View Full Version : Would you help me out?

3rd July 2010, 09:59 AM

I just remembered the thread when several people would try to have dreams for one particular person, here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16606 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16606)

I have a particular problem I don't quite understand. I would love to have dreams to help me, but currently I sleep an exhausting sleep due to a local heat wave. It can happen I go days without recalling a dream.

So, I would like to ask anyone who reads this if they would spare me a dream this weekend? I'm sure it would help.

Thank you and cheers,

PS - you can post the dreams in here. The problem itself should not be too personal, unless your dreams either unearth such a component I have overlooked, or your dream touches on something else. You can of course PM me.

Neil Templar
3rd July 2010, 10:30 AM
i'll give it a go... :)

3rd July 2010, 12:00 PM
i'll give it a go... :)

Ah, thanks! 8)


5th July 2010, 06:28 AM
Now here's something weird!! I dreamed (among several other dreams) that I was suposed to "spare a dream for Oliver" last night! So i"ll try & have one for you tonight. . deep sympathies re the heat, I can't handle hot weather at all & winters here are almost non-existant. . .

5th July 2010, 09:41 AM
Hello, N.

That was indeed funny! :D

After asking anyone else to dream for me I actually had also a helpful dream regarding my problem. Not all the answers I want, but some.

Thank you and be well,

Neil Templar
5th July 2010, 12:43 PM
Oliver i had an interesting one this morning, about being initiated into a secret society, but i'm not sure it was for you, considering my dreams of the past couple weeks...
anyway, i can't really recall any details. :roll:

5th July 2010, 01:17 PM
Hello, Neil.

anyway, i can't really recall any details. :roll:

That's how secret it was? :shock:


I agree, I also think it was meant for you.


6th July 2010, 11:39 AM
I almost forgot! Posting to the "Meeting Aliens" thread I remembered having taken a meditation for you Korpo a couple of days ago.

Sometimes this results in an LD, but more often I simply receive still pictures. These are what I got with you as the target - that they anything to do with anything is doubtful :wink: but you gets what you gets. :)

1. small glass jars with black lids and a white powder (?) in them.

2. a pharmacy

3. a casino

4. four black curtains with white designs on them drawn inside a border (having the appearance of a playing card) the third depicting a female and something like fantacy/mythology and the forth of a distinquished man with a large moustache seated as for a formal portrait.

Silly stuff - but fun.


6th July 2010, 11:56 AM
Hello, E1B.

What did the fantasy woman look like?


6th July 2010, 12:15 PM
This panel is very sketchy to me and since it was no more than white drawing on a black background... but I think she was the iconic fair damsel with long flowing hair like you likely see on a Wicca site.

Oh well....

6th July 2010, 11:29 PM
I discovered the picture in the 3rd curtain, Korpo, as I went to pick up my frappuccino; it's the girl in the center of the Starbucks logo :lol: which is still consistent with my earlier intuition :) .

7th July 2010, 01:48 PM
I dedicated another dream to you Oliver and got something that I suspect was for me, or both of us. I'll put it in my journal.