View Full Version : God Has a Wife
6th July 2010, 04:54 PM
I found this really interesting. I recommend starting at the beginning and just going to the "Next" link on each page. Apparently, this was originally a slide show presentation, so that's the way they set it up on the web.
Oh, and for me, it's not a question of "belief" or "disbelief". I just found it to be a really interesting read, with lots of food for thought and good information on various archetypes of goddess. Thought I'd pass it on for other folks who might be interested in that sort of thing. :)
6th July 2010, 09:39 PM
God as Whole (name) is through a Trinity of Father, Mother and Child(dren) expressed as Many (nature).
otherwise, we as human (name) would not be in image (nature) of "Our Image" expressed as Us. Gen.1:26
you may see "trinity" as a layered expression developing inward of origin, wherein Father covers Mother and Mother covers Child(dren). this dictates that we as Humans occupy the most inward stage of God Expression, much like an unborn child is within the mother's womb toward a due date.
this is an important understanding when hearing or reading the statement of Trinity as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
wherein having been birthed, the child now rests between the Father still covering the Mother, with Child twain the two, child no longer being the final compressed stage of inward/enwombed expression.
this would be "born of the Spirit", or having through the Holy Spirit been interpretively birthed, whereby the Holy Spirit is the Mother, which within one is enwombed prior to being born of the spirit.
round about, yes, since ancient of days, peoples have understood this dynamic of natures, both of god and in being human, Image unto image expressed.
therefore, it is, that from God's whole (name) is expressed God as Husband and Wife, Father and Mother of all that is through they together expressed in the many that is (nature).
it is only within what is human, that these expressions take on fullness of material/worldy expression, though we as human see the self-same dynamic inclusive within all that is nature around us herein earth being.
this is what it means when saying "being of God and in the world", as opposed to thinking one's being to be "of and in the world only" which is exploitive of the/our human truth.
spirituality cannot of the world satiate what is human, for what is human is eruptive of deepest human truth by and through expressive origins, that our being is not perchance of the world's happenstance, but rather that our world is perchance happenstance of Us being.
that may sound 'religious' to most folks, however it is not but spiritual truth, or that truth latent and dormant as innermost deepest within our human beingness.
if/when born in/of the spirit, as it were, one realizes/understands the 'perchance' of doing without true being, and from true being begins doing by that intent of spirit which gave birth to them.
read correctly, that sentence reveals the 'end' of one paradigm and the beginning of another, be it individually or enmass.
this 'end' is our current motivating and most terrifying topic in/of our present time, as all things become compressive upon the innermost expression of child yet unborn, just as physical contractions increasingly bring about the delivery in due time of human birth.
we fear an 'end' only because we do not yet share in our beginning. when we see to share in our beginning therein will be nothing to fear, just as any child held, rests in love's arms to a nurturing bossom of abundant life.
however, when has not this earth held us in abundant life?
be the change that you want to see. otherwise, watching for it's arrival external of one's self, such a change will be in one's heart, truly missed. just as any would miss what was as beginning (mother) that had seemed to have ended and gone away.
what expressively gives life was, is and shall be ever present.
ya see?
7th July 2010, 12:19 AM
this 'end' is our current motivating and most terrifying topic in/of our present time, as all things become compressive upon the innermost expression of child yet unborn, just as physical contractions increasingly bring about the delivery in due time of human birth.
we fear an 'end' only because we do not yet share in our beginning. when we see to share in our beginning therein will be nothing to fear, just as any child held, rests in love's arms to a nurturing bossom of abundant life.
however, when has not this earth held us in abundant life?
Only as a child shall we enter the Kingdom and we, as not children, fear the birth of that child because it is death to us...
Thanks, again, Tim
7th July 2010, 02:07 PM
Only as a child shall we enter the Kingdom and we, as not children, fear the birth of that child because it is death to us...
Thanks, again, Tim
I've looked through those eyes as well E1B, but now seeing through those/these same eyes, i can only say that each looking cannot see, and each seeing needs not to look any farther than themself that is seeing.
looking out of one's eyes is lonely proposition of trying to find answers in a world of questions.
seeing through one's eyes is the answer seeing quite clearly that no questions are unanswered, even if the answers yet look for themselves from without.
your statement above has absolutely no scriptural backing. oh...perhaps you might pull out a disconnected sub-relative verses that would seem to back it up, that is the common scheme that would ply one's natural fear up and out into irrational thinking and mindless reactivity.
the fullness of the message, however, interpretatively states no such evidence that supports a message of "death to us".
but, having witnessed your replys over the months, i realize your baiting technique that doesnt reveal how you really feel, but rather reveals your present attitude toward "life".
that within you which feels is very alive friend, having plenty to say about "life".
old hebrew allegory:
two winged creatures wait upon the dawn. one a rooster and one a bat. the rooster says to the bat, "why do you wait upon the dawn, when it is that you look but cannot see and when it is that you will only retreat to your darkness when light breaks?"
says rooster, "I awaken before the dawn, and await the dawn from the rooftop, calling it on in for all to hear prior to it's breaking, that they too would awaken to come and see the first light of dawn."
10th July 2010, 07:02 PM
but, having witnessed your replys over the months, i realize your baiting technique that doesnt reveal how you really feel, but rather reveals your present attitude toward "life".
that within you which feels is very alive friend, having plenty to say about "life".
How true, Tim. How one feels and one's attitude can often be at odds with each other. :lol: Especially for me. Was just talking to my brother many states away who is dealing with a difficult, heart-wrenching situation with his wife's parents. To make a long story short I admitted to him that I needed to let music back in my life. Music is good, and to an extent transcendent (the best of it), and part of my reintegrating myself is to let it back in to my life. Yes, reintegrating, that's what you and Korpo and CFT and CPW and so many others are helping me accomplish. Bless you all. (Which smily is the loving/gratitude :wink: ?)
Richard the ironhearted :mrgreen:
11th July 2010, 01:42 PM
but, having witnessed your replys over the months, i realize your baiting technique that doesnt reveal how you really feel, but rather reveals your present attitude toward "life".
that within you which feels is very alive friend, having plenty to say about "life".
How true, Tim. How one feels and one's attitude can often be at odds with each other. :lol: Especially for me. Was just talking to my brother many states away who is dealing with a difficult, heart-wrenching situation with his wife's parents. To make a long story short I admitted to him that I needed to let music back in my life. Music is good, and to an extent transcendent (the best of it), and part of my reintegrating myself is to let it back in to my life. Yes, reintegrating, that's what you and Korpo and CFT and CPW and so many others are helping me accomplish. Bless you all. (Which smily is the loving/gratitude :wink: ?)
Richard the ironhearted :mrgreen:
ya know, for some years i could not listen to any music. when i'd try, or when i'd find myself hearing music second hand, my emotions were so sensitive that it was painful. this eventually led to point in time where those emotions burst free into a deluge of uncontrollable tears lasting for most of a day.
seemed that i was holding back quite the flood of hurt with mental constructs that in the end could not hold the building pressure.
but, in support of mental constructs, if i hadn't set myself to study for religious/spiritual resolve, then perhaps instead of a 'safe' deluge of tears i might have had a physical failure like a massive fatal heart attack.
but, i made it through alright, and music took on a more acute meaning for me, freely activating my emotional body toward feelings/sensations i had long lost contact with for fear of losing control.
i guess we do as we can until we can do as we can some more...
god bless you 'ironheart', and may your golden mean shine through,
12th July 2010, 05:48 AM
ya know, for some years i could not listen to any music. when i'd try, or when i'd find myself hearing music second hand, my emotions were so sensitive that it was painful. this eventually led to point in time where those emotions burst free into a deluge of uncontrollable tears lasting for most of a day.
seemed that i was holding back quite the flood of hurt with mental constructs that in the end could not hold the building pressure.
I think, Tim, I can do it. I'm too old now to be bitter - that I was in line to be a Julliard product concert pianist and that dream was squashed by ignorant parents doesn't really matter anymore. I developed a tremor many years ago that would have disabled me anyway. I've just carried a lot of sturm and drang around all these years concerning music.
You make me wonder that when I talk of the 'death' of me, if it isn't just THAT death I refer to. It was terrible, friend, not to be the pianist anymore. I thought I'd never recover.
My life is full of other things now - but can anything be so rich as my love of music? Absolutely not.
We'll see.
12th July 2010, 02:05 PM
I think, Tim, I can do it. I'm too old now to be bitter - that I was in line to be a Julliard product concert pianist and that dream was squashed by ignorant parents doesn't really matter anymore. I developed a tremor many years ago that would have disabled me anyway. I've just carried a lot of sturm and drang around all these years concerning music.
You make me wonder that when I talk of the 'death' of me, if it isn't just THAT death I refer to. It was terrible, friend, not to be the pianist anymore. I thought I'd never recover.
My life is full of other things now - but can anything be so rich as my love of music? Absolutely not.
We'll see.
ya know, i feel to try and say some witty something here, but, it is what it is, and i see that you see that.
i have lost loved ones, a wife of 23 years in a divorce, the closeness of a son, and not a day goes by that does not have 'recovery' in it.
re-cover-ing is perhaps having become nakedly raw, the adopted personality ripped away leaving the being with no identity to speak of beyond the naked bones of bare reality.
so, we begin again, to cover that which has been uncovered and left raw. to hide the pain and unresolve, the misgivings and blame, the god awful hurt that went all the way to the bone.
perhaps the only good in this, is having been delivered to our bare essense, that which when born was us before ever a thought toward future covering was.
surely this talent of yours was with you when you arrived, and who can know why that in this life it could not come to fruition. but, i understand that what is sweet is all the more sweeter when bitterness has touched it.
it seems though, that the fruition of gift is yours, in that you know that it is there within you, regardless of whether the life brought it out to it's reflective potential or not.
seems maybe to be an optimum tradeoff toward another time, that having sacrificed such on this altar of life, that coming around will not be the decision maker of outlying fruition, in that you've gained the say over it in having given it over to loss, and in that with your enduring love hold it dear in your broken heart.
laying it down in life is to pick it up again as very life.
a metaphysical wonder, that i imagine on the soul level, perhaps even group soul level (seemingly ignorant parents), for you and yours, to through this altar as life, receive as yours in your eternal treasury that is YOU.
one might seem cursed at times and feel entombed, but a blessing cannot be seen from satiated eyes, for the blessing is that which satiates the desire, and thus felt in it's full right, one exits the temple upon the porch with raised hands to praise and glorify that which through life would give freely to one whom themself has given freely as 'well'.
and you have given freely of yourself, have wept from deep hurt this great loss even as within you it yet was, such as a child was lost during its pregnant potentiality to never walk in the world.
so it is the mother in you who weaps for a miscarraige of justice and fairness, that she may learn of 'what is mercy and merciful?'.
this is the underlying meaning of abraham brought to the brink of sacrificing his only son, but stopped short in the absolute carrying it through without a doubt for reason's sake.
because, in this life, the very 'real' of us becomes distorted and lost, this 'real' is sacrificed on the altar of life toward a time just short of absolute carrying it through wherein the act is halted, and all that is yours is proven to be You, every bit gained in having surrendered it over to understanding the ultimate worth beyond the knowing in the heart that has lovingly endured the loss in life.
thus, is the fullness of receiving the gift of life and the myriad of gifts within what is life. we already know in our heart, every word is written therein. we've come to experience the loss of knowing that we coming to understand, give praise and glorification to that which gives us being and life in that being.
12th July 2010, 05:16 PM
Oh, dude. You undid me with me that one. That's real, that's.... nevermind.
Bless you brother soul.
12th July 2010, 06:01 PM
"My life is full of other things now - but can anything be so rich as my love of music? Absolutely not." Richard the "Iron Hearted"
such is a: Hallelujah!!!
Aunt Clair
29th August 2010, 05:53 AM
Thank you so much for posting this link :)
When I studied Theology at Notre Dame in Fremantle , Western Australia we were taught radical ideas by our teacher who was a globally travelled nun with 2 PhDs . She taught us about the removal of the Divine Feminine too back in 1999.
She showed us that the Holy Bible ;
1.Has 2 Genesis stories in one Man and Woman are made at the same time , in the other Eve is made from the rib of Adam
2.God is plural form here, the Bible clearly says OUR
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our ...
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule
over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over ...
3. The Jews punished women for praying to the Queen of Heaven the name of the Goddess before Mary Mother of Christ was born;
15Then all the men who knew that their wives were burning incense to other gods, along with all the women who were present—a large assembly—and all the people living in Lower and Upper Egypt,c said to Jeremiah, 16“We will not listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord! 17We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and will pour out drink offerings to her just as we and our fathers, our kings and our officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm. 18But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have had nothing and have been perishing by sword and famine.â€
19The women added, “When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes like her image and pouring out drink offerings to her?â€
20Then Jeremiah said to all the people, both men and women, who were answering him, 21“Did not the Lord remember and think about the incense burned in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem by you and your fathers, your kings and your officials and the people of the land? 22When the Lord could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did, your land became an object of cursing and a desolate waste without inhabitants, as it is today. 23Because you have burned incense and have sinned against the Lord and have not obeyed him or followed his law or his decrees or his stipulations, this disaster has come upon you, as you now see.â€
24Then Jeremiah said to all the people, including the women, “Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah in Egypt. 25This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You and your wives have shown by your actions what you promised when you said, ‘We will certainly carry out the vows we made to burn incense and pour out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven.’
“Go ahead then, do what you promised! Keep your vows! 26But hear the word of the Lord, all Jews living in Egypt: ‘I swear by my great name,’ says the Lord, ‘that no one from Judah living anywhere in Egypt will ever again invoke my name or swear, “As surely as the Sovereign Lord lives.†27For I am watching over them for harm, not for good; the Jews in Egypt will perish by sword and famine until they are all destroyed. 28Those who escape the sword and return to the land of Judah from Egypt will be very few. Then the whole remnant of Judah who came to live in Egypt will know whose word will stand—mine or theirs.
29“‘This will be the sign to you that I will punish you in this place,’ declares the Lord, ‘so that you will know that my threats of harm against you will surely stand.’ 30This is what the Lord says: ‘I am going to hand Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt over to his enemies who seek his life, just as I handed Zedekiah king of Judah over to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the enemy who was seeking his life.’â€
4. In Genesis the Hebrew says Elohim created . Elohim is the Divine Mother and Father and/or the Angels
In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and earth.
5. King David sang of being weaned from Ama and being devoted now to Abba alone.
Psalm 131
A song of ascents. Of David.
1My heart is not proud, O Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
3O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forevermore.
6. Mary mother of Christ and Mary Magdalene were at the Pentecost too.
And She showed us "The apostle , she " in the Bible
Also ;
My son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother
Ama/Imma is the black Mother of the LHP of the Tree of Life , Wisdom Sophia, Divine Feminine.
29th August 2010, 08:12 AM
Thank you so much for posting this link :)
Glad you enjoyed it. :)
When I studied Theology at Notre Dame in Fremantle , Western Australia we were taught radical ideas by our teacher who was a globally travelled nun with 2 PhDs . She taught us about the removal of the Divine Feminine too back in 1999.
Yay for radical nuns with PhDs, I say! :mrgreen:
Wisdom Sophia, Divine Feminine.
Over my bed, I have an art quality print of Sophia (who also has other Sacred Feminine traits such as the dove, chalice, a pregnant belly, crescent moon symbol, crown of stars, etc.). The one I have is by Hrana Janto, whose work I very much recommend (my print is signed by the artist).
29th August 2010, 01:18 PM
Aunt Clair,
as I have come to understand "adam's rib", it as "she" pulled from him, not as "her origin, but rather as "her" release from his imagined role in and of himself, that had held her in a limited role. She ever present persevered this, as even in today's world "She" suffers this non-release of Her true identity, wherein our world "She" is held to an imagined masculine role.
this is portrayed in the symbolism of the hebrew letters, layed out from above to below, or below to above, revealing both her binding and her release, in a flip of our collective consciousness perspectively.
this we do not realize, that Creation is finished to It's completion, even as we would yet be in It's throws of re-forming passion. to say, that as for us in the world, as it is, the story yet plays itself out, even as it is finished.
this reveals to us that time is not linear, that time, past and future, crash against the present as if the present as a rock pummeled by bi-directional waves.
this 'rock' we do cling to, with waves to and fro, catching us up to throw us about in the rings of our circular sense of time.
in every respect, so is a male held to a limited imagined role herein time's to and fro. if 'he' releases 'her', so it is that 'he' is released. this truth in an arse backwards (flip) way of the world, is why that in the world, 'she' in all her glory was removed in the telling. however, when deeper interpretation of 'the story' comes under the eye's standing, "she" is everybit within the story as she was, is and ever shall be. but again, this interpretation is upon his release of her as imaginary role, thusly his release following.
in Hosea this plays itself out in the world of men's making, wherein he release her from his indictments, fetches her back to be free, himself released, they to live freely being as she and he.
also in Ruth, Boaz lays it down to pick it up again, in a word, freeing her from preconceived judgements imaginatively holding her in bondage.
this 'passion' theme runs through the entirety of the OT, is finished in the NT as you have pointed out. yet, our world is yet in time's playing out of what has already transpired in specific time, as if through many building cycles of awakening from our imaginations unto our god given reality.
sumptin like that...two ends against the middle, just as there are two understanding of genesis, the whole of torah, the christian bible as it were.
nistar and nigleh, or nigh unto nigh, face to face, past and future; the two that are one 'in' the midst of our sacred and holy presense as one body 'of'.
mankind's past may seem to be as in 'all him', yet mankind's future has ever been of 'all her'.
29th August 2010, 04:14 PM
Aunt Clair,
as I have come to understand "adam's rib", it as "she" pulled from him, not as "her origin, but rather as "her" release from his imagined role in and of himself, that had held her in a limited role. She ever present persevered this, as even in today's world "She" suffers this non-release of Her true identity, wherein our world "She" is held to an imagined masculine role.
this is portrayed in the symbolism of the hebrew letters, layed out from above to below, or below to above, revealing both her binding and her release, in a flip of our collective consciousness perspectively.
this we do not realize, that Creation is finished to It's completion, even as we would yet be in It's throws of re-forming passion. to say, that as for us in the world, as it is, the story yet plays itself out, even as it is finished.
this reveals to us that time is not linear, that time, past and future, crash against the present as if the present as a rock pummeled by bi-directional waves.
this 'rock' we do cling to, with waves to and fro, catching us up to throw us about in the rings of our circular sense of time.
in every respect, so is a male held to a limited imagined role herein time's to and fro. if 'he' releases 'her', so it is that 'he' is released. this truth in an arse backwards (flip) way of the world, is why that in the world, 'she' in all her glory was removed in the telling. however, when deeper interpretation of 'the story' comes under the eye's standing, "she" is everybit within the story as she was, is and ever shall be. but again, this interpretation is upon his release of her as imaginary role, thusly his release following.
in Hosea this plays itself out in the world of men's making, wherein he release her from his indictments, fetches her back to be free, himself released, they to live freely being as she and he.
also in Ruth, Boaz lays it down to pick it up again, in a word, freeing her from preconceived judgements imaginatively holding her in bondage.
this 'passion' theme runs through the entirety of the OT, is finished in the NT as you have pointed out. yet, our world is yet in time's playing out of what has already transpired in specific time, as if through many building cycles of awakening from our imaginations unto our god given reality.
sumptin like that...two ends against the middle, just as there are two understanding of genesis, the whole of torah, the christian bible as it were.
nistar and nigleh, or nigh unto nigh, face to face, past and future; the two that are one 'in' the midst of our sacred and holy presense as one body 'of'.
mankind's past may seem to be as in 'all him', yet mankind's future has ever been of 'all her'.
tim Just keeping it for later reflection.
29th August 2010, 04:38 PM
of mind and heart...or him and her as it were.
well, i look at it, scratch me ole pin head, and wonder in it what it might mean. but of my heart wrote it and does see the wonder.
copy and paste works good :wink: , and lets me free to keep it or let it go. sometimes, i fear i've gone too far, in too many words related. silence is the only sinless communication, because words betray from one to another, in that some with the head look for the literal, while few with heart would see the hinted to and yet unspoken/unwritten wonder.
my fear, i admit, is betraying 'what it is' through the innocent utility of the word, in the final analysis of having used my own worldly chosen wording.
so i backtrack and often delete :oops:, because i seldom hit the mark. :|
at any rate, it is what it is, and it is all good, i reckon so.
"in the shadow are BOTH that which is in need of redemption (MIND) and the redeemer (HEART)" ?
""God is your shadow" (psalms 121:5) - just as a person's shadow entirely mimics his/her actions (MIND), so does God, as it were, entirely reciprocate our deeds (HEART)." BeShT
"If one of man has beheld evil, he/she may know that it was shown to him/her in order that he/she learn his/her own guilt (MIND) and repent (HEART); for what is shown to him/her (MIND) is also within him/her (HEART)." BeSht
29th August 2010, 06:23 PM
But for some of us words are needed, supplying the hidden keys to our own hearts. And your words friend, has time and time again proven to be able to open mine.
I certainly dont possess any wisdom or knowledge, thats why i rarely post. But by reading and finding meaning in posts from those that know more Than me, i could perhaps one day aspire to write something that contibutes like yall do. Thats why its important to post stuff. Perhaps you can never really give the exact experience, but should at least try to unlock the potential, even through the clumpsy use of words. Its all we have.
My opinion only, of course.
29th August 2010, 08:32 PM
yep, we all need words. but i've found that the more words i ramble on about to me wife the more i be gettin into trouble. fewer words the better, quality instead of quantity. it is a good/healthy fear that trys to say more with less, I think.
and in the heat of an argument with your wife, never repeat what she had just said, because it will be as if you've just said it for the first time, even as you are merely trying to reflect what she has said. this irrational 'sheness' is a quick escalator on an endless belt to an unfavorable thrashing floor.
like she might say, "I've had enough of this ???". so you say, "so..., you've had enough huh?" :evil:
then she says, "what do you mean i've had enough. oh, so you're tired of me already huh?" :oops:
well...from there, "shoot me twixt the eyes for having been so stupid as to repeat her". :?
the answer to "does my butt look to big in this ???" is always, "hell no, your ass looks great baby!!!" 8)
but being clued in, ya just gotta know that she must be seeing her butt as being too big, or she wouldn't be asking...right? so, no matter what you may be seeing, do not see as she is presently seeing, or else be DOOMed.... :shock:
therefore, the correct response to "I've had enough of this ???." is, "baby you are everything to me and i could never get enough of you." :mrgreen: ya see..?
be wary and prepared to eat much crow. like, "baby, i am sorry about thinking that you had had enough of us, i don't know where such a thought came from, and i certainly am not tired of us being together. kiss kiss kiss." :roll:
yup, we need us some words.... :wink: cause it isn't what you may think you know, it is what you may under-stand about what's standing right in front of you and staying the hell out of what you think you know. all the rationale or knowing doesnt mean squat until it has been steeped in under-standing. so, SHE is a good teacher for a HE.
probably sounds sexist, sorry bout that ladys. :oops:
29th August 2010, 09:24 PM
Unaccustomed as I am to public leaking and thread-bare posting I shall petition to mind and spill from the quill.
I concur with sentiments two bumps up and this is why I am, in-consonance ad laxicon, making a vowel movement now, but will that tosser above me stop dribbling through the sheets. :shock:
I often don't post, believing I have little to say, but there are many times when I have wanted to engage with people but felt unable to do so, only to be told that my input is valued, only to find out later how much it was for both parties. Often people find more value in you than you can see in yourself, written or otherwise, and is that not reason enough to find more value in yourself. I still don't think so.
Drink Coke.
29th August 2010, 09:37 PM
lmao... :lol:
22 huh? impressive...
dang, i was rollin my own and chasing tail at 22, kicked out of college twice over, working for nuthin, just barely gettin by with no particular plan of direction. dis-oriented i was.
imma have to get a few lexicons out to factor your worded blisstirring.
write for writing's sake alone. doesn't matter if it is acceptable to another as long as the writer is acceptable of themself exposed in the written. (many times I am not) :oops: and that's 'my sake' still in it, the unsteady babe in the woods.
wearin a bib here, and rockin my onesy twixt the sheets. ok, so i wear 'goodnights' just in case of my post-void dribble. I am 50 ya know.
usefull things in the utility of the word:
not on the menu,
i like that line in the movie Forest Gump, where his drill sergeant is in his face saying, "Private Gump, your a g--damned genius...!"
or maybe it was this:
Drill Sergeant: GUUUUUUMP! Why did you put that weapon together so quickly, Gump?
Forrest Gump: [confused] You told me to, Drill Sergeant?
Drill Sergeant: Jesus H. Christ!
[looks at stopwatch]
Drill Sergeant: This is a new company record! If it wouldn't be such a waste of a damn-fine enlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS! You are gonna be a general someday, Gump, now disassemble your weapon and continue!
oh here it is maybe:
Drill Sergeant: "Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army?"
Gump: "To do whatever you tell me drill sergeant!"
Drill Sergeant: "God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump."
now this relationship is fruitful, the ignoramous and his complete and utter focus upon that which leads. such is God with the simplest of men, though complicated men would flock to genius amongst themselves in the frenzied consuming of gorging egos.
Aunt Clair
30th August 2010, 02:16 AM
Over my bed, I have an art quality print of Sophia (who also has other Sacred Feminine traits such as the dove, chalice, a pregnant belly, crescent moon symbol, crown of stars, etc.). The one I have is by Hrana Janto, whose work I very much recommend (my print is signed by the artist).
That is brilliant, thanks for sharing.
I read today somewhere the Golden Dawn perpetuates us women as being subservient, lower, passive , weaker, and evil. I hope that isn't true that GD still does this and I feel that society did it long before GD was created so they may be villified without cause.
But I was talking to Robert Bruce about this years ago. I do not see or feel that the Hermetic elements are correctly described. I feel air is female and positive . He shrugged and said it made sense .But we had a good nature debate on whether air or fire was a higher vibration.
In years of meditation my magician peers and I have learned again and again from so many different teachers that the energy body is like this;
right arm God Sun Fire orange yellow golden hot bright dry light active positive male
left arm Goddess Moon Water blue indigo sapphire cold dark wet heavy passive negative female
right leg Man Earth Earth salmon red rose ruby warm dim moist heavy passive negative male
left leg Woman Wind Air chartreuse green emerald cool dim damp light active positive female
Yet traditional texts place all manner of correspondences often making water and earth negative and female and on the lower body and fire and air positive and male on the upper body.
Supernal Heavenstone Emerald Air Female
Head Moonstone Sapphire Water Female
Chest Sunstone Topaz Fire Male
Belly Earthstone Ruby Earth Male
Shiva 1st nadi Pingala and 1st form of Kundalini Fire Sun God Yellow
Shakti 2nd nadi Ida and 2nd form of Kundalini Water Moon Goddess Platinum Blue
Skanda 3rd nadi Sushumna 3rd form of Kundalini Earth Earth Prince Pale Red
Jyoti 4th nadi Gandhari 4th form of Kundalini Heavens Air Princess Pastel Green
Air is the sought after princess :mrgreen:
The Sun rises first without our command but it is to the Heavens that we seek to fly and for which we wait with bated breath.
Is the woman then the lowest or the highest? For it is Barbello who bore the son and the sun. It is the treasure called the daughter of the Moon and the Sun that the earth still seeks.
Gandhari voluntarily blindfolded herself and gained great spiritual powers. It is by closing the physical eyes and attaining meditative trance visions , projections and dreamstate lessons that we gain abilities and esoteric wisdoms (SOPHIA )
19th March 2011, 03:43 PM
Funny how this topic keeps popping up in my reality. I wonder why? Hmmm.
Anyway: ... ?GT1=43001 (
Aunt Clair
20th March 2011, 04:20 PM
Thank you so much for this thread and for the bump. I am encouraged to hear that the Goddess is being felt and understood more and more.
The black pillar on the left is curiously sometimes called the pillar of severity .
More often now it is associated with the Black Madonna, Imma/ Ama , magick, the night , the moon, compassion , mercy , tolerance and devotion. We need more of this in our world.
2012 is supposed to mark an end not of the world but of the Male Sun God reign. The new era is one of Divine Parents of the Sun and the Moon ; of light and sound. A higher vibration a more peaceful compassionate paradigm.
I found this today while researching the Tree of Life;
Iusaaset, the grandmother of deities, Atum's wife
Another belief held that Shu and Tefnut were created by Atum having sexual intercourse with a goddess, referred to as Iusaaset (also spelt Juesaes, Ausaas, Iusas, and Jusas, and in Greek as Saosis), meaning the great one who comes forth. She was described as his shadow or his hand. Consequently, Iusaaset was seen as the mother and grandmother of the gods. The strength, hardiness, medical properties, and edibility, led the acacia tree to be considered the tree of life, and thus the oldest, which was situated close to, and north of, Heliopolis, was said to be the birthplace of the deities. Thus, as the mother and grandmother, of the deities, Iusaaset was said to own this tree.
In the Gnostic Apocrypha Christ calls the Divine Sophia a humble wise woman who became the Grandmother of all archangels. I think he means that she was the first human to understand the evolution and could not do this work in her lifetime but she was able to prepare her children in this path. And within 2 generations her grandchildren became this world's first archangels . There is SO much more to learn .
21st April 2011, 03:48 PM
Ptah - Sekhmet
Osiris - Isis
Female - Cold gentle energy
Male - Hot strong energy
Both bring balance in the force when they are truly in love.
That's how I got it.
Aunt Clair
30th April 2011, 11:56 AM
Christ called 7 female apostles according to the Pistis Sophia of Jesus Christ , an apocryphal text. Mary Magdalene said to Christ that she was afraid of Peter who hated her gender. Irenaeus followed the model of Peter and suppressed information concerning female apostles see this link;
1st May 2011, 10:37 AM
I get so attracted to that energy. It's cold like water. It keeps me stable.
Sekhmet for example gives cold energy as well as some girls but nowhere as strong as this one.
What would be the best way to keep a connection open? A picture?
6th May 2011, 11:04 PM
Beautifully insightful thread.
Before the arrival of muhammad and his spread of Islam, before the arrival of Allah in Arabia even.
Goddesses ruled.
The Three Goddesses
1.AllÄt (Arabic: اللات‎) or Al-LÄt was a Pre-Islamic Arabian goddess who was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca. She is mentioned in the Qur'an (Sura 53:19), which indicates [b]that pre-Islamic Arabs considered her as one of the daughters of AllÄh along with ManÄt and al-‘Uzzá.
2.Al-‘Uzzá (Arabic: العزى‎) "The Mightiest One" or "The strong" was an Arabian fertility goddess who was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca, Arabs only call upon her or Hubal for protection and victory before any war and that to show how important she was.[4]
3.ManÄt (Arabic: Ù…Ù♥اة‎) Was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca, Arabs believed ManÄt to be the goddess of fate, The Book of Idols describes her as the most ancient of all these idols. The Arabs used to name [their children] 'Abd-ManÄt and Zayd-ManÄt. ManÄt was erected on the seashore in the vicinity of al-Mushallal in Qudayd, between Medina and Mecca. All the Arabs used to venerate her and sacrifice before her.
The Bija-Mantras have a significant inner meaning and often do not convey any meaning on their face. Their meaning is subtle, mystic. The form of the Bija-Mantra is the form of the Devata signified by it.
Mantra-Jappa of scared names of divinity will result in connection with energies amazingly alive and sentient.
29th May 2011, 02:56 PM
This is the kind of women I like:
Aphrodite ... racuse.jpg (
These are some of the woman deities and women I've met the latest weeks. Presence is usually pretty strong like angelic.
Aphrodite ♥♥♥♥ - Nice perfume!
Ishtar ♥♥♥
Sekhmet ♥♥♥ - Agressive, sexy
Asherah ♥♥♥♥♥ - Cold and strong
Hathor ♥♥♥
Isis ♥♥♥
Wadjet ♥♥♥♥ - Protective, comes with a spear, snaps easily, old smell :)
Nekhbet ♥♥♥ - Protective, nice perfume :)
Hera ♥♥♥♥♥ - Nice perfume, strong
Not deities but "old friends"
Roxana ♥♥♥♥ - Old clothes :)
Ankhesenamun ♥♥♥♥♥ - Clean spirit
Ofra Haza ♥♥♥♥♥ (Good luck with your future)
Unknown girl ♥♥♥♥♥ (Could possibly be lying about identity but her spirit is clean)
Judith ♥♥♥♥
Queen Jezebel ♥ - Nasty aura disturbance
26th November 2011, 08:22 AM
And she has made her presence known again, in yet another form. This time, she is the Canaanite goddess Asherah, a mother goddess associated with trees and known throughout the Ancient Near East by various names and in slightly different but still recognisable forms. She's even in the bible, is Asherah, and in ancient inscriptions which mention her name in conjunction with Yahweh, the god of Israel.
There's a lot of scholarly debate about Asherah and her relationship to/with Yahweh, of course, but in this case, that's moot. Mother Goddess, the Divine Feminine, has once more appeared in my reality. :)
(I did write a blog post here about this topic if you're interested in reading a little more on Yahweh and his Asherah:
I just find it amusing how she keeps popping up in different forms. I wish I could figure out what she's saying to me...
27th November 2011, 06:53 PM
I just find it amusing how she keeps popping up in different forms. I wish I could figure out what she's saying to me...
It may be very personal to you, but if you feel comfortable to share, I'd like to read about how exactly the sacred feminine manifests in your life. Is it through dreams? Signs and coincidences? Through what you read? Or do you actually `sense` her presence in some form or another?
...Maybe also, someone here could help you figure out what she is trying to tell you... Well, perhaps :)
28th November 2011, 04:42 AM
It may be very personal to you, but if you feel comfortable to share, I'd like to read about how exactly the sacred feminine manifests in your life. Is it through dreams? Signs and coincidences? Through what you read? Or do you actually `sense` her presence in some form or another?
Oh, she pops up in books, on the web, occasionally television shows, that sort of thing. I've never dreamed of her. Now and then I sense a kind of presence, but that's nebulous and difficult to describe. This last time, it she was the topic of an essay for an ancient history unit I just finished. Not part of the coursework, directly (i.e., no lectures on her or anything), but just one of the topic choices, and she was partly obscured (the actual topic was whether or not the inscriptions on a particular pair of ancient pottery shards relate directly to the images; I didn't find out until I started to look into it that the inscriptions had her there).
She frequently takes different forms. For quite a while, she was Sophia, in the Hellenistic sense (I have a picture of Sophia over my bed, in fact). She has been known to appear as Quan Yin (in a temple I wandered into, and that was a very clear presence, actually), and as Mary Magdelene (not from the Dan Brown book; I read the books he got his ideas from and found her there ;)) I don't know where she's going to turn up next. It's always a bit of a surprise. :)
I don't know what she's saying, other than, "Hi! I'm here!" It's true that I tend to manifest "mother goddess" as far as archetypes go, so it might be related to that. I dunno. Eventually, maybe, she'll tell me.... ;)
...Maybe also, someone here could help you figure out what she is trying to tell you... Well, perhaps :)[/QUOTE]
29th November 2011, 03:24 PM
Oh, she pops up in books, on the web, occasionally television shows, that sort of thing. I've never dreamed of her. Now and then I sense a kind of presence, but that's nebulous and difficult to describe. This last time, it she was the topic of an essay for an ancient history unit I just finished. Not part of the coursework, directly (i.e., no lectures on her or anything), but just one of the topic choices, and she was partly obscured (the actual topic was whether or not the inscriptions on a particular pair of ancient pottery shards relate directly to the images; I didn't find out until I started to look into it that the inscriptions had her there).
What you say really sheds a new light on your last blog entry… Subtle, and yet… Definitly saying "I’m here", as you say…;)
Once, I felt strangely intrigued about some obscure symbols that showed up in someone else's dream, and curiously felt compelled to google these right away. I found out it was all about Sophia... Well whether it was or not about her, everything I looked for led me to her and the sacred feminine. In a sense, it's kind of like how you found her, only when you started looking further ;)
By the way, I googled the topics on your blog (Asherah, the pottery shards…), and found it so interesting… My thanks to you ;)
29th November 2011, 09:50 PM
In a sense, it's kind of like how you found her, only when you started looking further ;)
Yes. She's been fairly subtle. Well, other than me manifesting the archetype. That's very visible to anyone who's paying attention. ;)
By the way, I googled the topics on your blog (Asherah, the pottery shards…), and found it so interesting… My thanks to you ;)
You're welcome. And she IS interesting. By far, she's the most intriguing manifestation of Mother Goddess that I've seen yet.
2nd December 2011, 04:06 AM
Yes. She's been fairly subtle. Well, other than me manifesting the archetype. That's very visible to anyone who's paying attention. ;)
It is and that's good... I believe the archetype needs to be manifested as much as possible... We've been exploring the masculine aspects of the Divine a lot and I feel it is now time for the Feminine aspects to come forward so that one day, balance is achieved... And both work hand in hand :-)
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