View Full Version : How to publish my book?

2nd July 2010, 07:12 PM
I have decided to write a book about my experiences in nonphysical realms, what I have learned from them regarding the nature of reality, and how to go about having such experiences. The book will cover topics including ETs, Jesus, guides, higher dimensions, the Higher Self, God/Source, the relationship between dreams, lucid dreams, and the various types of OBEs, and techniques to explore nonphysical realms, among other things. All sections of the book will include passages from my Experience Journals here on this board, as well as others not logged here.

I am unsure how to go about publishing the book, however.

Do I self publish?

Do I try to find a publisher?

For those of you who have written a book and had it published, What do you suggest I do?

2nd July 2010, 07:46 PM
The first thing you should do is finish the book.

then you should ask trusted peers and potential customers to read your book, as to get assess their reaction and let you finalize your best product.

Alex jones was talking to an author on his radio show several weeks ago, and alex suggested that aspiring authors on controversial subjects should go through a small publisher that will sell a batch of the books to the author (say - 500 or 5,000 books at at time). then it is up to the author to hit the streets, stir up hype, get stores to carry the book, give lectures, etc. and get the books sold.

That saves you a lot of the hassle and cost of dealing with the publisher. it's just an option.

I'm in the stages of authoring a small book myself but i'll definitely use a pseudonym so i am undecided as to what to pursue for publishing. for me, it will depend entirely on how the book turns out.

ok i'm going to do some research on this.

2nd July 2010, 11:38 PM
you can try lulu.com

3rd July 2010, 12:20 AM
A good editor is vital. You need someone who can tell you that your book is crap but that it can be fixed. Not everyone can read over a book and edit it. You need someone who does this for a living. If you can get your book by a serious editor, then you will have better luck with the publishing and selling.

Also, please don't make it too much just about your experiences. Keep your reader in mind. There is nothing more boring than reading about someone's dreams, and I don't really see astral experiences as being much different. You have to have a purpose for writing it, and your reader has to have something to gain from reading it. Anything.