View Full Version : Temporal Overlap between dream memory and dream content

17th July 2010, 02:16 PM
Did anyone ever experience sth similar?

Today I checked my "lucidiary" entry of 1 year ago (actually 17-July-09 was the day I started it, and thus my first entry at all). Remembering old dreams supported by my notes is one technique for me to improve dream memory, at least that's my theory and what I hope of it. And by the way, it's interesting to remember old dreams, there are some nice aha-experiences in store.

One situational element of the dream I had 1 year ago was that I was listening to messages on my answering machine. Before any spoken message, I heard a song by Bruce Springsteen. I did not record then which song it was, possibly because the song wasn't recognisable anyway. However, I was sure it was a Bruce Springsteen song.

Now, 1 year later on 17-Jul-10, I'm sitting here at my breakfast table, with the radio playing as usual, reading and partly deciphering my scribbled notes (I should start an electronic diary...) from that day.

Exactly at the moment while I read the entry on the Springsteen song from my answering machine, a specific song is playing on the radio.

Guess who? Bruce Springsteen.

Coincidence? Maybe. But maybe not? :shock:

17th July 2010, 06:20 PM
A case of precognition. Very cool.

18th July 2010, 06:25 PM
a precog, yes, but this one is also a bit paradox ...

the dream event "mirroring itself" in the forecasted physical observation event that deals itself again with remembering the dream event's unfolding (artist is playing) that is somehow conditioned by my observing the dream via recollection-action in the physical 1 year later (remembering & reading about dream while same artist is playing), which I hadn't done or been able to do if the dream event had not unfolded and thus been documented like that one year before ... a feedback loop, instant and still over time, crazy...

Seems I need to speak to a quantum physicist immediately to clarify this for me ... :lol: :!:

18th July 2010, 06:47 PM
Maybe it's easier. Maybe your consciousness was directed to read the diary while there was a Springsteen song on.

Giving you a kind of wake-up call or some acknowledgement. Like your guides waving a hello. :)


18th July 2010, 09:00 PM
Maybe it's easier. Maybe your consciousness was directed to read the diary while there was a Springsteen song on.

Giving you a kind of wake-up call or some acknowledgement. Like your guides waving a hello. :)


nice idea... and possible, yes.