View Full Version : Storms in the Astral

26th June 2010, 01:38 PM
This morning I had a false awakening coming back from a projection. In the false awakening there was a spectacular thunder and lightning storm outside and I thought, "What perfect weather for a projection." I temporarily thought I was awake, searching for my journal to write down the projection experience, but then woke up in my bed. There's no storm outside.

The episode reminded me of a few fainting spells I had as a kid. For whatever reason I was extremely disposed to fainting as a kid. And a lot of the time it happened, I didn't pass into unconsciousness, but I was aware. From childhood I have two distinct memories of passing out and finding myself in very long hallways with windows on both sides, with thunderstorms brewing outside.

Somewhere along the way -- I think in Bruce Goldberg's Astral Voyages -- I seem to remember reading that there's a symbolic connection between thunderstorms and the astral. Has anyone heard this or actually experienced the association?

26th June 2010, 04:18 PM
Not in the way you experienced it- the association I would have with storms would be with a hurricane and astral wind. Other than that, no.

26th June 2010, 10:29 PM
I intuitively think that my experiences have more to do with my subconscious interpreting the astral in a certain way, namely, representing it with skyscapes of thunderclouds. Maybe it's an individual thing.

May I ask what your hurricane experiences were?

27th June 2010, 02:53 AM
Believe it or not it was a long time ago and I don't remember anything particular about it- other than it was shocking- I'd be lying on my bed and this strong noisy wind would pick me up and blow me away, I'd lose consciousness and wake up as I was dropped unceremoniously on my bed. It's one of the things that brought me here, trying to figure out what the heck was happening to me.

3rd July 2010, 09:10 AM
Hello, dreamosis.

I found this on a website about dreams. The author is describing how certain types of dreams relate to certain phases of separation he experiences (my own translation below):

4) Empfinden von Wind und Sturm umweht zu werden:

Diese Windempfindungen habe ich bei bewußt eingeleiteten Abhebungen öfters erfahren, kann sie jedoch nicht deuten. Sie treten in einer Übergangsphase zum Astralwandern auf und schlagen sich auch in Traumsymbolen nieder.(http://www.paranormal.de/para/ballabene/traum/traum2/abhebsym.htm)

4) Feeling wind or being within a storm:

The wind sensations I often had with consciously initiated separations. I just don't have an interpretation for them. They occur in a transition phase to astral projection and also appear as dream symbols.


4th July 2010, 12:24 AM
Hmmm. Interesting.

There's one type of dream I associate with being out of body. The content can be anything, but my dream-body state is roughly always the same. It's dreams where I feel extremely tired or drunk, where I'm almost unable to keep myself upright. I think what's happening in these dreams is that there's a projection going on, leaving my dreaming self weak. I almost always have these dreams in conjunction with attempts to get out of body (when I don't appear to get out of body, but fall asleep and dream).

4th July 2010, 07:56 AM
I know they referenced the astral wind on Gnosticweb site. They referred to it as Bellilin (I think) and, IIRC, they summoned it to dispatch negs, but I could be wrong on that.

I haven't personally encountered it but have read a number of accounts of people who have.

4th July 2010, 09:15 PM
Well,I don't know why but sometimes I see myself floating in the air and it looks like a storm.I also see myself as if I'm someone else and I'm also the person floating.Does that make any sense ? :?

5th July 2010, 11:49 AM
Hello, niki123.

Well,I don't know why but sometimes I see myself floating in the air and it looks like a storm.I also see myself as if I'm someone else and I'm also the person floating.Does that make any sense ? :?

Yes, it makes sense. I had dreams where I could instantaneously switch perspective between various selves or energy bodies. These selves operated on different levels, but what would it have looked like if they were present on the same plane? My personal guess would be: Just like you described. :)


5th July 2010, 11:56 AM
Hello, dreamosis.

There's one type of dream I associate with being out of body. The content can be anything, but my dream-body state is roughly always the same. It's dreams where I feel extremely tired or drunk, where I'm almost unable to keep myself upright. I think what's happening in these dreams is that there's a projection going on, leaving my dreaming self weak. I almost always have these dreams in conjunction with attempts to get out of body (when I don't appear to get out of body, but fall asleep and dream).

I associate these dreams with trying to sustain a state of consciousness I have trouble with. I had this for example two years ago, when I was learning more about the energy body - weird visual phenomena like drunk, etc. And now again - being tired or unable to move, or even falling asleep (once), or a feeling of dizziness.

I think it's more of a stage of trying to establish yourself in a certain energy body you had not yet much access to. Your intent takes you out of body, but to another body than the one you are used to, and it takes time to adapt to the new "mechanics" of this energy body.

All of these states would then be a representation of a sensation - not being able to control your body. It's basically symbolic. Tiredness, vertigo, drunkenness - all sensations of "not being in control of your body." (I mean not being fully in control because of some impairment and not the case where you are impaired by somebody else.)


6th July 2010, 04:00 AM
Wow !Cool! Actually,I'm more like floating standing up.

Hello, niki123.

Well,I don't know why but sometimes I see myself floating in the air and it looks like a storm.I also see myself as if I'm someone else and I'm also the person floating.Does that make any sense ? :?

Yes, it makes sense. I had dreams where I could instantaneously switch perspective between various selves or energy bodies. These selves operated on different levels, but what would it have looked like if they were present on the same plane? My personal guess would be: Just like you described. :)
