View Full Version : Celestial Females?

28th June 2010, 07:18 PM
Poke Runyon, a famous magician, is his book describes using a technique learned from an eastern teacher. He astrally projects or pathworks to a plane inhabited by beautiful, gorgeous heavenly females which he has sex with. He uses the term dakini to describe them.

This term dakini (google it) plays a major role eastern teachings. And there is also the concept of houris in Islam.

So my question is have you run across gorgeous celestial babes?
How much of this stuff is male fantasy, especially by sex deprived monks?
Could this all be lucid dreaming?

Robert Bruce
30th July 2010, 06:59 AM

Male fantasy, yes.

Such places do exist, but they are created fantasy places, created by the minds of men for recreation.

I expect after time these places have become fairly solid.

Such places would also attract demons and lower entities, incubus and succubus.

Best avoided.
