View Full Version : Day 7 Had a WILD

6th March 2006, 06:25 PM
I projected in this WILD but didnt make the full projection I felt the chakras activating it was like passing out kind of I was in a sitting position against a wall It was a wild I know it was because it was the first dream i ever had like that plus i could control it. Does this mean i will leave my body soon since my sub conscious mind is all over the topic in my dreams?

6th March 2006, 11:30 PM
Keep in mind that everyone projects when they go to sleep, they just don't remember it. Or, if they do, they experience it with the Dream Mind active and remember it as a dream. Lucid dreaming is a good first step to remembering conscious OBEs.

7th March 2006, 04:13 AM
Its great to see that even in 7 days im seeing good results...
Strange thing has happened though my wife was leaving and could have sworn she saw a figure in our house it could have been any number of things but this stuff just started happening any suggestions?

7th March 2006, 01:57 PM
She probably saw you- maybe she's good at clarivoyance- maybe she can practice it. If it makes you all nervous try splashing some holy water in your room, and incense around your house, just to feel safe.

7th March 2006, 09:33 PM
my wife didnt see me I was seeing her off
We saw something in our house recently that is not normally there.
I am not so much nervous just dont understand some things last night for the first time in a very long time i had a nightmare or mabe even a waked induced lucid dream. There was a monster looking thing at the foot of my bed kind of like the floating eyeball thing from big trouble in little china with snakes coming out of its head and it was kind of dark with light and dark purple in it.
I wasnt afraid of that either but whatever it was i woke up imediately