View Full Version : Advice needed on this experience pls.

11th July 2010, 08:08 PM
Just wanted to quickly go over a very strange OBE I had last night. I would like your input on it pls.

I woke up from sleep seemingly in a park which I reconised, I was fully conscious and aware. The park I was in was somewhere that I used to live near when I was in my old house around 7 years ago. Strange thing is I had an inner instinct that I was there in real form (or seemed it) back in 2002. I went to a nearby trashcan (I was desperate) and rooted through it to find anykind of newspaper and I did, I read the date on it to see my intutition was right and it was July 2nd 2002. I did not know what to do I just stood there in the rain and wondered if it was real or not.

Could this had been real? it felt as real as now and it seemed like I had gone back in time to 2002 (or that's how it strongly felt). Has this been known from anyone familiar with OBE's? was I really in the past? pls someone try and tell me anything about this if you can ty.

11th July 2010, 11:00 PM
The experience you describe has been reported by other experiencers, so at least it's documented. There are a few ways to explain it, one being that you went back in time and entered someone else's body at that time. There are other possibilities, such as going to a slightly different version of the past (a probable past) and experienced something that could have happened.
You'll have to ask yourself whether you made choices before that time that, if they happened differently, would have landed you there at that time.
Of course, it could have been just a dream also, depending on what you were going through.

12th July 2010, 02:19 AM
Hallo Barbon

Time travel during an OBE is a tricky subject because there are several possibilities involved. Some of these include the likelihood of alternate or parallel dimensions. There is also a chance that there could be two of you at the same time and place (maybe 2 yous both out of body simultaneously!) So it is decidedly a complicated issue.

Yet assuming that you did have an OBE (a reasonable assumption considering that you seem certain that it was an OBE) then it is reasonable to believe that you did experience a time shift and travel in time while OOB. Your experience seemed to be simple and straight forward.
Now the Why of that experience is another matter. Mysterious experiences often have mysterious reasons. Maybe the experience will repeat at some future date and you will be able to learn more.

Regards 8)

12th July 2010, 09:38 AM
Not only does this happen to people in OBEs, it's even possible for them to end up in other incarnations in other times and places. You might be interested in Hank Wesselman's books on his experiences with this. http://www.sharedwisdom.com/audio_and_books