View Full Version : For the younger folk

20th July 2010, 07:23 AM
Anyhow, i was looking into different forms of expression and energy working and ran across Bradford Keeney and his Shamanic process. Looks like a raising of energy via estatic dance and vocalization, along with the stabilizing "group" of having the entire village at your back helping you out. AWESOME stuff, and I was wondering if anyone else had been reading on this guy?

20th July 2010, 10:24 AM
No, but once, at the last school I taught at, a visiting group came and showed a video on the importance of dance and song, well rhythm actually, in various tribal cultures. Their premise was that most of us in the western world don't have that communal aspect built into our lives. Sure you can sing and dance to the radio and even be creative, making up songs all the time, but these people were singing and dancing together while they worked, journey and played. The subsequent performance of singing and dancing had the kids moving and joining in. It was very cool. 8)

Other books, such as Hancock's "Supernatural", reference dancing for trancing. The idea appeals to me a lot.

20th July 2010, 03:00 PM
Anyhow, i was looking into different forms of expression and energy working and ran across Bradford Keeney and his Shamanic process. Looks like a raising of energy via estatic dance and vocalization, along with the stabilizing "group" of having the entire village at your back helping you out. AWESOME stuff, and I was wondering if anyone else had been reading on this guy? No, but being Puerto Rican, I've actually done it, and it's awesome. Once a year in December there is a gathering in the Feast day of St. Lazarus and when we can manage to go, we go. The experience is indescribable.

20th July 2010, 10:20 PM
Anyhow, i was looking into different forms of expression and energy working and ran across Bradford Keeney and his Shamanic process. Looks like a raising of energy via estatic dance and vocalization, along with the stabilizing "group" of having the entire village at your back helping you out. AWESOME stuff, and I was wondering if anyone else had been reading on this guy? No, but being Puerto Rican, I've actually done it, and it's awesome. Once a year in December there is a gathering in the Feast day of St. Lazarus and when we can manage to go, we go. The experience is indescribable.

Now that sounds like fun. :)

21st July 2010, 12:42 AM
It is.

21st July 2010, 09:07 AM
I'm coming with you next time. :lol:

21st July 2010, 03:17 PM
Next Dec. (12 or 14, I think) in Miami. :D