View Full Version : One of my weirder ones

11th July 2010, 07:52 PM
From my afternoon nap (Sundays rule!):

I am some sort of small robot. Mostly a round, hovering shape, with a gun mounted round the middle. I'm defending a structure, looks like a giant white castle.

Another robot is constantly testing the defenses, flying arcs, firing his gun at me. I'm getting the hang of how to maneuver. The other robots leaves tiny marks in the air, like the points in PacMan.

Everything happens in 3D, though, and after firing a for several times out of a static position at the invader I decide to do something else. I get the idea that I can deactivate my opponent if I attack three certain spots.

I fly towards the first. It is a weird feeling of having to fly and at the same time to train and aim my gun, which decides where I can look. I rotate around an imaginary axis inside an imaginary sphere along my flight path. Very weird. It's like flying through an imaginary tunnel as well. I see some lines denoting all these geometry involved, but they're unreal.

I destroy the first one of the markers, then I race my opponent towards the second - it's almost like a typical action-anime shot: Side by side, sometimes an obstacle obscuring it, I facing sidewards while flying.

I get the second marker, then I realise I can now destroy the other robot. I do, and it's a big explosion. Some energy is visible and I pass through it like a gate. Within the gate everything is surreal. Things hang in the air, colors, weird shapes, but at the same time it looks not impressive at all, like some computer game graphics imitating something that's way beyond them.

I wake up, totally in sweat and hardly feeling my body. I have to become aware of my legs again.

Besides the "flight training" and the weird angles, arcs and flight paths I cannot say what this was about.


12th July 2010, 05:13 AM
Just immediate impressions: This was not a 'near earth' but still a near physical OB. I just recently viewed a video from NASA that showed objects in near ultra-violet investigating a broken and ionically charged tether that had broken from a satalite. Seems you were one of these entities.

Just my unedited thoughts....


12th July 2010, 05:16 AM
Ok, here's the link: http://www.top10ufo.com/photos/displayi ... m=13&pos=6 (http://www.top10ufo.com/photos/displayimage.php?album=13&pos=6)

check it out :D

12th July 2010, 07:53 AM
I don't think so. Weird video, though.


12th July 2010, 08:58 AM
From my afternoon nap (Sundays rule!):

Ahhh, the Sunday afternoon nap *looks wistful*.

I'll have a try at interpreting but it's hard to know without fully understanding the emotions accompanying the dream. It is open to more than one interpretation. Even though there's an adversarial element, it doesn't necessarily convey a negative attitude about the competition at hand.

I am some sort of small robot. Mostly a round, hovering shape, with a gun mounted round the middle. I'm defending a structure, looks like a giant white castle.

I'm not sure if this will resonate. I tend to think of round as a rather comforting shape and it may suggest a sense of completion or an ability to "bounce off". Consider your associations. Being a robot possibly references some way in which you feel you are predisposed (programmed) to defend something that was constructed a long time ago and perhaps something constructed to at least partially serve as a fortress (the castle). White could convey a sense of purity, dignity or rightness, depending on your personal associations. It might also suggest lack of colour, sterility, blandness.

Another robot is constantly testing the defenses, flying arcs, firing his gun at me. I'm getting the hang of how to maneuver. The other robots leaves tiny marks in the air, like the points in PacMan.

Have you been playing a lot of video games? It makes sense that if you play them you'll dream them. The other robot is possibly still a representation of you - a part of you that is constantly monitoring the defences? It could also represent your internalisation of people or situations you perceive as competitors/challenges. Did the tiny marks in the air feel like you were point-scoring or did they feel of no real substance?

Everything happens in 3D, though, and after firing a for several times out of a static position at the invader I decide to do something else. I get the idea that I can deactivate my opponent if I attack three certain spots.

Consider your relationships. There may be/have been conflict/s in which you feel/felt you can't/couldn't "move" from the one position. How do you feel at this point in the dream, exhilarated or stressed? Are you enjoying the game? Is there a sense of accomplishment?

I fly towards the first. It is a weird feeling of having to fly and at the same time to train and aim my gun, which decides where I can look.

So the combative attitude confines your focus but perhaps it gives you a sense of skilfulness?

I rotate around an imaginary axis inside an imaginary sphere along my flight path. Very weird. It's like flying through an imaginary tunnel as well. I see some lines denoting all these geometry involved, but they're unreal.

Does "weird" reference your feeling in the dream itself or a later realisation? Is it that you don't know why you're following this path? Maybe you're disorientated? When you say "imaginary" what does this realisation mean to you within the dream itself? Do you feel your thinking (programming) is determining a path? Are you spiralling?

I destroy the first one of the markers, then I race my opponent towards the second - it's almost like a typical action-anime shot: Side by side, sometimes an obstacle obscuring it, I facing sidewards while flying.

Exhilarating? Is there a sense of competency?

I get the second marker, then I realise I can now destroy the other robot. I do, and it's a big explosion. Some energy is visible and I pass through it like a gate. Within the gate everything is surreal. Things hang in the air, colors, weird shapes, but at the same time it looks not impressive at all, like some computer game graphics imitating something that's way beyond them.

Conquest over an aspect of self or over another person or challenging situation? If another person, perhaps you've realised that they too were acting from their "programming." If a situation, maybe it too feels somehow contrived/predictable? In any case, the big blow up that ensues frees you to transition into something new. Except something new isn't all that wonderful and impressive: it falls short of expectation.

I wake up, totally in sweat and hardly feeling my body. I have to become aware of my legs again.

Besides the "flight training" and the weird angles, arcs and flight paths I cannot say what this was about.

I hope something here helps you find a meaning.

12th July 2010, 09:25 AM
Hey, good points!

About the shape - it struck me as very utilitarian, nothing to it beyond purpose. I felt identified with that shape, I guess.

As the dream progresses I get more skillful at using the shape, the way it maneuvers, etc. This feels empowering, I guess. At first I felt stuck with my "static defense," but when I "got moving" I felt that now I would finally get results when I saw that my former approach didn't work.

This would not be the first dream where robot, body armor or other technical enhancements would be associated with an energy body. I did not consider flight to be something unusual, just something that "comes with the form." I can't remember flying before, right now.

The castle's white was positive. The whole scene seemed a bit luminous, the white reflecting the sunlight. It wasn't sterile in feeling. I call it a castle for its geometry, I don't know what it was.

I don't play a whole lot of video games anymore. There was a "bout" some weeks ago, but it is really getting to be very little. Nothing recent to lead to this.

The points in the air looked like if somebody marked a trajectory, like in a cartoon or something. The other robot was really quick - too quick to be dealt with from a static perspective.

When I change my approach this seems to come from outside of the dream, like me manipulating the dream reality from outside to achieve another result. As I settle for this new approach within the dream I feel maybe determination, and also a desire to finish this.

When I write weird I mean the unusualness of the way I move here. So many different imaginary axis to turn around - my movement is really determined by a sphere, the main vector of my movement and various abilities to rotate. This is slightly disorienting, but I play with it to get a hang of it. It's like having certain lines pictured out helps me get the hang of it - I don't remember whether I saw them in the dream or not.

I think the flight path may have been preset. A bit like a "railshooter" if that tells you anything. Never played one ever, though.

Yes, the end did indeed fall short of expectation. I might have imagined it myself as that other part of me outside the dream shaped the dream reality.


12th July 2010, 09:29 AM
So, maybe it's about defending an inner part of your being that must be preserved and getting better at it. :D

12th July 2010, 09:37 AM
:D indeed.
