View Full Version : Weird weekend Dreams

3rd July 2010, 06:26 AM
Am working today to make up lost time hence this post - last night I had 2 strange dreams - the first was of a decapitated, bloody head of a woman; I tried not to look at it but was unable to turn away; it then sort of slid forwards & said, "I will now reveal the full extent of my injuries" & a naked female body came into view, also covered in blood. She then slid into a large pool of water. I had the impression i was to do something about it, but could not. It was quite disturbing!

And in the second, I was on the upper storey of an hotel in some strange country, admiring the still-dark, early morning seascape, & taking photos on my mobile phone when an enormous wave crashed over everything,lifting me up high & dumping me down again. Then came hectic earthquake tremors (perhaps I was heading o-o-b & interpreted the vibrations & lifting as part of a dream?) I have only had "disaster" dreams twice before in my life, so find it a bit odd.

3rd July 2010, 08:13 AM
Hello, sono.

A separation of head and body. Could also be taken as a separation of mind and body. The fascination you feel could mean you are fascinated by the mind aspect alone, paying too little attention to the body. The dream then outpictures this as harmful in the most gruesome pictures.

Can you describe what slides into the pool? The body, the head? How?

About the second... Hotel is a common sign, often works for "plane." A hotel is a place you go to sleep. This is a place where you go when you sleep. Upper story means you are possibly at he upper level of the astral plane, and the seascape you're looking at is quite possibly the mental plane stretching out in front of you, which is often said to come through as sea or another body of water. The experience is new to you, you feel it is a "strange country." The photos you take on the mobile might have to do with trying to recall this. (People use their mobile phones nowadays as mobile memory, taking photos of what they want to remember, for example.)

It then seems like you put into pictures the feeling of an energy wave in the environment you are in. The big wave (the actual wave) and then its reverberations in the environment (the tremors).


3rd July 2010, 08:45 AM
Wow, that was great it all resonates fully! And as to "what slides into the water", it's the whole corpse. . . most yucky!

I didn't know before that Hotel commonly signifies "plane", that is most enlightening, as I dream a lot of hotels & holiday places.

PS Have you looked at the site http://www.paranormal.de/para/ballabene/
(I aim this at you only becuae it's in German)


3rd July 2010, 08:55 AM
Hello, sono.

Wow, that was great it all resonates fully! And as to "what slides into the water", it's the whole corpse. . . most yucky!

Still, a pool of water can mean rejuvenation, for example.

I didn't know before that Hotel commonly signifies "plane", that is most enlightening, as I dream a lot of hotels & holiday places.

I saw this recur in the experiences of several people, including my own. The hotels are usually multi-level structures. There's often elevators, stairs, an awareness of what level you are on. Your stay there is temporary. It might signify a stay in a strange place, a foreign place, a different place. Also hotels are places associated with sleep. And sometimes in dreams also "service staff" appears.

Altogether it can be a good symbol for a "plane," also airports and malls serve similar functions for similar reasons, it seems.

PS Have you looked at the site http://www.paranormal.de/para/ballabene/
(I aim this at you only becuae it's in German)

There's some interesting topic headings there, I will investigate. :)


4th July 2010, 04:08 PM
Just curious Sono, are you having family problems, blood relatives giving you a hard time?

It just came to mind so i put it here :)

5th July 2010, 03:28 AM
Hi Oneyeblack, thanks for the input - actually I have no living relatives except for my daughter. . . . & no, we get along fine except for the usual occasional tiffs. :)