View Full Version : I am confused and need help.

24th July 2010, 10:31 PM
Good Day Robert.

I am new to your books and this whole Astral Projection, even though i have had various spiritual experiences, including lucid dreams, precognitive dreams, (i have astral projected 5 times) and so on. I've started meditating about four years ago.I have to say I'm really interested in these kind of things.So the bottom line is : Yesterday i' have went to a man who is a really good clairvoyant. After i have made sure that he is telling the truth, we started talking about the AP's. He told me that this is really dangerous and i can be killed during the process, and he advised that i would stop doing this.

So my questions are : Can a person be killed/die during AP? I've read many forums some stating that in some cases yes you can die, but then some people say that is impossible. And is that a bad thing really? (i mean the AP) and the last question is: Can you go to great distances while astral projecting without any harm?

I am really confused right now so some "enlightenment" would be much appreciated

Thank you very much for the answers.

Robert Bruce
5th August 2010, 02:45 PM

This man may be a good clairvoyant, but he does not know nix about astral projection.

I doubt he would agree with me, as people are often attached to their ideas, right or wrong.

I also doubt he has heard of the Mind Split Effect....good question to ask him.

This is very old school thought, that OBE is dangerous because the Soul leaves the body and if anything happens to it of your silver cord, you'll die.

My 'mind split' theory replaces the old 'empty body' theory.

Think on this....you astral project every time you sleep, naturally. Sleep projection. You also dream. Nothing bad has ever happened to you doing this every night.

Doing this consciously is no more dangerous than what you do all the time?

Astral projection is no more dangerous than meditation.

However, your fears can cause huge problems. You will need to overcome your fears in order to consciously project.

Your fears will shape your out of body experiences. If you are fearful, your mind will create fearful experiences.

I suggest you read my book, Astral Dynamics, the 2nd edition. This goes into more detail.

Yes, you can project great distances safely, even to the moon or beyond.
