View Full Version : linguists study Brahmin chants - this gave me chills

28th July 2010, 03:11 PM
In comparative religions class we watched a video on a group of linguists who had received permission to study Brahmin chants. I think they were the first non-priest-caste and indeed the first non-Hindus to hear them. (They weren't allowed to tape them, just study them.) In their analysis, they looked for connections to other languages...

Their conclusion? The Brahmin chants did not resemble ANY human language, at least any that is currently spoken. In fact...what they resembled, more than anything else, was birdsong. At this point I got the chills. I felt a shiver run down my spine, and a new respect for Hinduism...is it possible that man was spiritual before he could even speak - before the development of language? Truly this is an ancient religion..

The video was from a TV program called "The Story of India" by Michael Wood.

28th July 2010, 03:47 PM
In comparative religions class
Ohhh, I love comparative religion. I keep toying with the idea of doing a degree in it, just because I do enjoy it so much.

The Brahmin chants did not resemble ANY human language, at least any that is currently spoken. In fact...what they resembled, more than anything else, was birdsong.
How cool is that, then? You know, Hindus have long held that Sanskrit is the "original language" (or sentiments to that effect). They maintain that the sounds within it, when intoned properly, actually cause physical manifestations and change (I would say "ripples in reality").

is it possible that man was spiritual before he could even speak
Of course. We're not really physical beings, speech or not.

The video was from a TV program called "The Story of India" by Michael Wood.
Have to look that one up. Thank you for sharing.

28th July 2010, 03:49 PM
Hello, Seuuzin.

Their conclusion? The Brahmin chants did not resemble ANY human language, at least any that is currently spoken. In fact...what they resembled, more than anything else, was birdsong. At this point I got the chills. I felt a shiver run down my spine, and a new respect for Hinduism...is it possible that man was spiritual before he could even speak - before the development of language? Truly this is an ancient religion..

There are many possibilities, including a lot of other sources than currently accepted consensus reality on Earth, for explaining this. None would sound good to linguists, I guess, though. ;)

This is very definitely interesting info indeed! 8)


28th July 2010, 06:16 PM
There are many possibilities, including a lot of other sources than currently accepted consensus reality on Earth, for explaining this.

Ooooh now you have piqued my curiosity, please go on!

29th July 2010, 07:22 AM
How cool is that, then? You know, Hindus have long held that Sanskrit is the "original language" (or sentiments to that effect). They maintain that the sounds within it, when intoned properly, actually cause physical manifestations and change (I would say "ripples in reality").

A reason we were given in our yoga training to continue using the Sanskrit rather than just the English adaptations is because the ancient languages resonate at particular frequencies that the modern languages do not.

29th July 2010, 10:30 AM
Hello, Seeuzin.

There are many possibilities, including a lot of other sources than currently accepted consensus reality on Earth, for explaining this.

Ooooh now you have piqued my curiosity, please go on!

Well, India is a country of extreme interest for amateur researchers regarding paleo-astronautics and paleo-SETI. The possibility of flight, alien visits and space flight in ancient times. In India there seem to exist books about ancient flying vehicles (Vimanas?) with extremely elaborate terms that are no longer translatable.

So, if there's a grain of truth in there, an alien-influenced language might be possible.

But what I was also referring to was any kind of nonphysical origin for the language - other reality systems or a more direct rendering of certain energies as sound, certain vibrations.
