View Full Version : I've had the strangest dream this morning!

4th July 2010, 04:28 PM
I was unable to remember my dreams for awhile but this dream this morning was too strange not to remember.I was already with this man (a guide?)in this huge clear pool or so I thought until I swam to the edge of it and looked down and realized that this pool was a huge crater on top of a mountain.I was in the dream and I was also watching myself in the dream.This man was telling me that my father wanted me to come to Kabul to find out something.My father died last year in October and had never visited this city or had any ties with it and neither had I.Then we left and went to this hotel where I gave the receptionist my visa card and when she didn't gave it back right away I asked for it.She put my card in a zip lock bag and inside it was a piece of paper with a roach stuck to it.I killed the roach when I got the card back as it came out on the counter then I woke up.What the heck is this dream all about.I googled Kabul and there really are two mountains in there.Weird!!! :shock: :?:

4th July 2010, 05:00 PM
Well, that's as plain as the nose on my face (or should I say, as clear as a mountain lake) - it's time for you to study the Kabullah :P And it's time for you to go 'home' because your money's no good in foreign places.

4th July 2010, 05:21 PM
And what if it wasn't a roach, but a scarab beetle?! That'd be a different matter, and the costs of the lessons cannot be deferred to a later date, paid over time, but must be paid 'as you go'.

But a roach is a coach, I mean roach. If we only knew what was written on that paper? Watch for synchronicities that may point to elements of the dream.


4th July 2010, 05:28 PM
Come again ?Thank you for your reply eyeoneblack but I must be really dense today because I don't get what you are saying.On the other hand,I've been feeling lately that I've reached the top of the mountain and I'm just basking in that feeling and it sure feels good. :D :mrgreen:

Well, that's as plain as the nose on my face (or should I say, as clear as a mountain lake) - it's time for you to study the Kabullah :P And it's time for you to go 'home' because your money's no good in foreign places.

4th July 2010, 05:32 PM
Hmm,I don't think there was anything written on that paper.Maybe she just used the paper to pick up the roach with it.Synchronicities,here I come!Lol! :D

And what if it wasn't a roach, but a scarab beetle?! That'd be a different matter, and the costs of the lessons cannot be deferred to a later date, paid over time, but must be paid 'as you go'.

But a roach is a coach, I mean roach. If we only knew what was written on that paper? Watch for synchronicities that may point to elements of the dream.


4th July 2010, 05:59 PM
Sorry Niki, it was a bad pun: Kabul, Kabullah, Kaballah (or Kabbalah, it's spelled so many ways!)- the esoteric science of the Secret Doctrine of which I am an ardent student.

As for anything else I thought of, nevermind, just letting my fancy run.

Hey, Fido, come - HEEL! That dang dog.

And sometimes it just runs away. :oops:

4th July 2010, 09:18 PM
I actually like the "Kabul-lah / Qaballah" pun. The first thing I had to think of when reading about the roach on a paper was "Paper Roach / Papa Roach" - a metal band. BTW the song I know by them is titled "Between Angels and Insects."

The problem with dreams can be that there will be stages where you have to develop your vocabulary for translating them. There were times when my dreams seemed nonsensical, and they became more understandable again. I think those were the times when new symbols were established to enhance what can be transmitted through the dreams.

Maybe that's also the reason for the drought in your dream recall - readjustements in your consciousness as you try to recall a new level of dream.

BTW, I had an Afghanistan dream once as well, posted it here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16606&p=121080&hilit=Afghanistan#p121080 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16606&p=121080&hilit=Afghanistan#p121080)

So, was the crater filled with water or was the water gone when you realised it was a crater?


5th July 2010, 12:17 AM
Oliver,that's so funny! Papa Roach? Ha,ha!I was swimming in the crater filled with water and I went all the way to the edge ,looked down and realized that I was in a crater on top of a mountain.Isn't a vulcanic crater called a caldera as in a cauldron ?I've never had dreams about Afganistan ever before.

I actually like the "Kabul-lah / Qaballah" pun. The first thing I had to think of when reading about the roach on a paper was "Paper Roach / Papa Roach" - a metal band. BTW the song I know by them is titled "Between Angels and Insects."

The problem with dreams can be that there will be stages where you have to develop your vocabulary for translating them. There were times when my dreams seemed nonsensical, and they became more understandable again. I think those were the times when new symbols were established to enhance what can be transmitted through the dreams.

Maybe that's also the reason for the drought in your dream recall - readjustements in your consciousness as you try to recall a new level of dream.

BTW, I had an Afghanistan dream once as well, posted it here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16606&p=121080&hilit=Afghanistan#p121080 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16606&p=121080&hilit=Afghanistan#p121080)

So, was the crater filled with water or was the water gone when you realised it was a crater?


5th July 2010, 05:24 AM
Ok, let's review. Niki, your father wanted you to come to Kabul to 'find something out', perhaps to 'tell' you something. So you go to Kabul and get a 'zip-lock bag', as in 'hermetically sealed' - a secret, and in the bag is a piece of paper together with an insect symbol and something very personal - your credit card, that piece of plastic that generally means you can have what you want.

It's really helpful to examine a dream for what it is, not for what it's not. To say that the paper was meaningless, your rational mind wants to ignore it as being merely the means by which the roach was placed in the bag. That would explain it away and not within, which is what dreams are about, within. The dream says you are intended to learn something and dreams are full and complete to themselves - everything is there if you can only penetrate it. So, your clues are a bag, an insect, a piece of paper all of which personally relate to you and no one else. All this points to that something you were to "find out".

But another thing about dreams, sometimes it's best to just let them simmer in our unconscious.

Anyway, that's the way I work with dreams. To each his/her own. :wink:


5th July 2010, 06:15 AM
Thank you Richard!Yes,you are right.I should let it simmer.Today was a normal day until something happened.I received a phone call and it was someone who sounded like a boy(isn't there some kind of device to change your voice on the phone ?)Ok,this person who sounded like a child kept asking me who I am over and over and I asked him who he wanted to speak to but I received no answer.Then I said that he must tell me who he is and I would tell him who I am.Guess what? He asked me if I was such and such and he called me by my nick name and only my mom and my now deceased father called me that.I asked him who he was then and he hanged up.I tried to call back the number but no answer.It was a number from an answering service.Weird !!! :shock:

Ok, let's review. Niki, your father wanted you to come to Kabul to 'find something out', perhaps to 'tell' you something. So you go to Kabul and get a 'zip-lock bag', as in 'hermetically sealed' - a secret, and in the bag is a piece of paper together with an insect symbol and something very personal - your credit card, that piece of plastic that generally means you can have what you want.

It's really helpful to examine a dream for what it is, not for what it's not. To say that the paper was meaningless, your rational mind wants to ignore it as being merely the means by which the roach was placed in the bag. That would explain it away and not within, which is what dreams are about, within. The dream says you are intended to learn something and dreams are full and complete to themselves - everything is there if you can only penetrate it. So, your clues are a bag, an insect, a piece of paper all of which personally relate to you and no one else. All this points to that something you were to "find out".

But another thing about dreams, sometimes it's best to just let them simmer in our unconscious.

Anyway, that's the way I work with dreams. To each his/her own. :wink:


5th July 2010, 06:50 AM
Very intriguing. A child-like voice calls and asks you who you are. That's strange, unless someone is being very careful not to reveal themselves or their information to the wrong person - and what kind of information is that?! You do not identify yourself. Finally the caller reveals he has intimate knowledge of you.

At that point my curiosity would have won out and I would have confessed I was the person he sought so that I could learn what he was up to. But you declined again and left him with no other recourse than to abort the communication. Clarrisa? Was it the silence of the lambs?

Sorry, things pop into my mind - I'm nuts. :roll:

You may have good reason not to identify yourself, but it would seem, only if something is chasing you and you don't want to be found out. Say it's not so :|

Why didn't you just tell him who you were?

:P :shock: :wink:

5th July 2010, 05:11 PM
I was kind of shocked that he called me by my nick name yet he insisted so much and wanted me to identify myself,lol.I went like "Huh? Who are you???Who are you?" He then hanged up.I'll call the number today again.He,he!Someone chasing me?He,he! :lol:

Very intriguing. A child-like voice calls and asks you who you are. That's strange, unless someone is being very careful not to reveal themselves or their information to the wrong person - and what kind of information is that?! You do not identify yourself. Finally the caller reveals he has intimate knowledge of you.

At that point my curiosity would have won out and I would have confessed I was the person he sought so that I could learn what he was up to. But you declined again and left him with no other recourse than to abort the communication. Clarrisa? Was it the silence of the lambs?

Sorry, things pop into my mind - I'm nuts. :roll:

You may have good reason not to identify yourself, but it would seem, only if something is chasing you and you don't want to be found out. Say it's not so :|

Why didn't you just tell him who you were?

:P :shock: :wink: