View Full Version : Finally,a dream!

23rd July 2010, 03:01 PM
So,you probably remember my little problem I had lately about not being able to remember my dreams.Last night I made an affirmation that I must remember my dream and I did.I slept smack in the middle of my queen size bed away from the ceiling fan air flow but I don't think that was the thing that helped.Anyway,I have the feeling that my subcounscious recycles things from my past and places and forms some new dreams. I dreamed that I was in the bakery that I used to own minus my ex-husband and I was trying to fill it up because it was kind of empty.There was this girl I don't know who worked there too.There was a huge bowl of buttercream icing in the walk-in cooler and a customer wanted me to decorate a cake for her.The cake was baked in the form a bear ,was chocolate and hot.I didn't want to decorate a hot cake and kept telling them that I'd rather make some cupcakes.I don't know why I keep dreaming about that bakery over and over.It was not a happy time in my life !Any thoughts about this dream ?
Btw:There's no butter in buttercream icing made in a bakery,I should know that ! :D

24th July 2010, 02:22 AM
This may be over-simple but might your ex be the bear - a subject to hot to handle and the cupcakes be children? :)


5th October 2010, 12:42 PM
I had some good sleep and this morning I dreamed that I was in a bakery.I was slicing bread but then saw it was moldy and threw it all out.Then I saw bread baking in this huge oven.There were some people with me that I didn't know.There was this huge fryer filled with oil and I saw this beaver get up there and turned on the faucet then it went down and then I picked it up and took it outside.Do beavers have posable tumbs ? It was a good dream I think because I woke up rested and happy.What a difference from yesterday and the day before ! :D

5th October 2010, 12:46 PM
Hello, niki123.

Sometimes overly coded dreams can represent body healing or clearing out. The mind still associates symbols with all the changes in energy it detects, but it is different from other dreams in that it has less of a plot, for example.

Throwing out moldy bread is getting rid of something that doesn't nourish you anymore. Bread in the oven means development, something is created, a process of transformation (all cooking in this sense is transformation).


5th October 2010, 03:38 PM
Thank you,Oliver.Lots of things cooking,lol.

Hello, niki123.

Sometimes overly coded dreams can represent body healing or clearing out. The mind still associates symbols with all the changes in energy it detects, but it is different from other dreams in that it has less of a plot, for example.

Throwing out moldy bread is getting rid of something that doesn't nourish you anymore. Bread in the oven means development, something is created, a process of transformation (all cooking in this sense is transformation).


6th October 2010, 04:25 AM

21st November 2010, 04:32 PM
Oh boy,I really,really want to stop dreaming about this place !I was working in there and it was busy.Someone hands me a receipt to pick up a cake and I knew there were none.I looked at the receipt and it was a light yellow piece of paper on which it was written 1/4 sheet cake and the recipe underneath.I went in the back,no cake then I wanted to make it.Took a metal scoop of flour and went upfront to ask if there was any more cake mix and there was my ex there and I was not afraid but didn't like it.He took the scoop of flour from me and threw the flour on the floor and I ask him why did he do that but I got no answer.The woman who handed me the paper came over and told me that she used to buy the cake from Brooklyn and I look at her weird because I knew that this stupid bakery was far away in another state then I woke up.Your toughts about this are appreciated .Thank you !

21st November 2010, 05:58 PM
First of all, why do you want to stop dreaming about this place? The fact that you keep dreaming about it is an indication that there is something you have to figure out in this dreamscape that you haven't yet. So not only do you have to decode what the dream means, but what is it about the place that keeps you coming there to learn?

21st November 2010, 06:52 PM
Hi, i just can try to associate some things, please dont take it too narrow or fixed, just what comes to my mind spontaneously... a part of you within (the woman?) wants to get something of you (another part of yourself?)... you can not (yet?) supply her (the womans) need... even get distracted in the attempt to realise the womans wish by the presence (within?) of your ex-husband... then the woman explains that that what she wants is available (only?) far away... but you named this place far away "stupid", so it seems that you do not really believe that "far away" there would be any conclusion (for any conflict?)... so i would conclude it all (whatever exactly) just needs abit more of time to be digested and not run away... till you can supply yourself again with all you need and wish.. again, just associations here of me, i may be on the wrong track. Regards.

22nd November 2010, 12:14 AM
Hmmm,what happened with the forum again ?This is obviously not the post I made this morning!All mixed up ! :shock:

22nd November 2010, 12:16 AM
I put it together with your other bakery posts.
I didn't change it, just made them one thread about the same thing. This way you can see how things change and happen in the same place, and how the place has changed.
I would prefer to see one post with all your dreams in it (a journal, like many other posters do) instead of all of them everywhere without any organization, but that's up to you.

22nd November 2010, 12:27 AM
Istia,thank you for trying ,even if this thread it's really mixed up.It shows up in my old post "Finally ,a dream !"

Hi, i just can try to associate some things, please dont take it too narrow or fixed, just what comes to my mind spontaneously... a part of you within (the woman?) wants to get something of you (another part of yourself?)... you can not (yet?) supply her (the womans) need... even get distracted in the attempt to realise the womans wish by the presence (within?) of your ex-husband... then the woman explains that that what she wants is available (only?) far away... but you named this place far away "stupid", so it seems that you do not really believe that "far away" there would be any conclusion (for any conflict?)... so i would conclude it all (whatever exactly) just needs abit more of time to be digested and not run away... till you can supply yourself again with all you need and wish.. again, just associations here of me, i may be on the wrong track. Regards.

22nd November 2010, 12:30 AM
Ohh, I see CFTraveler !

I put it together with your other bakery posts.
I didn't change it, just made them one thread about the same thing. This way you can see how things change and happen in the same place, and how the place has changed.
I would prefer to see one post with all your dreams in it (a journal, like many other posters do) instead of all of them everywhere without any organization, but that's up to you.

22nd November 2010, 08:44 AM
hi niki123, with my many sentences i just wanted to say that one way to look at dreams is to take all dream-persons-and-things as part/aspects of yourself (as CFTraveler has also stated in my eyes correctly to my last dream too) and ask how you would then understand your dream?
I also agree to CFTraveler that it makes lots of sense to put dreams together in a dream-journal, as like this me or any other who is a stranger not knowing anything about you or any other poster, can get to know the "dream-language" a bit better, and like she says of course mostly for the reason to see the development certain themes have as there always are coherences but which first has to be detected. Greetings.