View Full Version : Another Alien dream

19th July 2010, 04:03 AM
Hope I'm not becoming a bore with my weekly "major" dreams. . .in this one I was outside with some friends looking up at thes stars, when several strange planes zoomed across the sky, really low - then I saw one in a vague grey outline, that looked just like a giant squid covering half the sky. I was very excited & pointed it out, only to find another, rather small object. buzzing us - it came so close that everyone (except for me) ran inside. It came buzzing right up to me, almost touching my forehead; it was about 2 feet in size. I swallowed my fear & asked mentally whether it was telepathic & "whether there was anything I could do for it".

The reply came in a small, weird, mechanical voice that chanted, "I want you to leave your body, I want you to leave your body", over & over. I experienced that wonderful sense of lifting out, when something struck me as wrong & I stopeed, saying, "I only leave my body under the protection of the Lord" (?) & generated a circle of protection about myself. Even at the time I wondered what I meant & which "lord" I was referring to, this is not a word I usually use, though I thought it may be Krishna.

The little shpere seemed to loose momentum & tumbled down, so I made a grab at it & was surprised when something was ejected from it. It was a long narrow "seat" with a little insectiod/humanoid creature on it. It "fizzled" & buzzed, & I shouted for the others to come & see it. By the time they arrived it seemed to have disappeared; then someone saw its head lying in the grass. Somebody handed me a pair of long tweezers & I picked it up. It was about 2 inches long, pale grey-green, with almond shaped "insect" eyes, & a huge gaping mouth (almost like a fish) with a few long, needle-like teeth. I rushed inside to see it better, very excited that I had "evidence", but in a few moments it simply disappeared. This upset us all very much, & I said I was sure I would be "targeted" from now on because of what had happened.

The whole dream was very "real" & is still with me. No idea what it could "mean". . . . . .

19th July 2010, 04:07 AM
Hope I'm not becoming a bore with my weekly "major" dreams. . . Never.
Interestingly, some of my dreams last night involved UFOs and aliens, amongst other things. FWIW.

19th July 2010, 06:51 AM
Hello, sono.

In 2005 I stumbled over OBEs from "researching" abduction-related phenomena. One books that is particularly worth mentioning is "The Watchers II" by Raymond Fowler. The experiences described in the Andreasson case made me investigate Robert Monroe - and I ended up here. The whole thing got further validated by Whitley Strieber mentioning his visit to the Monroe Institute and a whole lot of synchronicities, amusingly enough especially strong while reading Fowler's "SynchroFile" about the synchronicity phenomenon.

So, for some people there is a very strong connection between the OBE/projection experience and the UFO/abduction experience. This is pointed out here because a UFO dream is seamlessly turning into a projection dream.

Strange planes in dreams can be one way to interpret higher energy bodies or beings from higher planes (yes, there could also be a pun involved ;) ). The parallels are clear - vastly superior capabilities, flight, descending from above. The squid-like shape could be another hint - squids are one of the smarter lifeforms (being capable of using tools) but at the same time totally alien to our frame of reference. The order of magnitude here could again be a hint to the "spiritual stature" of the being involved.

The sphere could be a thoughtform. A thoughtform contains a bit of the consciousness that sent it out (the little alien inside), but evaporates once the message is delivered. You take the validation available to you from a higher plane a bit literally and resolve "They exist!" They do, but "they" are beings from a higher plane, "alien intelligences" in a sense, yes.

I remember once seeing a UFO in a dream, thinking that it spotted me and the UFO showed me that it knew I knew. I danced in the street, thinking "Yes, they do exist! It happened!" A wonderful feeling! :D

The telepathy, the reference to the third eye (forehead) - all of this could point in the same direction. Also the mechanical voice - I was once told that buzzing and electrical-sounding distortion are one sign that a being tries to communicate from a higher frequency than we're currently on. I experienced this once myself.


19th July 2010, 07:48 AM
Stunning, as usual - thank you!

19th July 2010, 08:20 AM
Hello, sono.

BTW, I'm not discounting the possibility that the beings you encounter are from another reality system than ours. This could also be part of why you translate their energy as alien. You could say there's at least two dimensions of "alienness" - alien as in above our level of understanding, and alien as in another structure of consciousness. One does not exclude the other. In fact, the imagery could support both - and multiple interpretations for the same dream are possible. Symbols are a means to convey a lot of information, and every attempt to "decode" may yield another facet of what is conveyed.


19th July 2010, 01:07 PM
PS -

The reply came in a small, weird, mechanical voice that chanted, "I want you to leave your body, I want you to leave your body", over & over.

I wanted to remark that this is a strong indicator to me that this is a thoughtform. I had the experience once of touching a thought, and it just repeated out what it was. A thoughtform is like a thought that "goes travelling." Since it is consciousness, it's also kind of like an entity (the little man inside if you may). But its function is to be a message, and that's what I see here.

Also that you are on the ground and that the ships are in the sky denotes a difference in the plane they are on as opposed to your point of reference. Here the same concept of higher/lower plane applies, but also coarse (being confined to the ground) and subtle (belonging to the sky).

Leaving your body in this context could have simply meant changing to a higher body to be able to get "up there."

I thought about mentioning "the Lord." This could be a belief system conflict. You could also simply lack the inner sense information you need to establish a feeling of trust here. You don't have the information inwardly that would give you a feeling of safety, so you default back to your belief system and so you don't follow the invitation. I don't know whether the thoughtform simply dissolves because it fulfilled its purpose or if the "incompatible belief system" is playing a role here, too.

Even if there is an incompatible belief system within you, you could also deal with this in meditation and through a practice for example. You could investigate what beliefs held you back there and decide if you want to get rid of them or if they serve you well. For now these beliefs protect you - but maybe overzealously or too indiscriminately. Thank them for it and adopt more flexible beliefs, maybe.


20th July 2010, 04:44 AM
WOW thank you for taking so much trouble over this dream! And you have really come up with my long-time problem - for years I have wrestled with the concept of whether the Ultimate Source is personal or impersonal in its Highest State; I know intellectualy that BOTH are possible at one & the same "time" & that these are not mutually exclusive states, & neither state is limited by the other.

I know myself to be very steeped in "acinta-abedabedhya" (sp?) philosphy (inconcevable oneness -in -differentiation) & every now & then the voice in my head becomes that of a one time Guru who asks why I turn to the "lesser manifestation" of the Godhead, or in that view, the "abstract/impersonal" form of God.

I have had endless discussions on this topic, both with others & in my own mind but I find that the conditioning (especially from saying a mantra for many years) runs very deep. Whenever I am in a situation I perceive as 'dangerous" the mantra automatically chants itself in my head, & has even had the effect of preventing an astral projection on occasions - this Guru said that by changing one's consciousness (his term for a-p) one cannot learn any more than in the body, & can in fact be more easily deluded - so I suppose that has influenced my thinking, although I truly am (intellectually) convinced that I have learnt a great deal from dreams & o-b-e experiences, & that anyone can can gain proof of (what is to me) the greatest truth, namely that one is not this body.

I shall definitely try the approach you suggest by thanking my old beliefs for serving me in the past - what an amazing idea!

20th July 2010, 06:22 AM
Hello, sono.

this Guru said that by changing one's consciousness (his term for a-p) one cannot learn any more than in the body, & can in fact be more easily deluded

It's one point of view and a school of thinking. I'm not saying this is wrong, but it is so oversimplified that again it's coming close. But I see a certain validity in it.

I'd say there is the possibility of outright deception in the astral body, and of self-delusion in the mental body. But the same possibilities exist on the physical plane. I personally think these are stages of development one has to move through to arrive at your own personal answers from within.

Learning out-of-body does not replace learning in the body, in my opinion, it complements and enhances it. I'd say it's possible to discuss and argue about degrees here, but if you perceive value in your own explorations then it might be a good idea to tackle the belief system issues preventing you from taking full advantage of your potential in this regard.


20th July 2010, 06:26 AM
PS -

You also say you have come to a certain conclusion about the value of your explorations "intellectually," but there's a chance you are a bit confused about the origin of that impulse. I'd say it is likely that impulse comes from within, it is a felt truth possibly. But the rationalisations for it, the way you justify your felt impulse to yourself, might derive from the thinking mind. So you see the arguing of the case as the origin of the impulse, but why did you argue the case to begin with?

You might find that you're following a valid inner impulse here, and if so, you can acknowledge that and find the deeper validation inherent in following your soul's prompting.


20th July 2010, 06:51 AM
Again, wow & thanks! 8)