View Full Version : Ear strobing after meditation / prior to lucid dream or OBE

12th July 2010, 11:37 PM
Hi Bruce,

I sometimes meditate in the middle of the night, then go back to sleep for a couple of hours. Just prior to goint to sleep (or sometimes when I awake again, especially after a lucid dream or OBE), I get an 'ear strobe effect' in my right ear (when I lie on the left side).

My inner ear feels like it is pulsating every 10 seconds. It's like it contracts and I can sort of feel myself falling a bit during the contraction, and definitely feel my consciousness loosening from the physical body. It's commonly accompanied by the pre-OBE random sounds (people chatting, sound of radio, etc. even though it's silent in the room). But it has it's own sound during the contraction, it's like a white-noise hissing, then it ends with a little 'pop', then it starts again after a few seconds.

Do you know what this is?


Robert Bruce
30th July 2010, 07:24 AM

This is a pre OBE symptom.

It also indicates that you are clairaudient....can hear astral noises and spirit voices, etc.

If you listen for this, while you are relaxing, this should pull you into pre OBE exit state.

Some people call this 'the ambient noise'

But in your case, this is probably stronger and more definite than most people experience.

This would involve how your energy body is configured....which is hugely varied from person to person.

You might like to try an obe exit when you get this.

I also suggest you try a WILD (wake induced lucid dream) exit.
