View Full Version : higher dimensions

Neil Templar
12th July 2010, 11:36 PM
this morning - some of this might not be in the correct order... it's a little mixed up in my mind..

i'm in a mountain range.
huge mountains, like the himalayas or something.
i'm climbing...
there is a legend about a race of bears who are said to live in the higher passes of the mountains. people are fearful of them, some have ventured up and not returned.
as i climb higher, i find myself on a path up a steep slope, it's an inflatable path. like a bouncy castle.
i see the bears on each side of the path, there are many, but they seem quite relaxed, i have no fear of them.
i climb up the inflatable path, it is steep, but i have no problem. the softness of the inflatable path reassures me, so i fear no danger.

i pass by the bears and reach a high plateau...there is someone waiting there, i do not see him(?), a guide of sorts?
he wants to show me higher up. a stand on a small platform, in my arms i see i am carrying Jodi, a friend of mine. she is small, like a young child. she is sitting on my arm. i am on the platform, which seems to be suspended by a rope that is dangling from the sky.

we begin to ascend... the mountains below grow smaller and smaller... soon we are very high above the Earth. i can see the globe below me.
Jodi shifts her weight, then tells me she doesn't feel good about being up so high...then she loses her balance and falls backwards, plummeting to the Earth wailing.
i wonder for a moment if i should go and catch her.
i know this is a dream, and that i could fall down and show her that it's okay, but it doesn't feel important enough.
it's a dream, if it is really Jodi, then she'll wake up, or more likely not even remember this.

i seem to forget what i am doing way up here in the first place, and decide to go down to Earth anyway...
i'm back in the mountains, near the top.
now i'm aware of being told a story, about a race of beings, or perhaps just one being, who lived at the top of the mountains a long time ago.
this being, or race, had created many dimensions to exist in.
it was either 12 or 22, i can't remember which.
as i look around me, at the mountains, the trees, even the clouds and sky, i see layer upon layer of reality... it's hard to describe in words... almost like if you shattered a mirror, or a window, and it stayed in place, and you looked into it, or thru it at a scene...it was kinda like that.
but not really.
like the layers were all there, moving about, thru each other, on top of one another...permeating everything that exists, and existing within and part of each other.

as always my clumsy use of the English language does no justice to the way it appeared to me.

as i moved up into this multidimensional landscape, the story of their creation and the being/race that had lived there, continued playing in my mind...

13th July 2010, 07:01 AM
Hello, Neil.

this morning - some of this might not be in the correct order... it's a little mixed up in my mind..

Problems with the temporal order usually indicate that you were "farther out" were there was less time as we know it.

i'm in a mountain range.
huge mountains, like the himalayas or something.
i'm climbing...

At first it seems that you have trouble raising your state of consciousness. Steepness of a mountain and its height can be clues, I think.

i pass by the bears and reach a high plateau...there is someone waiting there, i do not see him(?), a guide of sorts?
he wants to show me higher up. a stand on a small platform, in my arms i see i am carrying Jodi, a friend of mine. she is small, like a young child. she is sitting on my arm. i am on the platform, which seems to be suspended by a rope that is dangling from the sky.

Now you're state of consciousness is supported by a higher being. Your inner senses are not developed enough to see the being. The platform represents the supported state of consciousness.

we begin to ascend... the mountains below grow smaller and smaller... soon we are very high above the Earth. i can see the globe below me.
Jodi shifts her weight, then tells me she doesn't feel good about being up so high...then she loses her balance and falls backwards, plummeting to the Earth wailing.

This might be about the feeling of not wanting to be so close to Source. This can trigger uneasy feelings when trying to sustain that state of consciousness. In the end she "drops" out of that state, represented by falling back down to Earth.

i seem to forget what i am doing way up here in the first place, and decide to go down to Earth anyway...
i'm back in the mountains, near the top.

Now you could no longer maintain the state of consciousness you were in. The state of consciousness you default back to seems to be the last you were capable of maintaining on your own.
