View Full Version : Testing The Astral Plane

28th June 2010, 02:16 AM
These are some observances I wanted to share. I hope someone finds them helpful. I've been practicing astral travel for awhile now. There are sometimes frustrating interruptions, but sometimes I can delay them. I've had some pretty good ones recently. My most recent one involved waking up and trying the light on my lamp. I've noticed in all my astral dreams that I cannot turn on lights no matter how hard I try or think it should work. So I walked around, noticed that if I pushed the lamp over it would fall but bounce like an object with no gravity, and it made no sound. I can walk through walls in astral reality, but have more difficulty with locked doors and things. The cars outside were driving on the road, many of them and had an eerie quality. I can fly, or rise, with an amount of willpower. Mirrors often show faces, but not always the same one you expect or reveal "truths". Other characters you encounter, or I do, in the astral plane can do things normally. They can turn on lights, open doors, and behave normally. But are not conscious of themselves. If I am really fast I will barely feel the ground touch my feet, If I walk slowly I can feel layers...it seems that in the astral plane I am more made of a ghostly white light, orbs, and such. You can travel into other's dreams and find things...I've yet to do this but I know it's possible. Sometimes things are very fast. The astral negatives might be manifestations of dreams or fears. The interesting thing is how everything seems to be interwoven in the astral plane. Karma is important, and good deeds will come back to you in the astral plane. Flying is fun, and also easy to use if you want to escape something. How the astral plane relates to the physical plane is a mystery.

28th June 2010, 07:41 AM
Hello, Kalinda.

Wonderful observations. Very inspiring how you keep collecting your own facts. 8)

Keep on sharing stuff like this!
