View Full Version : This seems very symbolic! driving...

24th June 2010, 01:13 PM
I just had a pretty involved dream about driving home in my childhood neighborhood. The car was basically out of control. It sounds like this is a very common dream symbol. It had a lot of details though.

First, I realized that I've been in this situation before in my dreams, so it's recurring (like a few times a year). It's this familiar dream feeling of the car going really, really fast and me trying to slam on the brakes to keep from missing my turn (which I did miss) and trying not to hit other cars. I think my mom was in the passenger seat, and I told her "it's OK, when can get there from here" from the following street and wasn't too worried. Then I was somewhat stressed trying not to hit the other cars, but I made it. I've had previous dreams where it's just SO hard not to hit the other cars that it's almost impossible, but this wasn't *as* bad.

A few minutes earlier in the dream I was a few blocks back and it was raining and I was picking up my daughter. She jumped in the driver seat and I said "we'd better switch because I can't drive from this seat". I've had this dream too where I try to drive from the backseat or the passenger seat, but it hasn't happened in a while (like a year maybe). Usually when that happens I try to drive from the other seat weirdly.

Anyways, so we switched places and I drove through the rain and made my left turn through lots of traffic. That's when it switched to the first scenario above. Oh, did I mention that it was my husband's car, not mine? I said it out loud to my mom above when I figured it out. :D

Any input would be helpful. Thanks, Kelly

24th June 2010, 02:35 PM
I'd rather not, the symbols are too juicy if taken literally.

24th June 2010, 02:51 PM
Well, I have been having problems with my husband's work stress and general stress affecting all of us... does that help? :D When he's upset it seems to affect the rest of the household. I'm trying to work on communication skills so that the kids see healthy communication modeled at home, instead of "blowing up" and saying means things alternating with the silent treatment when under pressure.

The dream dictionaries say it means I feel out of control with my life if my "car" is accelerating out of control. Just wondering about it being my husband's car, etc. Is it because I feel like it's his issues (stress,etc) that are out of control? thanks! And why am I in my childhood neighborhood, or is that just a familiar scene since we lived there so long?

24th June 2010, 04:05 PM
I'm analyzing your dream from the point of view that your dreams tell you about yourself and that the dream symbols are showing you about your own self in your life.
So here goes, and you'll see why I declined the first time:

I realized that I've been in this situation before in my dreams, so it's recurring (like a few times a year). It's this familiar dream feeling of the car going really, really fast and me trying to slam on the brakes to keep from missing my turn (which I did miss) and trying not to hit other cars. I think my mom was in the passenger seat, and I told her "it's OK, when can get there from here" from the following street and wasn't too worried. Then I was somewhat stressed trying not to hit the other cars, but I made it. I've had previous dreams where it's just SO hard not to hit the other cars that it's almost impossible, but this wasn't *as* bad. The car is yourself and how your life is going. You are driving your mother, therefore this tells me that you are taking over the control of her life as much as yours. It's not working that well, because you are afraid you are hurting others, maybe their feelings, or maybe in other ways. However, the message here is that you are trying to control others and deep down you know it's not what you should be trying to do.

A few minutes earlier in the dream I was a few blocks back and it was raining and I was picking up my daughter. She jumped in the driver seat and I said "we'd better switch because I can't drive from this seat". I've had this dream too where I try to drive from the backseat or the passenger seat, but it hasn't happened in a while (like a year maybe). Usually when that happens I try to drive from the other seat weirdly. You are also trying to control your daughter's life. She fights you to get control (she jumps into the driver seat) and this causes emotional conflict (rain=tears). You don't feel good about this (which is why 'back seat driver' image) however you still keep trying.
I don't know how old your daughter is, but she is not wanting to accept your control, and you don't seem to feel good about it.

Anyways, so we switched places and I drove through the rain and made my left turn through lots of traffic. That's when it switched to the first scenario above. So you took control, worked through the emotion and through traffic (not sure if these are obstacles, you'll have to decide) and lost control. Not a good outcome, maybe.

Oh, did I mention that it was my husband's car, not mine? I said it out loud to my mom above when I figured it out. Here it seems you are either trying to force your husband to agree with you (in controlling your daughter)- you are driving his car. So it seems you're trying to control everybody.

Any input would be helpful. Thanks, Kelly Aren't you sorry you said that? Lol.
Anyway, since I don't know your situation, I want to add this disclaimer: I'm not saying you're overly controlling, but your dream seems to indicate you think so and are not feeling 'right' about it- hence driving on the 'left' side.

.02 as always.

24th June 2010, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the interpretations- lots to think about. One clarification- I usually go out of control in the dreams, but this time I made it through the obstacles OK. Well, it seemed like it was going well and I was relieved - I woke up before arriving "home".

My daughter is only 7 1/2 and she already fights me like a teenager sometimes and tunes me out. And my husband will just mumble "listen to your mother" until he gets fed up and yells at her and then she starts crying. Not good... I need to give her the tools express herself in a non whining manner and listen to her without letting her get everything and anything she wants and let her know I still love her even if the answer to something is "no". She doesn't take it well. :D

I told my mom I was going to buy some books about communication and positive validation but she seemed really negative about it working (that was yesterday IRL). She also has had some health issues and asked for my help on tests to ask her doctor for (which I've told her multiple times but she finally wrote it down and got the blood draws yesterday- thyroid and gluten intolerance stuff that I have and suspect in her, that should at least be looked at. She likes to hide under a rock and pretend if she isn't diagnosed with something, it doesn't exist). :lol: So I took control because she's kind of like a little kid in this way and spelled all the tests out (again). Big day yesterday with family dynamics. I noticed my daughter is doing a lot better with more sleep since school is out now too...

It sounds like I'm working out a lot of decisions on how much control or influence to have on the people in my life and whether they are listening to me or not.... Well, I'd better go get those healthy communication books! Thanks. Wow, maybe I need to go to therapy. Sounds like a mess on paper. :lol:

24th June 2010, 04:38 PM
Oh, and what's funny is that I'm pretty tired of taking care of everyone else and trying to help everyone stay healthy physically and mentally. I need "me" time and people to pay attention to me. But if noone else is going to work on things, I can't let them fail- I feel like I have to step in and be the responsible one.

24th June 2010, 04:52 PM
That's another story, and perhaps I'm overstepping my bounds, but others have the right to fail, as you have the right to relax and let go and let God take care of things for a while. If you think this is too intrusive of me, I'll be happy to delete it.

24th June 2010, 10:20 PM
No CF, that's so true. I thought it right after writing it. :D If DH hates his job, so be it. He might not want to be an engineer after all, And that's OK. And I'll try to raise my daughterwith the right tools and then she will do as she will as an adult. And for mom, well it's now or never, her life...

24th June 2010, 11:22 PM
No problem. Thanks for taking it in stride.