View Full Version : Swaying sensation during meditation

11th August 2010, 10:07 AM
Hi :) i just started meditation because i want to have more out of body experiences, but when i have relaxed for about 5 minutes i begin to feel a swaying sensation, not as if my whole body is swaying, it is more like i am swaying internally, it does not feel as the vibrations you feel when separating from your body. The swaying makes it hard for me to focus on the out of body technique that i use, therefore i was wondering whether i should take advantage of the swaying sensation, and focus on this feeling to induce an out of body experience? Could this be a technique for inducing out of body experiences?

11th August 2010, 11:47 AM
Hello, Kralafrap.

It might be useful for an exit technique. Try observing the swaying, see what happens.

It might be that the swaying is feedback from your energy body. Observing it and maybe experimenting with it might lead to exit sensations, in the least it should acquaint you with the feel of your etheric body, I guess.


11th August 2010, 02:59 PM
I agree- forget 'body techniques' and try to go with what your energy body is doing.

11th August 2010, 03:25 PM
when we are hurting we sway. the hurt within any one person is an unknown accumulative quantity, body of memory. it is not irregular for this hurt to respond as swaying. just be with it, lovingly witness it's feeling way out. you don't have to share the same emotion/s, you don't have to be 'it' or any part of it, all over again in it's immense accumulative body. let it go as it sees to go, through you meditating.

this is where you are headed if staying on this meditative course....

so, don't be afraid of it, it is just unspent expressive energy bodied together, and in a backwards way, it would seem as if you are birthing an unnatural body of, yet, through this are you birthed in having let go of that which is not presently you, and which not as you had accumulated to toxic levels, almost to say that it seemed as if it were trying to possess you in some great spiritual battle within.

you cannot be defeated, but the hell can be scared out of you, as it should be scared out of you, if indeed you are not prepared to peacefully let it go from you pretensively being some egoic anti-hero trying to delusionally whip ass your way within.

tis all it is, in that it is not you, and should be surrendered over as such, not yours for the keeping.


11th August 2010, 05:07 PM
This is my favorite OBE technique, motion and swaying. But I practice it as I fall asleep whatever night I want to AP. If I just meditate during the day, it won`t initiate an exit, because I am too awake. The trick is to do any OBE techniques before you fall asleep and hold as long as you can these thoughts as you fall asleep. Per my own experiences sometime during the night I am awaken by the vibes, and from there it`s easy, just imagine yourself that you are getting up or standing next to you bed and you will find yourself in the astral. For me is hard to exit from a meditative state, because it does not matter how deep the meditation gets, you brain waves are still very active. I experience sensations, visions, sounds, even vibes, but not enough to exit. Only when I in a sleep phase I am able to project. I have heard many people having trouble projecting by doing various techniques, but the key is during what time of the day do you practice them? If you intend to take a nap at noon, that works too, as long as you will let yourself to fall asleep after at least 15 minutes of any technique practicing. And don`t forget, that for most people it takes at least three weeks of consistent practice, before your energy body raises its frequency enough to handle a conscious AP experience.

11th August 2010, 05:53 PM
Thank you for the replies

Tim: So what you are saying is that i am sort of possessed by the devill? But what you say does not make any sense, first you say "it is just unspent expressive energy bodied together" and then "but the hell can be scared out of you" first it is just unspent energy and then i am possessed by the devil... come on... :lol:

LightBeam: I have just started to practice before bed with affirmation and visualization (described in William buhlman's book). I have had one conscious OBE. one morning i started to feel vibrations and i just went with it... without even doing any technique. I know that a lot of people say that you have to practice NEW for some time to get a conscious exit (placebo effect?), but i do not really believe in the unseen energy, neither do i believe that OBE's exists in another dimension or that they are something paranormal, i just like explore :)

11th August 2010, 06:17 PM
Well, sometimes OBEs happens spontaneously without intensionally doing any techniques, simply triggered b y inner emotions, subconscious shift of energies, etc. That has happened to me before I even knew about AP, and later on I was able to identify my experience when I learned more about the multidimensional universe. However, if you would like to master the experience and have OBEs on a regular basis, most people need to practice the energy shifting techniques frequently in the right way.

11th August 2010, 07:54 PM
Thank you for the replies

Tim: So what you are saying is that i am sort of possessed by the devill? But what you say does not make any sense, first you say "it is just unspent expressive energy bodied together" and then "but the hell can be scared out of you" first it is just unspent energy and then i am possessed by the devil... come on... :lol:

Please don't mind what Tim says, as he likes to wax philosophical and doesn't always follow your meaning of the question as asked- he is referring to figurative swaying to circumstances in life in general, and not to the question about how the energy body is acting in regards to OBE.

12th August 2010, 11:35 AM
Thank you for the replies

Tim: So what you are saying is that i am sort of possessed by the devill? But what you say does not make any sense, first you say "it is just unspent expressive energy bodied together" and then "but the hell can be scared out of you" first it is just unspent energy and then i am possessed by the devil... come on... :lol:

yeah, what CFT said. :wink:

25th August 2010, 03:16 PM
Just re swaying.

This has been a common experience and when I sense that I am swaying, not so much to be noticed physically probably, but 'within' I am encouraged. I understand it as a centering sympton. I've concluded from my experiences that the projection, or dive into the astral requires both hemispheres of the brain to be in synch - centered. I test this desired condition by shifting my focus from one eye to the other. If it makes no difference in what I'm 'seeing' then I'm centered and the stage is set.

My take for whatever 8) :)
