21st June 2010, 07:31 AM
I am in need of a healer who can offer assistance with Kundalini REtro grade,, my kundalini is Stuck right where my genitals are. I am not trying to raise my kundalini- I believe It may be the doing of a sinister energy rapist.
Here is a direct quote from the book "Etheric Double," by: A.E. Powell to give you an example of what is happening to me:
"One very common effect of arousing it prematurely is that it rushes downward into the lower cent res of the body instead of upwards, resulting in the excitation of the most undesirable passions, which are apt to be intensified to such a degree that it is quite impossible for the man to resist them. In the grip of such a force he is a helpless swimmer in the jaws of a shark. Such men become satyrs, monsters of depravity, being at the mercy of a force out of all proportion to the human power of resistance."
I need help to un-block this. I also suspect- there is an evil at work here, someone or something is raising my kundalini and making it get stuck at my genitals on purpose- for their benefit of Vampirism and Parasitism. It feels like someone is doing energy work on me until they find my genitals, then they stop there and continue to sexually assault me.
21st June 2010, 07:38 AM
another comment I have about this:
I have heard that it is possible for a group of energy workers to raise someone's Kundalini for them, and apparently without consent. However, the only people interested in doing so are practicing the dark magic, and are deliberately raping and stealing other people's sexual Chi, for their own energy spell casting bank. If you know anything about this, please PM me. I do not want to be VAMPED by these people anymore, not like I ever did. THANK YOU!
21st June 2010, 08:07 AM
Hello, Kashmirror.
What negative effects are you actually observing?
I mean, you're quoting what could happen, or possible effects. It would be more interesting to know what you currently feel.
Also, please don't buy into fearmongering, especially not over the net. Rumors abound and they keep the fear going on. The first rule of protection is: Try not to be afraid. Do not fall for fear-based speculation. Observe what is with a cool head and detachedly.
Our mind can run amok and imagine things and go into panic mode while nothing harmful is actually happening. Similarly, as long as your inner senses are not sufficiently developed you simply cannot discern what intent is behind any outside influence. The fact that there is so much fear-based material out there influences people with negative thought habits. Since our perception of nonphysical reality is filtered through our belief system, clear observation gets impaired by this.
I personally would suspect that your Kundalini might rise as far as it can, and that it does not rise further might indicate some blockages to be cleaned out, some issues to be released first. If this is the case the respective issues might soon show themselves again in your life to be confronted and resolved. Either in dreams or in physical reality.
IIRC a similar process has been described by Powell. I would also take parts of the theosophic literature with a grain of salt, not as something to overrule your own judgement.
Take good care,
9th August 2010, 12:00 PM
Kundalini "knows" what it is doing! You seem to be putting a negative interpretation on it, which may destroy the positive benefits of the serpent fire. I call it secondary chemistry...
You must interpret any symptom as being the TEACHER and learn from it. Use the potency for putting into your art, talent, dharma.
Kundalini "cooks" at the base chakra for many years in the cooks for as long and as hard as it must do in order to transform/transmute the entire bodymind. Even tho it seems to be lighting up this one area, it is at work in your Total organism.
The whole idea that kundalini can get STUCK is an unfortunate misunderstanding that puts negative secondary chemistry on the work that the purifying fire is doing.
Use nature, lie on the ground, sit in rivers/oceans, take baths, use clay packs for the negative charge.
The rocket fuel of the sex system is nitric oxide which is made from the Amino acid arginine, watch your antioxidant intake to protect your tissues and take plenty of Omega 3 and Kelp-for remineralizing.
•Magnesium citrate powder, and magnesium in dark greens, wheatgrass etc...;Epsom Salt foot baths/baths. Magnesium Ascorbate provides the essential magnesium mineral supplement combined with buffered Vitamin C.
•Topical Magnesium oil for sore muscles. I Bought from ANCIENT MINERALS MAGNESIUM OIL 140227609181 – Try a Best Bid Price at:$26.00 first and see if they take it.
•Silicon in Horsetail, Oatstraw, Nettle, Bamboo sap, Banana Stalk Juice; Cornsilk; stalks, peels and cores of fruit and vege. Water loving Silicon is the key architectural element in the body’s collagen structure.
•Potassium: prunes, prune juice, bamboo shoots, chard, spinach, and tomato paste, Molasses, cantaloupe, bananas; effervescent Potassium Ascorbate.
•Omega 3 whole food sources: seeds of hemp/flax/chia, moringa leaf, wild fish, krill oil, spirulina and other algae, ...(along lecithin) to build up your nerve sheaths and cell membranes. The key to good hydration is healthy cell membranes. Krill oil is better than fish oil, because the high levels of natural antioxidants in Krill prevent the oil from becoming rancid.
•Vitamin C Sources—Amla powder, acerola cherry, camu camu, rose hips, kiwi fruit, red capsicum, black currents, acai berry and goji berries.
9th August 2010, 12:03 PM
Excerpts from BOK on secondary chemistry created by our lens of interpretation of inner/outer events.
How well we weather a kundalini awakening is determined by many things, including our belief system. Learned helplessness is an overwhelm response, where we give-up due to the belief that whatever we do doesn’t matter. In circumstances of helplessness (such as the unrelenting onslaught of kundalini symptoms), those with a pessimistic interpretation style may become depressed. It is known that depression, grief and pessimism turn off the immune system. This is so because depression is associated with catecholamine depletion and endorphin increase; and higher endorphin levels can lead to immune suppression allowing pathogens to run wild. (We might even find that immune suppression coupled with pathogen infestation leads directly to depression in itself.) Cognitive therapy such as that described in Martin Seligman’s book Learned Optimism can help avoid these secondary fallout symptoms by reprogramming our interpretation style. Other resources for brain, mind and stress relief can be found at Dr. Daniel Amen’s site:
Pain and difficulty with metamorphosis is a factor of our fearful interpretation and our resistance to the alchemy rather than the process itself. In this sense the more we surrender into it, the faster our miasmas are cleared and the quicker we achieve our spiritualized Self. Things will proceed faster if we achieve an objective and transpersonal perspective of this intensely personal process, for then we will both relax our resistance and avoid inflation.
"While suffering cannot be avoided at times, the tendency to dramatize our own predicament and fall into self-pity only adds to our misery. On the other hand, when we can remember that pain and hardship are purposeful and archetypal features of the spiritual path, our perspective of our present difficulties widens." ~ El Collie
A schizophrenic-like self-fracturing can occur if integration is thwarted by a hostile-ignorant social environment or by an internal negative interpretation and resistance to the process. Even so an awakening can proceed even within an imperfect and negative context if one has the strength to focus on some transpersonal creative or artistic expression.
The suspension and stagnation of the kundalini cycle will occur if:
* The aspirant becomes overly preoccupied with the physical or psychic symptoms.
* The immature ego becomes inflated and assumes specialness and superiority for having "achieved" awakened kundalini symptoms and phenomena.
* The flow of energy and consciousness is blocked by excessive food and substance abuse, excessive sex, total abstinence of sex, or lack of exercise.
* The awakening is not sincerely dedicated to a higher purpose beyond the life of the individual.
Our sanity, effectiveness and development is reliant on the smooth flow of the kundalini cycle, and with a little understanding there is no reason why it should not proceed as "it" ordains. Although initially the process itself might be stressful to the neophyte, eventually we become increasingly able to transcend our stressful interpretation and our relationship to life in general is transformed. Kundalini is the main creative force in building a solid sense of deep peace, joy and equanimity. I think equanimity naturally occurs along with kundalini because of the permanent background of bliss that develops. Metamorphosis restructures us to a higher order allowing us to live a "spiritual" life in the material world.
Because kundalini is a purifying, balancing and restorative process, disturbances need to be viewed as "therapeutic" rather than "pathological." With the right kind of attitude we can work-with the process and avoid interference that only causes trouble. If however for one reason or another the pace is too fast and violent one can slow down and ease the intensity by eating a heavier diet, stopping meditation, and doing regular vigorous physical activity. The support of someone who has had some "success" with an awakening is recommended if at all possible. If fear, panic and resistance have taken a hold we can be bought back to balance by rational explanations, positive interpretation and emotional support. Retreat and evasion through dissociation and denial. Inertial holding back to former modes of perception and being. Effort to pull energy down, back and in through substance addictions, heavy food, sedentary lifestyle and through avoidance of "opening" practices and therapy. Secondary fear chemistry due to negative interpretation of kundalini events resulting in panic, paralysis, stagnation, isolation and avoidance. Even running away from bliss and increased wellbeing with various forms of anaesthetization, self-repression and self-destruction.
Unless one has penetrated linear time and can cognitively grasp the fact that something in the future causes a certain chemistry to happen to us in the present...then we are stuck in the egos mythic interpretation of events.
Psychological meaning is the "story" that we create for ourselves about who we are, what the world is, and our relationships. It's ones life-myth; it's a kind of Jungian level understanding of archetype, motif, gods and goddesses and how these elements play on our chemistry through our personal interpretive lens.
The moderation feedback from the cortex tends to get lost in the exaggerated activity of the "lower" brain-loops and this produces greater embeddedness in our primary emotions firing through the older brain regions. Not that this is a bad thing because ultimately all this deep clearing out of these regions leaves us more emotionally evolved, with greater prefrontal which point we transcend superstitious and mythic level interpretations of our environment. ie: that is we gain emotional detachment, through the sheer intensity of emotional experiencing. This distance is gained from both the associative (discursive, dianoetic, comparative) meaning-making mind, as well as from the emotions themselves. It is not so much that everything looses its meaning, but that the meaning-making process itself becomes lucid to us in our everyday consciousness. One can imagine that this would increase our freedom along with the increase in objectivity. It is by being "carried away" by the various elements of consciousness that we can eventually incorporate them "consciously," rather than being unconsciously driven by them.
The bottom line is that one cannot penetrate and evolve the mythic-neomedieval superstitious mind...that mind must penetrate and evolve out of its own condition, because if you try to raise it, it will fight back and complex on itself and drown in shadow demons of its own making. Thus one gently leaves these people to their own devices for they get their adrenal kicks out of their magic interpretation of the world. We can readily see that we can only work on our own shadow, but we still have to become skillful at dealing with the shadow of others so that it doesn't undermine our well being and hold us back from our highest contribution.
The phenomena of getting shocked by self-lightning is bioelectricity--bioelectromagnetism to be exact. Biophysics in itself is what is interesting, more so than our symbolic/mythic interpretations. However it is good to see if and how our brain is wired for victimhood under extreme conditions. To gain distance we need to see that psychic and bioenergetic phenomena doesn't actually "mean" anything other than the meaning we give it.
Psychic and bioenergetic phenomena doesn't actually mean anything other than the meaning we give it. It is only we humans that apply "meaning" to things...Psi, subtle and causal effects are simply a revelation or confirmation of the way the universe is put together. However because it is extrasensory and transcends the mind we tend to think that it is more important than the consensus reality that is based on the cognitive interpretation (prefrontal lobe) of information from the five senses. Just because something is beyond the five senses we think it has greater holy significance and we tend to be drawn hither and tither by our spiritual ambition to “get more God.â€
9th August 2010, 02:25 PM
Kundalini "knows" what it is doing!
Indeed. Part of the process is surrendering, knowing that what happens will happen, with or without your direct attempts to manipulate things. That can be terrifying for the ego, of course, and I'm not making light of it, but the constant cycle of "something is wrong, I must fix it" just tends to make things worse in my experience. In fact, any resistance will make it more difficult.
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