View Full Version : unwanted astral projectors

23rd June 2010, 04:24 PM
Hi, Robert.

Is there a way to prevent people astrally projecting into my bedroom?

I'm not sure but suspect the man who lives in the flat downstairs is drifting up unconsciously. I don't like to say this about someone but he makes my energy feel icky when I pass him on the stairs - and for a while afterwards. He looks depressed or troubled and normally I'd give a little time to someone going through this but strangely with him I've always had the opposite immediate reaction to block him and walk by fast! I've taken to sleeping in the spare room until I can work this out.

I've been through the questions on this forum but your remedies appear to be aimed at protecting the body. Is there a way to protect the space also so that I can block unwelcome and uninvited guests? I'd like my room back. :)

Thanks for this site - a great resource.

Robert Bruce
18th July 2010, 04:44 PM
G'day Solly,

your situation is not uncommon.

Always trust your instincts. Social contact with a person like this could escalate this problem.

There are some stones that can help inhibit astral projection, but you'd have to do some google research here and see what is available to you. Amethyst is a good all round protective stone.

Incense is also good for cleansing spaces. White sage is good, or dragon's blood.

I suggest you do verbal affirmations on this,

This is very effective

“I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am powerfully protected. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

This should be spoken aloud multiple times. Your intention would be that your home is clear and protected.

You could also do a simple banishment ritual, like I give at the end of my book, Practical Psychic Self Defense. But, I would only do this if this projector is behaving badly.

If this person is just drifting through your home, he may not have any bad intention. He may just be passing through on his way to the astral planes. He is most likely an unconscious projector.
