View Full Version : Seriously receding hair

Free Spirit
4th July 2010, 11:23 PM
Dear Robert,

could you please advice on if there any special technique on how to stop badly receding hair and even better, to make it grow back?
Medical tests showing that all vitamins and minerals are intact in my body and I am taking all the right ones, care for the hair and scalp with all the good oil and other home made masks and other remedies, massaging scalp and what not.
IN the last few month much hair falled and keep folling... :-(

How to stop negs from doing that?

Scalp skin seem to be nice and healthy... And the hair's shafts too...
Reading your wonderful book "Practical Psychic self-defence", but didnt find particular advice for hair problem, nor on this forum, using "search" feature...
Free Spirit /Lou

Robert Bruce
30th July 2010, 07:03 AM

Verbal Affirmations are the most powerful tools there are for change and self healing.

The spoken word activates the throat chakra, which projects the words onto the astral level. The higher self is more receptive and proactive on the astral level.

This is how it works.

you would need to put considerable time and effort into this, to get past your disbelief, which everyone has concerning manifestation.
