View Full Version : Girl on a Platform

5th July 2010, 06:42 AM
Hope I'm not being a bore recounting yet another dream - here I was sort of "melded" into a tree in a clearing near a forest, watching a little girl of about 8 (dressed in a brown velvet dress) practising to use a "mental platform". It was a big wooden square with an electric (?) wire at about the height of her waist; she had to stand on the base & by mental concentration, make it fly along. She had been shown how to do this previously in dream state lessons. Anyway, she got it going, but out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed the "pilot" who had taught her, at which point she lost control, crashing into a tree ahead of her.

5th July 2010, 11:42 AM
Hello, sono.

Very interesting dream, keep on sharing this stuff. 8) You're watching the practising of an out-of-body skill.

here I was sort of "melded" into a tree in a clearing near a forest

Maybe you were watching this from the "perspective of benefitting your growth?"

The main point of the simulation seemed to be to maintain mental focus in the task she was doing.


5th July 2010, 03:06 PM
Cool, I had a dream of attending an astral flying school. It was a large platform high in a tree (picture the canopy of the Rain Forest). Students were given verbal instructions as to the mental state of flying and to this day it still seems to me one has to get their mind just right to fly.

I was not a student and felt confident so when I stepped off the platform I flew out and around a bit but when I returned I just barely had enough mental state to make it back to the platform, having to climb a little to get back on it.

Yes, another dream of learning to fly. :D

Odd, though, that your girl was flying the whole platform :?:

5th July 2010, 03:23 PM

The platform as something solid probably was the symbol of maintaining a state of consciousness. I've seen the symbol of platform actually used before for that very purpose - maintaining a certain state of mind or symbolising it as a cue.

So, the dream was not only showing the fact that she was learning to fly, but also the means - keeping a stable state of consciousness (a platform) and maintaining that focus. She was also not literally crashing into something, but distraction "crashed" her state of consciousness, I'd say.

So, the platform is conveying something about her consciousness, an outpicturing of something to do with her consciousness.

Similarly, if her state of consciousness would have been sustained by the instructor, he would have been on the platform and "in the driving seat." If the instructor would have helped maintain the state, he might have appeared on the platform as well, but only to the side or behind the girl. The fact that the girl had to do it alone might indicate a minor initiatory test of her out-of-body abilities, a bit like an exam in school (but not finals) where you have to do something by yourself and without aid.

I actually think that the symbolism in many car dreams is like this, so it's always interesting to look at who is driving, who's in the car and what seems to be going on. Even familiar people can stand in for guides, instructors or support team. Family and co-workers often appear in this role for me, denoting either my level of trust, familiarity or giving hints to their function or the "flavour" of their energy.

Be well,

5th July 2010, 03:42 PM
Ah, I get it. Good stuff, Korpo. I didn't think of that, but it makes perfect sense. :)

6th July 2010, 03:38 AM
Fantastic interpretations, thanks!!

6th July 2010, 06:40 AM
Your dream was cooler, but it reminds me of something that happened last Friday. I dreamed I was standing on a small round yellow object that was like a hover board but that also let you jump really high. I had lots of fun in the dream bouncing/flying around. Later that day in real life a coworker installed a new toilet. There was an empty box for the wax gasket on the ground by the trash can. It had picture of a yellow circle on it that looked similar to what I'd used in my dream. He kicked the box up in the air a few times to to get it to land in the trash. I was a little let down that maybe the idea for my hover device in the dream came from the toilet gasket that I would see later, but at least I had fun!

6th July 2010, 10:20 PM
Don't be down on the association, Karl, your hover ring came first and was only clumsily repeated in the physical, I mean, your buddy tried to make it fly - I think that's amazing :mrgreen: