View Full Version : "Manifesting" physically

2nd August 2010, 05:43 AM
Dear Robert,

Recently I have had some very lucid obes which sort of degenerated towards the end, when I became acutely aware of losing energy & focus, but became irrationally concerned that I might "manifest" or "solidify" before i could get back to my body; in one case I was afraid I may have "achieved the Jinn state" & have to walk back miles across an unknown country to get back. . . I know it's silly & irrational, & more of a puzzle at the time than a "Fear" but I was wondering whether you had any experience of this sort of thing - surely it is not possible for it to happen?

Many thanks for all your "behind the scenes" assistance!

My best regards

Robert Bruce
10th August 2010, 10:40 AM

I think it would be possible for a real time projector to manifest physically. I have seen enough to see this possibility, but have not done this myself yet. Its on my 'to do' list.

This is not something to worry about. If you intended to do this, you would find it enormously difficult. So it is not something that could happen accidentally.

At best, you might appear as a ghost momentarily.
