View Full Version : Meeting Aliens

6th July 2010, 03:59 AM
Yet another one from me, & I still feel quite open-mouthed at this point - I was with an old friend of mine at some sort of exhibition or fair, where we wandered around for a while looking at things; then on the way out, I noticed an extremely tall woman on the path in front of us (my head reached her waist) I immediately thought she looked like an alien but tried to control my thoughts in case she was telepathic.

My friend & I went in to the marquee after her (instead of leaving) & apart from crowds of humans inside, there were another 5 or 6 people, all obviosly of the same race - very tall, narrow & thin, & all dressed strangely, a if they had grabbed a hill-billy's clothes & put them on any old how. They tended to keep together as a group & seemed very haughty - I tried to tell my friend that I felt that what I had heard about them shooting American soldiers was true, but was afraid they would pick up my thoughts as they looked over at me & scanned me. They fitted the general description of "Tall Whites" & had straggly long blonde hair.

The we joined a queue to meet a different kind of alien, who was also quite tall, but strongly built. He was a dull greenish colour, & looked reptilian; slightly frog- like face, but smiling & very approachable. I asked him mentally whether he was telepathic. He looked at me in puzzlement, & the impression formed in my mind that he felt there was too much static in my mind for us to really communicate telepathically. (I had also shielded myself before trying to communicate)

My friend & I left, amazed that we had been party to such an astonishing experience. I said I would never forget the date, 5th July 2010, that disclosure had finally happened. I was so elated to know for a fact that aliens did exist, & honoured to have been among the first to have met them face to face.

I wondered why there were no little "greys" represented, but a voice said that they "had declined to participate in the experiment"

I still feel "WOW". . . . :mrgreen:

6th July 2010, 07:23 AM
As it is in the Dreaming Forum, but you write it somehow like actually meeting aliens - was this a real experience for you, or just some fantasy surfacing in a dream?

I have not yet met any Reptilian-Alien, that I would like to have around on Earth. The Greys just the same. They actually seem to not like each other - seeing each other as competition. So it makes sense, that there was no Greys in your "event".
And also in my experience Reptilians work sometimes together with Andromedans/Pleiadians, which sounds like had been at that "Meeting" of yours.
So it quite well fits with my own experience :!:
If those folks in your dream are what I think, then you now have a good idea of whom not to trust and rather stay away from. (that would be my strong advice, but everyone is as always free to gather own experience)

The "nice" aliens are not that much interfering, therefore one first meets the "pushy" ones. But there are lots and lots of nice people out there - about those one just does not find next to anything written in the Internet.

6th July 2010, 10:31 AM
Hi - No, it was a dream - but I have had some other strange experiences, apart from the dream. . . .

6th July 2010, 10:50 AM
Hehe, don't be so vague - do tell! :mrgreen:


6th July 2010, 11:15 AM
I thought I was going to put this whole 'alien' thing back to bed again and then Sono had the dream I was expecting. This is the way my Guides work - I seek an answer, they give me a dream, and I set that possibility up in UFOlogy/A journal from day one. Then i read a link dreamosis had provided and decided I didn't want any part of aliens. And then, along comes Sono and meets some of the more 'meetable' sort and I'm left thinking, "what the...!" :shock:

When Korpo asked that we have dreams for him ("I need some help" - i think) I wondered about that possibility, but here's a great example - Sono had my dream for me. :lol:

That aside, can we be alien hybrids? That seems likely to me. Sono's tall aliens made me flash back to a recent dream in which my daughter and I had gone to an elaborate black-tie theatrical production preceded by a banquete during the early 20th century. At one point I'm looking around for her as the production is soon begin and I find her seated with a chamber orchestra of children. I go over to her and she stands up and then taking in a big breath she grows in height until her rather prominent breasts are higher than my head and with her face still looking straight ahead her eyes shift down to me and I perceive her in her 'master of the universe' mode (which is not unlike her IRL :lol: )

As matter of fact, I had sat down earlier at the banquette table and realized my head was under the table - everybody was tall. :shock:

6th July 2010, 11:18 AM
When Korpo asked that we have dreams for him ("I need some help" - i think) I wondered about that possibility, but here's a great example - Sono had my dream for me. :lol:

Not cool! :?

Hehe. ;)


6th July 2010, 11:24 AM
I meant Dreaming Forum>Would you help me out. Sorry Korpo. Geez, I'm losin' it :?

6th July 2010, 11:30 AM
Hehe, I meant you're not supposed to snatch "my" dreams... ;)


6th July 2010, 01:38 PM
I tried to tell my friend that I felt that what I had heard about them shooting American soldiers was true, but was afraid they would pick up my thoughts as they looked over at me & scanned me.

Is this something you've heard outside the dream or an association you made within the dream only?

When I read your dream first time I had to think of the term "menagerie," and I actually had to look it up. The parallel seems to be that it is like a demonstration happening inside a tent. You're confronted with different kinds of beings as if this was some sort of place where you can have a look at each other.

The reactions you have might be worth looking at.


7th July 2010, 06:43 AM
Korpo, That reaction you ask about was as a result something I read some time ago, about some USA soldiers on a base being shot by Tall Whites (who were working for the US govt.) & who did not like to be looked at. . . .but my reaction in the dream was of elation & joy to find we are not alone. I do feel it was more than a dream, actually - maybe an astral experience I misremebered as a dream? It definitely was a matter of viewing & meeting different life forms under "safe" conditions, whatever it was! (I haven't been able to get o-o-b while awake of late, I think because of sleeping under 4 cats & 2 dogs who are all chilly!)

Strange, this whole dreaming for others, becaue I had not read the other thread on this topic, until about a week ago & since then my nights have been really crammed with dreams! Whenever I go to bed I always set my intention to have dream or astral experiences "for the good of all beings" & also make my energy availbale to "those who need it" (as I write I realize I should perhaps narrow that down!! what sort of nasties might be feeding? heheh :shock: )

And I also often have dreams about being in theatres, eyeoneblack, either in the audience, backstage or performing -also at after performance parties in the Green Room, but I used to sing so thought it was because of that, yet it's interesting that others also have this sort of dream theme.

Edited for typos & grammar (& again & still can't get it right!)

7th July 2010, 07:24 AM
Hello, sono.

I know what you mean by joy & elation. I once asked for a sign and dreamed I saw a UFO, and I saw it react to me looking at it and I was dancing in the streets because I was so glad to have this happen and know this. :D

I think because of sleeping under 4 cats & 2 dogs who are all chilly!

Sounds like you don't need a blanket, but some UN troops to keep the peace! ;)

I do feel it was more than a dream, actually - maybe an astral experience I misremebered as a dream?

All a matter of your degree of lucidity, mostly. Not really misremembered, just not lucid enough to spot the difference. I think your own reaction to this dream is a clue regarding this.

And I also often have dreams about being in theatres, eyeoneblack, either in the audience, backstage or performing -also at after performance parties in the Green Room, but I used to sing so thought it was because of that, yet it's interesting that others also have this sort of dream theme.

In any given situation there are energy and group dynamics going on. In everything you learn, in all the experience you take part in. Dreaming that you are in a theater might highlight this aspect of your experience - your degree of involvement in a situation, possibly also your degree of understanding, how far the situation has progressed and so on. All part of the "human drama."

The original intent in staging theater wasn't merely to entertain, but to educate or to facilitate catharsis. Similarly you can ask yourself about the purpose of taking part in physical reality and if a similar intent exists. If so, the stage symbol would be quite literal, and very strongly related to physical reality as a useful illusion, a framework or construct with certain rules.
