View Full Version : Was it a demon?

21st June 2010, 05:12 PM
I came on this site few months ago because of dreams I had about my late twin sister. I think you can see them if you click my name?

I was also told that I might have Astral ability.

I haven't given this much thought over the past few months and tried a few times without any success and pretty much gave up.

I couldn't sleep all night. So in the early morning, I was extremely tired and thought I would try to Astro project.

At first I tried laying on my back. But nothing was happening. As I felt drifting into sleep, I tried to lift myself up but that would just wake me up. So I lied on my tummy and this time as I was drifting into sleep I pushed up. The first time it happened I felt as though a layer of me just lifted up. But again I woke up. The second time I tried I lifted up and quickly flew. I got scared I wasn't in control of my actions, and then flew toward the window, again I got scared I live on the 22nd floor but I only came out of the window half way. Again got scared that something might see me and pulled back in. Then a black butterfly flew up to the window and some bugs. They were big bugs, and I have screens in my window so they couldn't get in, but one somehow penetrated half way in with its body so I grabbed a wooden kitchen spoon and killed it before it could completely get in. Also in this dream.. my cat was there. Is that weird? She was acting like she usually does and I think I even petted her.

So I woke up from this state and got the brilliant idea to summon my twin in my sleep.

I knew the exact moment I was falling asleep, as I felt my body drifting away into that state I repeatedly started saying my sisters name, Within seconds I hear her voice… but get freaked out and wake up.

After calming myself down a bit and telling myself it’s ok, I try again. I’m positioned on my stomach, with my left hand stretched out to the side. Again I say her name, and this time I feel a cold hand take my left hand. The way you would hold any hand. I’m calm and feel sad and say “ I really miss you” and she says “I miss you too”. I tell her, it was our birthday the other day. I think she acknowledges and I begin saying how I went out dancing to a club. And then say “Allie (who is our friend) was so drunk” and we both laugh. Then she somehow moves from behind me to in front of me. Now I can see her. She lies down in the same fashion as me, with her back toward me. I tell her again I miss her, and she picks up her head and looks pretty and normal, her head is pulled back into a pony tail, and she says “You know how we can be together”. I immediately get scared. The first thought is, she wants me to die… and I frantically start repeating, “wake up, wake up, wake up” and open my eyes.

Was this my sister or was this something else disguised as her?

21st June 2010, 05:48 PM
Hello, geminitwin.

Did you ever during the experience have the feeling that it is her, a quality of feeling or sensation you associate with her?

Looks can deceive in the astral, and mischievous entities are reported to be out there. However other qualities of the experience and other sense impressions might give you better clues to go on, like how you felt. What were your emotional reactions?

What makes it hard to say what truly was going on is the fact that you were scared several times and had an encounter with astral bugs. Some issue might be bugging you and the black butterfly might signify dark thoughts fluttering around in your head. Thoughts and feelings can manifest into such experiences in the astral, similar to a dream environment.

Similarly when you're afraid it "colors" all your experiences and leads to distortions in what you perceive. Were you still scared, or maybe worried, when you met what you thought was your sister? This might hold a clue to the nature of this experience.

Take care,

21st June 2010, 05:54 PM
Well, first of all, I wouldn't jump to the 'demon' theory. There are far too many entities that are not demonic that can do this, and some of them are quite harmless.
Now, it could be her, but I doubt it.
I haven't gone back to read your post, so forgive me if I ask- when did she pass away?
It usually (according to a combination of my experiences with what I've read) takes a bit of time for a recently deceased person to be 'available'. Sometimes they're 'there' as soon as they pass, then they move on to a 'life review', a process that may take some time (and for them there is no time, so this is highly subjective) and where there is no interaction with the living- at this point you can go see them but they can't go see you- then, when they have resolved sufficiently, they can interact with the living, and finish dealing with their turn over here in the incarnate world.
This is my own belief, but I don't think you can summon them- you can go to them, but they can't come to you, unless there is some 'special circumstance', and this is beyond the scope of my comprehension.
So my best guess is that this wasn't her.
However, this doesn't mean it was a demon- usually there are small order negs that hang out in the lower etheric, who are opportunists- the moment you summon someone they will take the image from your mind and project it back to you, to engage you. Lots of theories of what they want- your energy, just to 'be' in 3D if only through your eyes, who knows. The thing is that they are simply 'riffraff'- not anything to worry about. If 'she' comes again, ask her who she is and send her on her way.

My advice: If you want to see your sister, cultivate projection, and once you have learnt it, make it your intention to go to the afterlife zones, where you can see and talk to her. And while you're at it, ask for protection before you do it. It'll be a much more pleasant experience.

ps. Hey, Oliver and I cross-posted!

23rd June 2010, 07:37 PM
I will answer both questions with one post.

My sister passed away in November. There have been 3 dreams so far where I was lucid and talking to her and asking questions as though I was awake but I was actually sleeping. One happened a week after her death. And she said something like she's been busy but she told me she was ok. Another one was maybe a month after and another was on Superbowl Sunday. The Superbowl Sunday one, felt the most real, because in the dream I wake up and I'm in my own apartment in my bed. I am still extremely confused when I was actually sleeping and when I wasn't. That's the one I wrote about in the last post.

So the previous dreams I've had whenever it ended I felt like I was with my sister.
Whenever I hugged her in my other dreams she felt warm and nice, it felt like I just hugged my sister, this time the hand felt cold, but because I had called her name I assumed it was her.

Before I tried the dreams, I was afraid. Mostly because I've been told not to think bad things before trying or they could happen, so of course those kinds of thoughts have been in my head. It's the don't think about it, so that's they only thing you can think about sort of thing.
I was scared to look out the window, (in the dream) because I live on the 22nd floor and I'm afraid of heights, specifically falling to death. I have had dreams before about flying, and then a thought would pop in my head that I would fall, so I would get scared and actually feel scared in the dream.

I guess my first question is, if I try this again, how do I protect my apartment so these things don't enter when I'm practicing? Can those things enter my body when I'm not there and possess my body?

Also, is it possible to see/feel demons when awake?

Lastly, how do you know you're actually exiting the body and not having a dream, where you have complete function of your subconscious? Has anyone videotaped themselves doing this? I thought maybe I would try and tape the event next time I try to see if anything was happening.

23rd June 2010, 08:34 PM
One qualifier, I am going to use the word astral as a 'catch-all' term, to avoid having to explain every time.

I guess my first question is, if I try this again, how do I protect my apartment so these things don't enter when I'm practicing? You can get some protective incense (Dragon's Blood or Frankincense can be very powerful, and a Sage smudge is also.) You can say a protective prayer before you go into your routine, and simply 'knowing' you're safe. Also, a nice Salt Bath or shower does wonders for you. You can do a simple 'circle casting'- you don't even have to use something, just do it in the air around you, or use salt if you don't have the types of pets that would try to eat it.

Can those things enter my body when I'm not there and possess my body? No. First of all, astral entities do not exist in the physical- they can only temporarily manifest using your energy- so damage in the physical is almost impossible. Most negs can only mess with your mind, using your fear as energy. So, no fear, no energy for them- no manifestation.
#2- When you project you do not leave your body empty, your conscious awareness doesn't leave your body behind either- when you project you expand your energy outwards, and mobilize your conscious awareness out of the physical, and maintain an 'unconscious' presence in the body, while your 'awake' consciousness is experiencing the nonphysical. So nothing can 'enter' your body- because you're still in it.
Plus, your bedroom has unconscious barriers in place already- think of it like this- you think of your bedroom as yours, no one is allowed in without an invitation. This territoriality (which is instinctive) causes you to put your own barriers to any other energetic creature that is out there. Sure, there are exceptions, but usually not harmful.

Also, is it possible to see/feel demons when awake? It depends on your level of the clarient senses. However, like I said, even though astral entities do take interest in us when we're tasty, demons rarely do.

Lastly, how do you know you're actually exiting the body and not having a dream, where you have complete function of your subconscious? Has anyone videotaped themselves doing this? I thought maybe I would try and tape the event next time I try to see if anything was happening. According to most metaphysicists, dreams are projections to your personal subconscious, and 'APs and OBEs' are projections to the collective unconscious. There is no way to record what happens on a videotape because nonphysical bodies are not recordable- however, in a variety of studies that have been made, it has been shown that when you are having a dream certain parts of your brain light up on an MRI scan, but when a person is projecting, different parts of the brain light up. So at least in terms of brain function, there is a difference.
Of course, there are the validations we sometimes get when we have them, but that is more subjective, and not scientifically 'provable'.

23rd June 2010, 08:56 PM
Hello, geminitwin.

I would get rid of the term "demon" altogether if I were you. I don't know how to say what I want to say, but you can basically assume yourself safe.

In fact, your problem might be less what you might encounter during projection, but the fears you have and the beliefs you hold. And I'm not talking about projection, necessarily. But a lot depends - in everything we do - on how we relate ourselves and our inner relationship to the world around us. This you take wherever you go. These things accompany you out of body. These things accompany when you relate to others in the physical.

In a channeled session I was recently told that harmful events show there are damaging beliefs. You can somewhat reverse that and say: Instead of waiting for harmful events to happen to show you damaging beliefs, it might be worthwhile to root out damaging beliefs and avoid harmful events whenever possible.

So: Try to understand what you're afraid of - and try to make conscious what beliefs underlie this. What beliefs about the world in general and the nonphysical reality in specific do you hold? If you think nonphysical reality is dangerous because you read one negative story too much, work with that belief. Work on feeling safe. The fear is the vulnerability, and it is rooted in a belief you never had the chance to verify or invalidate.

And even if I say vulnerability - for most people the dangerous place, in comparison, is physical reality. You have to be aware and on your guard, keep good care of yourself, avoid harmful situations, avoid being taken advantage every day to a degree. If you can do this in waking reality, which can be a competitive and ruthless place at times, then trust yourself when you get out of body.

Just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this - keep a positive goal ready, an experience you would like to have on the other side, and you might remember it and have that experience. But if you focus on negative things and fear your experience can go downhill. Try to enjoy your trips.

Take care,

24th June 2010, 04:26 PM
Hi, geminitwin :D

Let me first say (and if it hasn't been expressed yet, for everyone here) how deeply sorry I am for your loss. When a twin loses a twin it is literally losing a part of one's self and may seem like you are living your life in two worlds now. And maybe you are, hence your apparently sudden transition to experiences in the astral. You are the Gemini squared I think. :wink:

I don't have much to add to the advice from CFTraveler and Korpo you have already received - they have got it going on like I'll never know - but this little anecdote. Some years ago I summoned a living but absent friend because I really needed to talk to her. I caught all kinds of hell for this on the forum I was then engaged in. I suppose there is something unethical about it. But anyway, she came to me only as a clairaudience appearance and told me everything was ok.

But as far as your sister is concerned, remember she has a lot to do - important stuff, but she prob won't be able to resist your call. Might think it best to let her come to you when the time is right.

Just my thoughts and God Bless.
