View Full Version : The man with the rabbit mask,court and red phone !

1st August 2010, 03:41 PM
This is a weird dream,lol.I was working in the court and on my day off I met this guy and he was really nice.I told him that I was busy and had to go somewhere and he agreed to take me there.We went back to court and at the windows in some room was this pull out counter and it was filled with office items like paper,pens,pencils,staplers etc and a red telephone.I was trying to straighten up the mess and succeded in doing that and pushed the pull out counter back.Then there was this man there that was wearing a rabbit mask and we went into the courtroom and there was nobody there so we came out.I remember thinking if I should ask them if I still had the job.Oh,I also dreamed that I bought some very long paint brushes and then someone asked me if children would be able to use them if they were so heavy.I held one and it felt heavy,even for me.Weird!Anybody wants to take a shot at interpreting this ? Please!

3rd August 2010, 08:20 PM
Don't know what to make out of the other stuff but this is what I see with the paint brushes. I think it refers to a creativity blockage. Something that's too heavy is something that is holding you down and preventing you from using your creativity.

4th August 2010, 11:00 AM
Anybody wants to take a shot at interpreting this ? Please!

When dreams are really weird, it helps firstly to eliminate any random thing that might have crept in from your day. That way you can sort out things of deeper significance from those that are more superficial. So, first up, s there anything of this nature in your dream?

I was working in the court and on my day off I met this guy and he was really nice.

Do you actually work in the court in real life?

When you let me know these things, I'll have a crack at interpreting for you.

4th August 2010, 04:25 PM
Thank you TheLawOfOne and Beekeeper for taking a shot at interpreting this dream.
First of all,I was able to finally start a case in the Supreme court against my landlord and the electric company a few days ago.I have to get someone to serve them.My LL is refusing to take my rent and I'll probably end up in court with him soon.It all came together but it sure took long.As for me working in court,I don't but since I'll be representing myself because nobody wants to help me maybe I am working there.Well,there is this guy I met awhile ago and he likes me a lot but my plate is really full right now and I don't know if I like him.He keeps calling me though and wants to be friends if not more ! :D

Anybody wants to take a shot at interpreting this ? Please!

When dreams are really weird, it helps firstly to eliminate any random thing that might have crept in from your day. That way you can sort out things of deeper significance from those that are more superficial. So, first up, s there anything of this nature in your dream?

I was working in the court and on my day off I met this guy and he was really nice.

Do you actually work in the court in real life?

When you let me know these things, I'll have a crack at interpreting for you.

5th August 2010, 09:09 AM
Thank you.

I was working in the court and on my day off I met this guy and he was really nice.I told him that I was busy and had to go somewhere and he agreed to take me there.

I had the thought "courting" in addition to wondering if you were actually involved with a real court (which you are). I think you're dreaming mind is playing on the word, since both aspects apply. The guy is courting you. It seems you're allowing this because, subconsciously it takes you somewhere you need to be.

We went back to court and at the windows
Windows can represent new vistas. Hopefully the glass was clean as this would represent a sense of clarity.

in some room was this pull out counter

Negotiations and calculations can take place over a counter.

Together, these two symbols may comment on both your expectations with your court case as well as expectations in this apparent courtship.

and it was filled with office items like paper,pens,pencils,staplers etc and a red telephone.

These are items linked to communication and organisation, especially the phone, which seems to be a hotline.

I was trying to straighten up the mess and succeded in doing that and pushed the pull out counter back.

You're sorting out the current issues in your relationship with the landlord and your suitor.

Then there was this man there that was wearing a rabbit mask and we went into the courtroom and there was nobody there so we came out.

What do you associate with a rabbit mask? Immediately I think of "Donnie Darko" but that might mean nothing to you. Perhaps, "Alice Through the Looking Glass"? A mask conceals identity, in any case. To appear rabbit-like is to appear somewhat benign (though we know in their hoards rabbits can be destructive). Perhaps someone (even you) is looking bunny-like when in fact it is just a mask. He had no one to perform to in the courtroom though.

I remember thinking if I should ask them if I still had the job.

You seem to have worked this one out for yourself.

Oh,I also dreamed that I bought some very long paint brushes and then someone asked me if children would be able to use them if they were so heavy.I held one and it felt heavy,even for me.Weird!Anybody wants to take a shot at interpreting this ? Please!

In light of your self-representation, I suspect this is anxiety about whether you can wield the tools to get the job done since you're essentially a child in the legal world.

6th August 2010, 02:34 AM
Thank you Beekeeper! It does make sense a little more.The rabbit looked like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland,lol. :D

Thank you.

[quote]I was working in the court and on my day off I met this guy and he was really nice.I told him that I was busy and had to go somewhere and he agreed to take me there.

I had the thought "courting" in addition to wondering if you were actually involved with a real court (which you are). I think you're dreaming mind is playing on the word, since both aspects apply. The guy is courting you. It seems you're allowing this because, subconsciously it takes you somewhere you need to be.

We went back to court and at the windows
Windows can represent new vistas. Hopefully the glass was clean as this would represent a sense of clarity.

in some room was this pull out counter

Negotiations and calculations can take place over a counter.

Together, these two symbols may comment on both your expectations with your court case as well as expectations in this apparent courtship.

and it was filled with office items like paper,pens,pencils,staplers etc and a red telephone.

These are items linked to communication and organisation, especially the phone, which seems to be a hotline.

I was trying to straighten up the mess and succeded in doing that and pushed the pull out counter back.

You're sorting out the current issues in your relationship with the landlord and your suitor.

Then there was this man there that was wearing a rabbit mask and we went into the courtroom and there was nobody there so we came out.

What do you associate with a rabbit mask? Immediately I think of "Donnie Darko" but that might mean nothing to you. Perhaps, "Alice Through the Looking Glass"? A mask conceals identity, in any case. To appear rabbit-like is to appear somewhat benign (though we know in their hoards rabbits can be destructive). Perhaps someone (even you) is looking bunny-like when in fact it is just a mask. He had no one to perform to in the courtroom though.

I remember thinking if I should ask them if I still had the job.

You seem to have worked this one out for yourself.

Oh,I also dreamed that I bought some very long paint brushes and then someone asked me if children would be able to use them if they were so heavy.I held one and it felt heavy,even for me.Weird!Anybody wants to take a shot at interpreting this ? Please!

In light of your self-representation, I suspect this is anxiety about whether you can wield the tools to get the job done since you're essentially a child in the legal world.[/quote:37yj12ba]

6th August 2010, 10:29 PM
Well the world of courts or even new relationships can be like a kind of Wonderland where the one doesn't always know what to expect.

13th August 2010, 03:53 AM
A man with a rabbit mask? Have you watched Donnie Darko?

13th August 2010, 04:15 PM
No,I have not! :D Are you really a skeptic? I used to be one of those ! :D

A man with a rabbit mask? Have you watched Donnie Darko?

13th August 2010, 04:53 PM
No,I have not! :D Are you really a skeptic? I used to be one of those ! :D

Donnie Darko is strange. Made in the 2000s, it not only takes place in the '80s, but looks perfectly like an '80s movie. I think it's definitely worth watching.

Haha. Yes, I am a real skeptic. No flash photography, please.

If I may ask, what experience or realization caused you to pass from skeptic to not-so-much?

13th August 2010, 08:23 PM
Ha,ha! A spiritual awakening more than 4 years ago trigerred by a very,very vivid,amazing but out of this world dream which really turned my world upside down and changed me forever. :mrgreen:

No,I have not! :D Are you really a skeptic? I used to be one of those ! :D

Donnie Darko is strange. Made in the 2000s, it not only takes place in the '80s, but looks perfectly like an '80s movie. I think it's definitely worth watching.

Haha. Yes, I am a real skeptic. No flash photography, please.

If I may ask, what experience or realization caused you to pass from skeptic to not-so-much?

15th August 2010, 08:42 AM
I love "Donnie Darko".