View Full Version : Download dreams

17th July 2010, 07:30 AM
Last night I first had at least one false awakening when trying to record my dreams. In fact, I forgot most of one that could have come in handy, I distinctly remember how I would have integrated an old self for a specific purpose, but on waking up I forgot the purpose...

So, I went back to sleep and next to me there was a guy with an empty white canvas. And I knew he had to do with dream download. And then he asks me "Do you want progressive encoding?"

(Progressive encoding is a technology for pictures you want to upload on the internet. Instead of encoding them in a way that the picture loads top-down, full-resolution, you encode several lower resolution images in the same file so while downloading you get to see a coarse version of the picture with blocky pixels, then something closer to the truth, and at the end of downloading you end up with the picture in full resolution again. The advantage is that when a download gets disrupted, you had an idea what the picture was about. With normal-encoded pictures you might just have a part of the picture like the sky which doesn't tell you much.)

That's what I call service! :) Actually, I think there was a whole series of small dreams to improve recall. Very welcome.


17th July 2010, 08:07 AM
Sounds like progress. :wink: