View Full Version : Car crash dream

16th July 2010, 06:28 AM
In this dream I was driving behind an old friend I have not seen for years(who is a rock musician) Suddenly his car collided with something & swerved off the road. I applied brakes wildly & stopped to see that his car had collided with both another car & an elephant, which lay with its trunk stretched out, dying. I was very upset, sent healing vibes & light to the elephant, & tried to get my friend out of the car, which had split completely in half. He was still buckled into his seat, so I undid the seat belts & asked if he could move. He shook his head slightly; I wanted to phone the police but could not find my phone. . . .quite a nightmare!

I am puzzled as i often dream of elephants in a positive way. . .in one sense it seems that the elephant (Muladhara symbol) has been symbolically killed by my having "travelled this road in my life" (& choices made) but why would it be an old friend who did the killing rather than myself? So perhaps it refers to him?

I'd be grateful for other insights, sometimes I can't see the wood for the proverbial cliche!

16th July 2010, 06:49 AM
Hello, sono.

First - you didn't killed the elephant. So these are not your choices.

I'd associate elephant with wisdom in a spiritual sense, and car crashes can also mean "spinning out of control." Maybe the way he navigates his life (driving the car) leads into a harmful situation (the crash) where he severs himself (the split car) from higher wisdom (represented by the elephant).

I've dreamed several times of cars spinning out of control or crashing in relation to the thinking mind. Is your friend a cerebral person? Or has strong opinions, attitudes, maybe he's an atheist?

The upset you feel derives from the fact that you want to help but there's only so much you can do, the responsibility is with the person itself (immobility - being inable to move (forward)). That's why you can help some but not help fully resolve the situation, nor can you appeal to a higher power (the police) for someone else if this kind of help may be blocked by a person's beliefs (again, the immobility). Look at the metaphor - you can open the straps, but he would need to move. Or you can provide a perspective to expand his mind, but he needs to step into it.


16th July 2010, 08:42 AM
Aha! Thank you - that sounds right. . . . he is an atheist (at last check) & quite scarily logical; also dogmatic & sort of stuck in a time-warp. . . . :|

You are very good at dream interpretation!

16th July 2010, 09:38 AM
I'd say you have rather archetypal - or is it archetypical ;) :lol: - dreams. :D

I was introduced to cars being energy bodies in dreams maybe two years ago, and have found this useful over and over. In fact, most of the time it represents the mental body. Whenever I see a car and driving I start to look if the mental body interpretation makes sense.

Here you see a clash of the mental body (the car) with the elephant. The car is mechanical, a machine, it follows laws, there are automatisms, etc. It is one kind of power. The elephant is also powerful, ancient, archetypal, wise and strong, but it is also sometimes perceived as scary in the sense that an elephant could always get its own ideas and who is going to stop it? So, it makes a good symbol for the soul and its wisdom, but also the misunderstandings and misconceptions we have about our souls.

Whenever a car crashes, you can think about collision also in terms of the mental body. This can mean belief system clashes. This can mean that the mental body was somehow out of control. Damage can very often represent "damaging beliefs" or "damaging behaviours." Follow this course (of action) and there will be harm.

Now it's interesting that the car is split in half. If the mental body is guiding your life while being severed from the soul and its guidance, it's like you've severed part of your own mind. There's a continuum where the mental body is gradually expanding into connection with the soul. The thinking mind and the soul are not totally separate, but you can forcefully sever them by certain belief systems, atheism for example.

That two cars are involved in the crash might signify that there are colliding belief systems, but also simultaneously we have the issue of blocking out the guidance of the soul. That's why your friend is immobilised here - the assuredness that comes from acting in alignment with the soul what to do is gone. You lose that gut feeling that tells you "Do this, don't do that." Without this making decisions can become painful and difficult - all options can be argued for and against, but in the end it's all decisions. If you let the soul make the decision - fine. If you cannot, you may feel paralysed, stuck, unable to move.

he is an atheist (at last check) & quite scarily logical; also dogmatic & sort of stuck in a time-warp. . . . :|

Yes, this is one extreme of mental body development. "Atheist" and "dogmatic" go well with the crash interpretation here, also being stuck. This is a very problematic stage of development, I'd say. Your friend probably would have to break down his problematic belief system, but his resistance is causing the harm you observe here. Challenging life situations might arise that exert pressure to make changes to his belief system (the other car - conflicting values), but if he remains inflexible (sticking to a course, not swerving, heading straight into the collision) harm will mount.

I think you saw the energetic precursor of this, picked up on his oncoming life situation.

Be well,

16th July 2010, 11:40 AM
Not at all discounting Oliver's interpretation, Sono, but knowing the way these things can work, it could also forewarn of a literal crash. It might not be as bad as occurs in the dream nor with an elephant but your friend could, say, have a minor collision with a vehicle with an elephant emblem on it or somehow associated with the idea of "elephant". So, maybe a gentle warning is in order.