View Full Version : Correlation: 2 types of vibrations --> 2 types of OBEs?

9th August 2010, 11:47 PM
So far, I had two kinds of OBEs/Projections that correlate exactly with the vibrations I had for them:

The RTZ/Etheric Projection / OBE, it was induced from a Lucid Dream when flying and realising I was dreaming.
The vibrations I had weren't vibrations though, they were jolts and shocks moving wavelike though my torso. Almost a bit "orgasmic", but without the good feeling. :mrgreen:
I did not have any fear and accepted it like it is (strangely, as many people talk about fear and hearts racing, not the case for me).
That was, however, last year in autumn, it is long ago. It doesn't happen anymore.

The Dream Projection / OBE, as I call it because I cannot even call it always a Lucid Dream Projection, since my consciousness changes from a vivid dream "I-"consciousness to a really lucid state back and forth. Enviromnent alternates likewise: Sometimes it looks like my RTZ room, then it changes to sth similar or completely strange rooms and settings. Sometimes I wonder later when back in the body, why I did not realise that it was not my room or the RTZ when I had thought it was?

However, on these "dream projections" I do the things that others also report when going Astral (e.g. going through walls/windows, flying around, somtimes getting heavy when too near my body, lately I inspected my Astral body for the first time when putting my arms through the wall, seeing projected thoughts or whatever curious things, etc....), and I suppose I am in the Astral on a mental or whichever level.
The vibrations leading to this projection are soft, electric, tingling - in parts of my body, and when stronger almost everywhere in the body (but not the head). And I want to emphasize once again it is COMPLETELY different to the first type of "vibes".
There can be nor comparison, there aren't and never were any discernible intermediate steps that led from one type to the other, it's a whole new matter altogether.
The induction method is hypnagogia or hypnopompic state now, there's no other way for me so far. Recently I tried a dream conversion again, but it failed. Exit methods differ, sometimes a hand helps me out when I ask for it, sometimes I just "take off" somehow.

I would desperately like to experience Type 1 again, (even accepting the heavy jolts again) but I can't.

I did energy work during the period between Type 1 and Type 2 happened. Is that a reason? Maybe that is why the energy sensations "smoothed out". But why does energy work now prevent me from RTZ projections? However, now I reduced / stopped energy work for the time being. What could be another reason? Is the induction method the reason? It seems however I cannot change it since no other induction works for me.

10th August 2010, 01:08 AM
Dear Volgerle, vibrations come in many forms and change as you change.
Most people never get them, others get them at first and at some point stop getting them.
When I used to get them, I got buzzing (beelike sounds/feelings) and sounds just before the pop-out.
Then I would get them early in the trance, long before I was ready to exit. Then I would get soft wavelike sensations and a feeling of strobing- then I would be ready for exit.
Now I don't get vibrations at all, except when I wake up in a dream and decide to project from it, and go back to my body. Generally the vibes are buzz-like.
I never ever get exit vibrations any more, and even the slight movement I used to get is hardly ever noticed.

It's not that you're doing energy work, it's that you are evolving, and so are your projections.