharp...etc, meaning, which may doubly harm of may in oneness heal (harm/passive -> heal/assertive/laeh <- aggressive/mrah)

in this human scope we are all the same, a sameness wherefrom we each uniquely express our given individuality. one source (same)>>>unique individuals (different)

just as an oak tree is to me as it is to you, and cannot be argued as being a maple tree by any one.

the occult sciences did not come with this, they ripped it off from the 'east', translating materials with which they had no reasoning experience from which to translate, where in the east this human scope having been so ancient as to have no memorable reference as to it's beginning.

perhaps the best cross definition would be: Ancient of Days = God

this is why that even if all the materials were to disappear from the face of our present human knowing/scope, that these truths would arise again and again from out of nowhere, that nowhere being from within an awakened human becoming/being self actualized; for this is what a human is as preconceived being, and wherefrom we humanly conceive our co-World of individual worlds (povs).

therefore, what is 'ancient of days=god' is ever present, eternal isness, now; and only through what is preconceived human is it conceivable, even while remaining incomprehensible as 'god/endless source' preconceiving our 'co' and individual isness.

this pretty much means that within each is 'ancient of days=god', whether you know and understand it or not.

my penny on it,


13th August 2010, 02:15 PM
Thank you, Tim. I'm afraid I didn't follow all of that, but I believe I got the gist. The knowledge is ancient, and if it were to disappear it would come back, because there is truth to it? Am I right?

13th August 2010, 02:19 PM
a note on chakras. i have seen one of mine, which was the crown chakra. it was emiting a white light, which is one of the colors associated with it. it could possibly be just what my expectation was, tho i didn't expect to see anything.

13th August 2010, 02:26 PM
Interesting. I have to assume this was during an out of body experience? Just because it's hard to see the crown of one's own head otherwise.

13th August 2010, 03:00 PM
i suppose that 'occult' means 'hidden', and in that respect 'occult' is a worthy word, as it is that this 'all' is hidden within each to awaken to. however, what we see today as secret occult initiatory societys, is what imho is folly.

13th August 2010, 03:03 PM
Thank you, Tim. I'm afraid I didn't follow all of that, but I believe I got the gist. The knowledge is ancient, and if it were to disappear it would come back, because there is truth to it? Am I right?

truth to it? nah

truth is within each of us as us? yes

we are 'it'


13th August 2010, 04:00 PM
I didn't read all the posts because my eyes hurt, so I'll just put in my two cents, based on personal observation and the reading of many articles on the energy body.
I think that I agree with CW (or have traditionally) until I was in deep meditation and saw actual glowy things where the chakras are classically represented.
Now, whether the 'glowy things' have anything to do with everything that has been written about them, I'm not sure- but I'm convinced the colors associated with them are just symbolic assignment according to the chromatic scale, the bottom ones being assigned longer wavelength light (low f) and going up as you reach the higher chakras.
Now, it's entirely possible that ancient eastern religion associated these colors because of their own clairvoyance, or simply associated them because they 'made sense'.
Either way, it's kind of already a given when it comes down to cultural conditioning.

13th August 2010, 04:46 PM
Traveler, thanks for your input. I suppose, like the origin of words, tracking down ancient knowledge can fall somewhere between tricky and impossible.

13th August 2010, 04:50 PM
You betcha.

13th August 2010, 04:56 PM
We're obviously logged on at the same time. I can tell this because checking my email it a little like walking on a treadmill.

Ta ta for now.

13th August 2010, 05:08 PM
Ha ha don't worry, you don't have to jog longer, I'm on my way out.

13th August 2010, 09:14 PM
Interesting. I have to assume this was during an out of body experience? Just because it's hard to see the crown of one's own head otherwise.

it was actually during a deep meditation, bordering on entering a trance. i was doing energy work and it started to glow white. although it was not an out of body experience i was able to direct my focus upwards and see a good portion of it, and it probably helped to see it being that when it did "light up" the light from it spread around my body almost like a shell or cacoon. i could feel it on the top of my head, though, when looking at it it was actually located a few inches above the top of my head.

I agree that alot of it is ancient knowledge, how ever, like tim said it is a truth that resides in all of us, and even if concious knowledge of such things disappeared, it would re-emerge. growing up I practiced meditation because i knew that buddhists, taoist, and shaolin monks did it(i've always had great respect for them) but i had no idea of energy work or anything else but i managed to learn a good amount of it on my own. it wasn't until later on that my experiences were labeled when i actually researched and studied up on various techniques and the like.

13th August 2010, 09:52 PM
So, you practiced energy work before you ever learned about it?

14th August 2010, 02:53 AM
i started meditating when i was 9 or 10, and was doing energy work with in two or so years after that. wasn't very good at it then tho, haha. had my first concious obe when i was 13.

14th August 2010, 03:47 AM
Were you expecting the OBE? As in, did you know that it was something that might happen, or were you trying for it?

14th August 2010, 05:39 AM
i was trying for it. i had read about it a couple months before, and had been trying for a month or so. i had probably 6 or 7 over the next few months, than none for years until i started getting them randomly when falling asleep or just resting. when i was 13 is about when i started to read up on this stuff.

14th August 2010, 09:32 AM
Hello. I'm new to the forum, and equally new to the techniques described herein. I have a question I want to ask out of pure curiosity, and I hope my ignorance is well-tolerated.

When a statement is made that a certain chakra is a certain color, or that energy techniques effect the etheric body (I understand there are also supposed to be a number of other types of bodies) where does this knowledge originate? Are there people who are able to see it directly, or is it perhaps from old eastern customs? How many of these things do the many practitioners experience themselves, and how many of them are learned from a book?

Thank you for your time and patience, and thank you for helping me understand what's being discussed in these forums.

I think the different colors are metaphors with the function of creating an idea of a root concept, from which the unique individual may start developing his own image of reality based on experience.

The only real knowledge of things comes from experiencing them, so there’s no real point in accepting anything you hear from others as real. Although we already posess all the knowledge we need, you have to start acessing it, and it seems colors and sound are simple enough as keys for this.

My two cents.


14th August 2010, 12:45 PM
yeah, what F2A just said. cool beans 8)

Aunt Clair
27th August 2010, 10:17 AM
Occult wisdoms have been attained by mystics in meditative trance visions, projections and dreamstate lessons, since ancient times. The Vedic Texts are one ancient source, there are occult wisdoms in other sacred scriptures, apocrypha and esoteric texts.

Before humans could write , cosmological understandings were depicted in ancient art and passed down through oral tradition.

Chakras, nadis and kundalini are in ancient Vedic texts. In the Torah and in the Holy Bible these are called the 7 golden lamps. The Tree of Life and the Biblical Emerald Tablet are in Abrahamic texts also but these are preceded by other ancient cultures; Sumer, Babylon, Egypt et cetera.

Magicians traditionally read occult works and seek confirmation by going straight to the source by replication , projection, meditation, et cetera.

Chakras have been clairiently percieved by many and can be clairvoyantly viewed by some mystics.

Chakras are not flat , these are spheroid energy structures nested upon the spine like beads on a string.

These are the colour of the rainbow in a contemporary basal human because the divine universal white light enters the human energy body and fractures splitting the light to create a prismatic effect demonstrating the spectrum of visible light.

However, the number and colour of chakras continue to evolve as the human spiritually evolves and the human energy body develops over generations.

And with nested auric layers the colours of the chakras appear differently as if looking through layers of coloured filters. Geometric patterns can appear when looking down through coloured auric eggs .

It is possible to project into the body and see the colour of a chakra or to view it through the skin. This is accomplished with clairvoyant vision in trance in dim light . Chakras can be seen in remote vision.

It is much easier to see the chakras during certain alchemical stages. If the energy body colours up blue or black then the chakra lights can be occluded.

I offer free energy body readings through Skype with a mic if you would like to know what your energy structures look like now and how they are progressing a month from now . I can teach some to see these structures themselves. Anyone can develop clairvoyance through deliberate practice and dedication ie daily meditation and daily energy work. Clairvoyant vision works best in dim light.

27th August 2010, 04:05 PM
Aunt Clair, you seem to be either well read or very experienced. I may take you up on that auric reading, I just need to find a private room. In this house, that is actually more of a challenge than it sounds.

I was going to post something as a new topic, but I might as well as you first, since you seem to know a lot about this stuff. I've recently mentioned this problem in my blog.

The colors, red through violet, are a part of an electromagnetic spectrum that continues, invisibly, in both directions. Therefore, if we have a chakra that corresponds with each color in the spectrum, do we have any chakras that correlate with parts of the infra-red or ultraviolet spectrums, or x-ray, etc. Would this be something that someone could tell through clairvoyant sight?

Thanks for your reply.

27th August 2010, 09:51 PM
the electromagnetic spectrum goes far beyond the visible and known invisible frequencies. as do our own frequencies, so there are 'colors' of energy that we can synchronize our own energy to and percieve. the frequencies of our chakras are closer to the physical energy frequencies, like our body. the further the energy is from the usual visible frequency, the less association it will have with things in those frequencies, so there would be no physical association as the 7 chakras have. but parts of us do have association with those frequencies, and shifting your awareness to them.

27th August 2010, 11:32 PM
So, baalixan, could I paraphrase your statement as follows?

Because the 7 colors are the physical part of the EM spectrum, they are associated with the physical aspect of us, which is our bodies.

Does that sound right?

28th August 2010, 12:34 AM
Hello. I'm new to the forum, and equally new to the techniques described herein. I have a question I want to ask out of pure curiosity, and I hope my ignorance is well-tolerated.

When a statement is made that a certain chakra is a certain color, or that energy techniques effect the etheric body (I understand there are also supposed to be a number of other types of bodies) where does this knowledge originate? Are there people who are able to see it directly, or is it perhaps from old eastern customs? How many of these things do the many practitioners experience themselves, and how many of them are learned from a book?

Thank you for your time and patience, and thank you for helping me understand what's being discussed in these forums.

At this point I've seen a few chakras and experienced different energetic and mental effects from working with them and the different etheric bodies.
Also, I tend to throw terms out the window and talk as simply as possible since not everyone experiences these things the same way, and from time to time i've run across people who have different "set-ups"
It isn't easy to use the 'one-glove-fits-all' approach. No problemo, though.

I suppose you wish to try and sense these things? I'd suggest reading Glenn Morris and trying his meditation techniques for a few weeks to a couple months, but everyone needs to do their own thing. I can't say for sure what will work best for you, peace.

28th August 2010, 01:21 AM
that is exactly what i mean PS. and the further off either end of the visible spectrum u get the further u get from our physical bodies spectrum, and into higher(or lower however u look at it) parts of our self

Aunt Clair
28th August 2010, 01:54 AM
The colors, red through violet, are a part of an electromagnetic spectrum that continues, invisibly, in both directions. Therefore, if we have a chakra that corresponds with each color in the spectrum, do we have any chakras that correlate with parts of the infra-red or ultraviolet spectrums, or x-ray, etc. Would this be something that someone could tell through clairvoyant sight?

Thanks for your reply.

The basal human energy body begins with 7 chakras but the magician can develop beyond the 7 spinal column chakras through dedication , meditation , projection, energy work , et cetera. The chakras that manifest between 2 of the rainbow colours of the EMR visible light band are logical progressions
-------violet + indigo
-------indigo blue
--------yellow orange
--------orange red
-------red+ rose

The spine which is the Tree of Life begins to bud to the rear then to the left and right and then the front. The undulating spiral begins to resemble a double helix .

There are colours that can be perceived beyond the visible band of light using clairvoyance including a sort of heat vision. But it makes sense that there would be colours we are still unable to see with clairvoyant sight.

There are chakras above and below the body perhaps these are below infrared and above ultraviolet in nature .

28th August 2010, 01:55 AM
that is exactly what i mean PS. and the further off either end of the visible spectrum u get the further u get from our physical bodies spectrum, and into higher(or lower however u look at it) parts of our self

good stuff right there.

i would go further on this to say that on an horizontal outlook that chakras align with colors upon the spectrum, and that for our understanding they are within our visible field, and that the alignement is responsible for our visual spectrum, even as our conscious modality.

but, if we are looking upon a vertical axis running through at emergent 'blue', we may see that there are spectral fields (10, 5|5) layered much like would be rounded plates where each one upward of the preceding is smaller progressively.

this is a stepped look at it, like the pyramid which steps upward, whereupon would be you stepping up/down one field at a time. this does not change the human visible spectrum via chakra alignments, because the stepped inward direction toward the top of the pyramid is as say red and orange at each step, regardless of field at any horizontal level.

sounds confusing, but it dictates that the human consciousness, et all, is in exact image of what we might call god consciousness, these two as one bearing no dissimularities whatso ever.

blue ever remains axially up to the disapearance of blue above a vertically throated sounding which would as an voice reach out from axis creative of no different than an echo effect creative of myriad outreaching voices, seeming real, yet merely as echo, or the sounding of a whale into the depths for a read on gridded terrain effectually there merely because of voice sending and echo/s returning.

the question here is, what is really real? answer being, that as a whole primarily and individually 'real' as any would sense 'real' as to be. primary = an oak tree is an oak tree, inarguably so.

however, above the throated top end is the head of which proves that even before the throat would voice is the preparatory thought which raise consciousness up and out from center, even as a voice would fill the void for echo's returning effect as feedback gifting visual perception.

thought>voice/sound>color/vivid visual

damn hard to describe it, or us, as it were. this is why we need not see behind ourselves, because we can hear first and foremost, it being closer to thoughted response, ergo to quicker reaction. seeing then, as that which stands before us is secondary to hearing, though it is everybit what gives to our conscious presense vivid life, touch, taste, smell; to see an orange is to instantly call up the touch, taste, and smell of an orange anticipatetingly. one cannot hear an orange.

however, if blindfolded, hearing amps up touch, taste and smell; simply because sight can not anticipate arrivals standing before recognition.

on and on, yada yada yada. all this has everybit to do with our being, each and everyone, as a body of integral oneness; and as such is the origin of occult knowledge, origin being very 'us' expressively of our consciousness, image in and of IMAGE.

rough perhaps, and in need of cleaning up, but if god consciousness were that which within a seed is, then human is everybit that seed burst in and of creation as both rootedness and plantedness, both reaches as our perceptive hellward and heavenward, while we consciously remain to be and do within the midst or our burst just as is god consciousness in the midst of the seed.

what is concealed is exactly that which revealed, whereas burst and seeded concealment are one and the same, however it is that human is the revealing burst of what is god concealed. this means that god is not heavenward, but rather is inward; and hell and heaven merely reflect from the centrality of our midst bursting that which from us is ours as reflective beingness via being consciously projective of worldly wonder.

futhermore, whatever beingness resides above and below in this burstedness is 'us' everybit to realize, accept and integrate, everybit functionally there because we alone sense it as such, echoing voices in and of our bursted outreach.

all that is (worlds/kingdoms) serves mankind as creational revealment; man, or human, serving god consciousness as that which from seeded concealment would be revealed in the bursted image of that IMAGE incomprehensibly hidden within the seed form.


before god would utter ary bit, would god's thought brood over it as horns blowing anticipantly of god's spoken voice saying, "let there be light". so to say, that before man saw to see, creation everybit was finished to completion in the sounding of thoughts blaring dark terrained fields of expression. therefore with bursting sight does man lay eyes upon creation seeing it everybit as 'real', or reality/s.


28th August 2010, 02:04 AM
i have the tree of life tattood on my back between my shoulder blades hehe:)