View Full Version : Contact with dog after he passes

7th July 2010, 04:11 PM
I have a dog who we recently found out has cancer, and he will not be living for very much longer. He is like a member of our family, and we are all (my family) very close with him. I have only astral projected once (barely), but I am beginning to start practicing daily. I was wondering if when you project, it is possible to communicate with spirits that have left their physical being, my dog particularly. Will I be able to see him, and will it be more than a dream, will he know I'm with him as well?

Thanks in advance

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Robert Bruce
30th July 2010, 07:30 AM

You will be able to visit with your dog in your dreams, and in your obe's.

Lucid dreaming is probably the easiest way.

However, dogs experience an afterlife much like humans do. After a couple of weeks, he will sleep. This sleep will last as long as it needs to last, as your dog processes the recent life. Then, one day, the dog will awaken and begin the next state of existence. At this point, it will be easier to visit with your dog.

When you become lucid in a dream, or during OBE, make a firm spoken command "Take me to my dog (name))" This should transport you to where your dog is.

I recently connected with my dog Gus, a German Shepherd. He had slept for several years. Each time I saw him in the astral, or during lucid dreams, he was in a burrow sleeping. He'd lift his head and wag his tail, then yawn and settle down to sleep again.

Then, several months ago, I was in a lucid dream, and a young german shepherd came up to me. I realized it was Gus...no longer old but young and strong. It was a big warm and huggy moment.
