View Full Version : Strange dream this morning and a strange encounter !

10th July 2010, 01:37 AM
I had this dream this morning about going to visit this old man and he had a library in his house.I kept looking at this very old book and I started to read towards the end of it.It had yellowed pages and it said this word for word :
"-There must be harmony and understanding in life so that everything is right.
-you must be one with the wind.
-you must be one with love.
That is the only way that this world and the people can be saved so that the end of the world is avoided." He also told me that he is the keeper of the book for now but that before someone else was the keeper.Any thoughts on this ?
And now for the strange encounter.I went to do my laundry at the laundromat and I went to use the public phone because I forgot to take my cell with me and as I waited for the light to change to cross the street,this car pulls to the curb halfway and this guy stared at me and then asked me something.I was sure that he asked me for directions but I couldn't hear him so I got closer ,then closer because of the suspended train noise I couldn't hear a thing.The green light came on then the red came and the cars in the back of him blew their horn because he was half way on the street and they wanted to get going.Finally,I heard what he said to me and I was kind of shocked.He said that I was so,so beautiful and asked me for my phone number.Now,I'm sure I'm not ugly but so,so beautiful I don't know.I was a little aprehensive but I gave him my number but so far no call.Let me tell you that he wasn't the only guy who didn't call.Once,I had this guy follow me in a bus,45 min away to where I lived then but he never called either.Why do I even bother ? :shock: :roll:

10th July 2010, 09:03 AM
I had this dream this morning about going to visit this old man and he had a library in his house.I kept looking at this very old book and I started to read towards the end of it.It had yellowed pages and it said this word for word :
"-There must be harmony and understanding in life so that everything is right.
-you must be one with the wind.
-you must be one with love.
That is the only way that this world and the people can be saved so that the end of the world is avoided." He also told me that he is the keeper of the book for now but that before someone else was the keeper.Any thoughts on this ?

Hello, niki123.

I always took the actual capacity to read as clue as to which energy body I am in in an experience. I don't think the astral body can read as such. That's all the jumbled messages that don't make sense, the words that don't stay, etc. But I have read in dreams, and I think it's a mental body thing.

Another clue is the environment - a library and an old man. These are typical symbols for mental exchange, as is getting information from a book. What you've read is overly dramatic towards the end, and rather vague. I'd think the purpose here is to learn to get information from/through your inner senses. So, this is actually good - you have successfully used your inner senses. Now it may be a matter of learning to use them more often, more reliably and with greater detail.

Uh, did the rest you describe here happen in real life?


10th July 2010, 12:35 PM
Thank you,Oliver.I've been able to read in my dreams and the rest I described happened in real life.

I had this dream this morning about going to visit this old man and he had a library in his house.I kept looking at this very old book and I started to read towards the end of it.It had yellowed pages and it said this word for word :
"-There must be harmony and understanding in life so that everything is right.
-you must be one with the wind.
-you must be one with love.
That is the only way that this world and the people can be saved so that the end of the world is avoided." He also told me that he is the keeper of the book for now but that before someone else was the keeper.Any thoughts on this ?

Hello, niki123.

I always took the actual capacity to read as clue as to which energy body I am in in an experience. I don't think the astral body can read as such. That's all the jumbled messages that don't make sense, the words that don't stay, etc. But I have read in dreams, and I think it's a mental body thing.

Another clue is the environment - a library and an old man. These are typical symbols for mental exchange, as is getting information from a book. What you've read is overly dramatic towards the end, and rather vague. I'd think the purpose here is to learn to get information from/through your inner senses. So, this is actually good - you have successfully used your inner senses. Now it may be a matter of learning to use them more often, more reliably and with greater detail.

Uh, did the rest you describe here happen in real life?


10th July 2010, 06:07 PM
Dream reading has always been very tricky. If I stop to comprehend the words, then the page goes away, so I just let it scroll down and hope I get a general idea from it. I have been able on many occasions to read a single word or phrase, but when presented with entire paragraphs I just go 'dumb'.

I was intrigued by the word 'avoided'. Not so dramatic if one considers the word to mean 'not voided'. So the old man was only protecting that which would save the world, people, from being void - i.e. from having no value.

You actually GAVE the man your number?! I'll have to try that some time - ask and you shall receive? I never considered that possibilty. :P


BTW, talk about a strange event, I was standing on the patio at the coffee house when I heard a 'thunk' on the fiberglass roof and a sparrow landed at my feet, his neck broken. Three 'kids' at the next table were at a loss, one saying, "We have a situation...". No one wanted to watch the little gasping, dying, bird so I picked it up and took it to the garden, snapped its head off and threw it in the bushes.

I mean, what was THAT about? :?

10th July 2010, 08:19 PM
Yes Richard,that's how the dream went.As for the encounter,he did call me today like twice.Ohh,I think I might have got myself a stalker! :shock: I have a really big problem since my K awakening.I'm not attracted to any men and by that I mean that I feel nothing.No fuzzy wuzzy feeling,no smiles,no chemistry and certanly no attraction on my part,except for only one man a long time ago and he was scared of me.I'm not obsessed with him or anything but no men makes me feel that way and I'm confused.I know that if there's no chemistry or some sort of attraction at the heart level,it's just hopeless.Maybe I need to meet that man again since it's been so long ,he may not be so shocked and scared so much.Sorry for the rant.I felt nothing for this guy I met yesterday,yet he calls me to tell me that he's lying down in his bed thinking about me.Yieks,I need to get my priorities straight! :roll: :oops: As for the little bird you did the right thing.

Dream reading has always been very tricky. If I stop to comprehend the words, then the page goes away, so I just let it scroll down and hope I get a general idea from it. I have been able on many occasions to read a single word or phrase, but when presented with entire paragraphs I just go 'dumb'.

I was intrigued by the word 'avoided'. Not so dramatic if one considers the word to mean 'not voided'. So the old man was only protecting that which would save the world, people, from being void - i.e. from having no value.

You actually GAVE the man your number?! I'll have to try that some time - ask and you shall receive? I never considered that possibilty. :P


BTW, talk about a strange event, I was standing on the patio at the coffee house when I heard a 'thunk' on the fiberglass roof and a sparrow landed at my feet, his neck broken. Three 'kids' at the next table were at a loss, one saying, "We have a situation...". No one wanted to watch the little gasping, dying, bird so I picked it up and took it to the garden, snapped its head off and threw it in the bushes.

I mean, what was THAT about? :?

11th July 2010, 04:13 PM
I’ve puzzled for the past 24 hours about how to respond to this. I want to say I know exactly what you’re saying - though that can’t be absolutely true. I’ve already detailed some of my sorry adventures since Kundalini seized the opportunity to shake my world, but certainly one ramification was a divorce of sorts. That was nigh on 20 years ago and I have remained single ever since. I can honestly say I still love GIRLS, but only the archetype, never This One, or That One. It’s prob very selfish of me. I just can’t brook the idea of joining the tangle of my life with the tangle of another’s so that we have just one totally unmanageable tangle to deal with. :roll:

No man is an island? Well, maybe I am, at least at high tide. But the thing I dare not, or hesitate, to reveal is the action of the K has somehow made me more attractive and I have to be careful of this. If a female ask me for my phone #, I would not even consider giving it to her generally speaking. There may be ONE out there that could make me do a 180 on all this, but if and when I do, woe unto me. :?

I imagine you too have got that little “sparkle” that people are naturally drawn to and all I’m saying is, “Be more careful, dear”. You’re already aware of that, but a little reinforcement won’t hurt. (I paused a few minutes here wondering if I would back this up with example but the sober voice of caution won out). :wink:

only one man a long time ago and he was scared of me. Yes, I scared a good one off too.

The best to you always,


11th July 2010, 08:03 PM
Thank you,Richard !Deep down I know but I'm still frustrated that I'm not attracted to anyone else and that makes me cry and further frustrated.It all started with a dream that shook my world and changed me forever and now I can't stop crying because now I have to tell this man that I'm not ready for a relationship now no matter how much I want to tell him the truth I can't because he will never understand.What is the purpose of this evades me yet I still carry on still chipping at the block . :(

I’ve puzzled for the past 24 hours about how to respond to this. I want to say I know exactly what you’re saying - though that can’t be absolutely true. I’ve already detailed some of my sorry adventures since Kundalini seized the opportunity to shake my world, but certainly one ramification was a divorce of sorts. That was nigh on 20 years ago and I have remained single ever since. I can honestly say I still love GIRLS, but only the archetype, never This One, or That One. It’s prob very selfish of me. I just can’t brook the idea of joining the tangle of my life with the tangle of another’s so that we have just one totally unmanageable tangle to deal with. :roll:

No man is an island? Well, maybe I am, at least at high tide. But the thing I dare not, or hesitate, to reveal is the action of the K has somehow made me more attractive and I have to be careful of this. If a female ask me for my phone #, I would not even consider giving it to her generally speaking. There may be ONE out there that could make me do a 180 on all this, but if and when I do, woe unto me. :?

I imagine you too have got that little “sparkle” that people are naturally drawn to and all I’m saying is, “Be more careful, dear”. You’re already aware of that, but a little reinforcement won’t hurt. (I paused a few minutes here wondering if I would back this up with example but the sober voice of caution won out). :wink:

only one man a long time ago and he was scared of me. Yes, I scared a good one off too.

The best to you always,
