View Full Version : Another wierd dream

30th July 2010, 03:01 AM
Note: Since the last few days have been quite intense to say the least, it tried to get across to my higher self that I needed some kind of break. I expected an answer in my dreams, I sent. This night I had another strange one, it was nightmare-ish, but I wasnt petrified throughout. More like a lingering light scary-feeling.

The night is dark, and I am away somewhere. It's time to go home, so I take the night-bus to my apartment. When we start to approach the streets where I live I see dead bodies in the areas around, forensics have come. The bodies are lieing haphazardly, some are piled, and some look rotten. I hear there's a murderer somewhere loose, or a bunch of cultists that sacrifice humans.

I get upset by this fact, that there's a murderer, and I don't want to be killed, so I stay away from my home. Instead I go to a friends house. For some reason I cannot stay there very long. So I go to another friends house. We eat MMs from the bottom of an old sportsbag. But as daylight slowly breaks through, I start to feel I need to go home again. I end up in work-car with another friend (The guy that works with me in a garden company, also the guy that tried to kiss me in the last dream) that lives next to me, and we drive through a forested area. There we meet seven guys that stops us.

They seem vaugely familiar, and they are intimidating. I have a fighting spirit, so I grab an iron tool and prepare myself. They take all the other machine tools, the chainsaw, and pour out all the gas from them. One guy saws off three of his own fingers and puts them in his mouth. Disgusting.

They tell me about the dead bodies. I get the impression there’s someone in the forest that they’re working for that demands sacrifices. I feel a bit scared, but I did not lose my composure.

Then I wake up.

What do you guys think?


30th July 2010, 09:40 AM
Hello, farewell2arms.

The seven guys take your "power tools" and remove the gas - the source of the power. Gas is volatile, can be dangerous, but it can also represent energy.

These are seven guys, so maybe you have been working your chakras too hard, and maybe that's the reason you're experiencing trouble. Too much stuff shaken loose from your chakras.

Gardening tools - tools for enabling growth.

Forests are about growth as well. The overshadowing darkness, the inherent paranoia in the dream scenario can either be "fear of the soul" or alternatively the archetypal Shadow.

One possible interpretation could be "Growth (the forest) might demand scary sacrifices (human sacrifices)." The scary someone then is your soul sending out growth signals that turn into challenges you find scary.

Fear of the soul is a common phenomenon of the ego perspective. The soul can be represented as wielding the power over life and death (also remember your mountain lion dream), and if the fear is big enough possibly with negative connotation.

It's interesting there not only body, but there's also a forensics squad. Maybe that's your rumination about what is going on there. Death and decomposition (rotting corpses), maybe "morbid in(tro)spection?" Maybe this represents a less-than-positive attitude of dealing with things. Analysing problems in hindsight could also be called "post-mortem analysis," which literally means "after-death analysis."

The fear you are feeling is preventing you from going home. "Going home" could be a metaphor for reaching planes of existence that feel more like home for you, but if you fear your soul you're not able to go there, because that's where your soul resides.

Note how the dream moves from night (dark night of the soul) to day (a resolution of sorts?). Driving in a car can be an experience of being in an energy body, your friend seems to be symbolic for a guide (feelings of trust, closeness). Especially since he seemed to represent energetic "intimacy" in your former dream. Being together in a car might mean he's part of the experience, maybe sustaining part of your consciousness or support it. Also: This is a work car from the "gardening company" - "company" like "being in the company of someone" and "gardening" like "aiding growth" - "gardening company" then could be your symbol for spirit "support team."


30th July 2010, 11:08 AM
There we meet seven guys that stops us.

They seem vaugely familiar, and they are intimidating. I have a fighting spirit, so I grab an iron tool and prepare myself. They take all the other machine tools, the chainsaw, and pour out all the gas from them. One guy saws off three of his own fingers and puts them in his mouth. Disgusting.

These are seven guys, so maybe you have been working your chakras too hard, and maybe that's the reason you're experiencing trouble. Too much stuff shaken loose from your chakras.

... or there are seven days in the week so it's something you're doing all week long (perhaps working too hard/studying/acting in a certain way?) that is threatening your energy and sanity.

Have you been grounding yourself as part of your meditation? If not, perhaps it will help.

30th July 2010, 12:42 PM
Hello, farewell2arms.

The seven guys take your "power tools" and remove the gas - the source of the power. Gas is volatile, can be dangerous, but it can also represent energy.

These are seven guys, so maybe you have been working your chakras too hard, and maybe that's the reason you're experiencing trouble. Too much stuff shaken loose from your chakras.

Gardening tools - tools for enabling growth.

Forests are about growth as well. The overshadowing darkness, the inherent paranoia in the dream scenario can either be "fear of the soul" or alternatively the archetypal Shadow.

One possible interpretation could be "Growth (the forest) might demand scary sacrifices (human sacrifices)." The scary someone then is your soul sending out growth signals that turn into challenges you find scary.

Fear of the soul is a common phenomenon of the ego perspective. The soul can be represented as wielding the power over life and death (also remember your mountain lion dream), and if the fear is big enough possibly with negative connotation.

It's interesting there not only body, but there's also a forensics squad. Maybe that's your rumination about what is going on there. Death and decomposition (rotting corpses), maybe "morbid in(tro)spection?" Maybe this represents a less-than-positive attitude of dealing with things. Analysing problems in hindsight could also be called "post-mortem analysis," which literally means "after-death analysis."

The fear you are feeling is preventing you from going home. "Going home" could be a metaphor for reaching planes of existence that feel more like home for you, but if you fear your soul you're not able to go there, because that's where your soul resides.

Note how the dream moves from night (dark night of the soul) to day (a resolution of sorts?). Driving in a car can be an experience of being in an energy body, your friend seems to be symbolic for a guide (feelings of trust, closeness). Especially since he seemed to represent energetic "intimacy" in your former dream. Being together in a car might mean he's part of the experience, maybe sustaining part of your consciousness or support it. Also: This is a work car from the "gardening company" - "company" like "being in the company of someone" and "gardening" like "aiding growth" - "gardening company" then could be your symbol for spirit "support team."


Damn, are you a pro on dream interpretation or what?! That makes so much sense.

I best be careful in the future. I’ll take a week off, no meditation, only heavy food and physical exercise. I’ll stay of the boards aswell, so I don’t have any new topics to think about and process.

After that I will only work on my lowest chakra and process any pains emerging in a reasonable manner.

Just one note though, I do not regret anything I’ve been through so far. They have all been valuable lessons, and I could not have approached the suffering of mankind in any other way, nor would I want to.

Thanks a lot! Cheers,
