View Full Version : Dream meanings for nakedness, excrement, losing teeth, etc

8th August 2010, 10:12 AM
Jeremy Taylor's site (http://www.jeremytaylor.com/pages/dreamwork.html) covers these and others.

8th August 2010, 05:38 PM
Good one. I just saw one of last night's nightmares in one.

8th August 2010, 06:42 PM
I used to have the "teeth falling out" dream a lot. Always used to disturb me greatly.

Now, of course, I actually AM missing several teeth, so in a weird way, the dreams were also precog. :shock:

"Hair" in the dream world is a reliable metaphor of the other stuff that comes spontaneously out of our heads, namely our thoughts and opinions. Whenever odd things having to do with "hair" show up in the dream world, it's always worth asking the question: "How do these images of hair symbolize my changing thoughts and opinions?". Are they "changing color"? Getting "longer"? "Shorter"? Am I afraid that people will think that I'm strange if I express my new thoughts and ideas? (Just the way they might react if I were to show up with my hair changed the way it is in the dream.)
Found that really interesting, though. Reminded me of the quite upsetting dream I had where my husband shaved off all of his lovely long hair (without even telling me about it first!). Seems to be an expression of my concern with what his changing opinions of me might be, which makes sense, given the fact that I've "outgrown" more than one serious longterm partner with all this "crazy spirituality stuff". (He's actually okay with it. It was just my fear. And he still has his lovely long hair. ;))

8th August 2010, 06:51 PM
I used to have the "teeth falling out" dream a lot. Always used to disturb me greatly. That's the one I had last night. A great big molar came out of my mouth. What bothers me is that it actually hurt. In my dream everyone around me were spitting out teeth and then I did it too.
Then I got up in my reclining chair and dreamed about flying in the reclined position, feet first. I kept trying to change positions to 'regular old superman style' but I couldn't- kept going back to 'feet first'. The dream was very fun, but the position was uncomfortable.

I just remembered last night's dream, I don't think I wrote it down.

9th August 2010, 09:35 AM
Ann Faraday in "The Dream Game" warns to always take the dream literally at first - like dreaming of losing teeth and then getting a checkup at the doctor. On the one hand dreams can transport warning signals from the body that are yet too small to be picked up in the physical. On the other hand also upcoming events in your life filter through the astral layer of your dreams before they become physical. So, there's also a "warning function" of dreams.

She also mentioned "losing teeth" - it's quite common as a dream symbol.


9th August 2010, 05:44 PM
Thank you for linking this, very interesting.

I too used to have dreams of teeth falling out, hair too :)

Last week, for the first time that i can remember i dreamt about a tornado which was roaring in a circular path around the office block where i work. I was inside with other panicking colleagues and can still hear the sound it made. Perhaps changes are afoot!

Palehorse Redivivus
9th August 2010, 07:43 PM
Very sync-y, BK; thanks for sharing. :)

9th August 2010, 10:17 PM
Anytime. :D

2nd September 2010, 05:37 AM
I have also lost teeth in dreams and have felt it as it was really happening. Usually it doesn't happen after a hit against the mouth or similar but it happens randomly. The teeth get loose, fall out or I can grab them and remove them.. I have been very afraid of maybe falling forward and loosing teeth in my life.

26th October 2010, 07:35 AM
I have been dreaming about spitting out teeth, but mmm...not mine. Actualy, I was chewing someone's skull, and spitting his teeth (find them non-chewable).
I have been eating a lot of bones in that dream...

26th October 2010, 07:40 AM
Maybe it's trying to tell you to up your calcium intake. :D

26th October 2010, 10:11 AM
Can't help myself now, Ivanela. Maybe your dream is about you "chewing over" ideas about death (or secret societies like the Order of the Skull and Crossbones) and spitting out what you find unpalatable/ hard to swallow.