View Full Version : Hat On Haton

21st June 2010, 05:05 AM
I always seem to have some odd dreams over the weekends - last night I was going to attend a lecture (in the dream) - I passed through one door to another , marked Hatton (?) Behind me was a man I had never seen before, who said something about a hat , in peculiar german - I was puzzled & replied, ". . .mit DEM Hut, surely , not mit DEN Hut"? He spoke English then & said the lecture would be in German, & that I should keep my hat with me (I hate hats, never owned one)I was concerend that I might not be able to keep up with a german lecture, but thought I'd go ahead anyway.

My arms were full of papers & books, so I went into the room, where there were rows of school desks, & put down my things, intending to go back for my hat which I thought I might have left on a hook near the door. That's when the word "Haton" (not sure any more of spelling) struck me as odd.

This morning I googled haton & came up with Hatonn, a channeled entity, which I find quite strange. . . . . . :o

21st June 2010, 03:32 PM
My interpretation would be that you were having a dreamstate lesson and involved the crown chakra.
Others may have a different interpretation about this.

21st June 2010, 04:00 PM
a hat is upon the head, for the head without a hat might lose its self through the head in thoughted thoughtless journey without the body. hat is a reminder that we are set upon the human journey, the 'present', and that even the possibility of journeying out through the crown is in defiance of the human journey, in that it is distractionary.

though, it is proper that under proficient guidence any one may ritually step beyond for evidenciary presense beyond this human life. but, this stepping out is understood for what it is, that being merely reproof toward the import of our proofed human journey, that though it began and shall end in the brevity, that also is it without beginning and end as eternal longevity.

for journey's sake, be human at all costs, for it is an expensive journey after all, is it not?

show up for this life alone, be you, just as you are.

understand that all worlds hinge upon this human world, which means that all worlds stand in awe and wonder of what is humanly ours. for this stone leads either way, from and to, as a gateless gate.

without gate, please do consider the 'hat' and the 'soled shoe'. for betwixt these two are you walking the human journey.

to say 'hinge' is to have said that binding from which all booked pages are glued. yet, being human, we alone are that booked entirety of worlds both leading to and leading from the center of it all. for we are the 'center of'.

between "once upon a time" and "they lived happily ever after" are we, the center link of a great chain of worlds where all forces massively ply themselves on a singular central link which holds them all together.

we, human, being 'that' may also understand 'it'. yet, either way to and from do not have said luxury of understanding, for they are not in 'it' but through us alone.

thus, 'human' is as the crown jewel centrally amidst her ladyships breasted cleavage, adorning her as her very child suckling at very life given freely. all else is merely that which child life in all it's given glory hangs upon, as chain.

gloriously human, reflectively clasped in union in Mother's nape,


22nd June 2010, 03:41 AM
Thank you both. . . & Tutor, I am interested in your view that the human condition is a desirable one - in many ways I agree, (certainly according to my conditioning the human life is a rare opportunity) but at the same time if one is to move "onwards", surely both the "good" & "bad" aspects have to be dropped & in the process one becomes maybe "less" human, from a human perspective?? UG Krishnamurti asked why anyone could ever wish for enlightenment, as it meant the dropping of all we "are" which leaves no "witness" to the state of so-called enlightenment itself anyway. . . . what ego witnesses the destruction of the ego? Or are we just pushing words/worlds back & forth in a semi-conscious Lila (divine game)? :?
Namaste all

22nd June 2010, 06:39 AM
Hey, sono.

Is it just me? Every time you mention something about UG Krishnamurti I get the impression of a torn soul.


22nd June 2010, 07:19 AM
Intiguing! Actually, I feel he was enlightened but still stuck with an ego which drove him nuts. . . about 14 days before he died, I had an astral 'visit" from 3 Indian men in dhotis, who very ceremoniously told me he was dead - but in fact he only died 2 weeks afterwards. I often think the "real UG" left before that ego could be prised out of the body! So perhaps he was "split" in some way?

BTW Whenever I think of him I get a wonderful, strong whiff of insence (right now it's sandalwood) There was definitely more to him than the irascible being so many portray; I sense he was a form of shiva, set on destroying (before anythng can be rebuilt) I have had some amazing "experiences" regarding him . . . .

22nd June 2010, 11:26 AM
Thank you both. . . & Tutor, I am interested in your view that the human condition is a desirable one - in many ways I agree, (certainly according to my conditioning the human life is a rare opportunity) but at the same time if one is to move "onwards", surely both the "good" & "bad" aspects have to be dropped & in the process one becomes maybe "less" human, from a human perspective?? UG Krishnamurti asked why anyone could ever wish for enlightenment, as it meant the dropping of all we "are" which leaves no "witness" to the state of so-called enlightenment itself anyway. . . . what ego witnesses the destruction of the ego? Or are we just pushing words/worlds back & forth in a semi-conscious Lila (divine game)? :?
Namaste all

the ego is that which clothes. initially that which clothes our being is the fleshly body. our being however extends itself in gatherance and manifestation of this fleshly body, to say that this flesh is upheld by the Word. saying "Word" not in the normal use of the term 'word'.

furthermore, our being as spirit extends operatively, first and foremost with the emotional body, secondly with the physical body, thirdly with the mental body (mask). so, when one says "EGO" they are speaking of that which clothes spirit being human.

to say that being human condition is a desirable one, is perhaps a turned view aimed outward. in reality it is 'desire' that is purely innocent that would create the condition of being human. by 'create' i mean that this desire is the desire to give or to share of an infinite inexhaustable abundance, an abundance that for no other reason is to give and sustain life in and of 'being'.

literally a 'world without end', but saying 'world' here in the sense of 'all' which is inclusive to all worlds within a whole. one may ask, where are all these worlds?

well they are within being itself, as well as of being as per the desire to give from abundance. the flipside of 'desire' is when being natural extends through said bodys in the developement of the 'self', the me myself and I, these three inclusively as the soul in its wholeness.

quite naturally in this growth arrives emotional, following that the physical, following that the mental mask. thus, it is by no fault of being human that we within our 'self' would lose ourselves in this body of 'self'.

the self by this extension flips 'desire' as desire to receive for that self alone, this instinctively aroused in the nature of being human. this would be 'ego' as seen in and of the world.

often we read great works and do not take into account that every term, such as 'ego', has flipped views. this is how words betray us, when we only see to apply the 'in and of the world' side of it.

so, as you've said, we are to kill out of 'bad and good' ego, however, this only refers to the world pov of what ego is; and only means that understanding of the flipside is due, in that through understanding the mental mask becomes the tool and no longer is the worldly ego run amok with ourself as the unawares passenger left to endure much consequential sufferring from that running amok.

spirit being calls for bodily content, that content as being within a layered vessel. thus, to be at all is a predisposition of inhabiting a dwelling/body/vessel. the height of which is spirit being human.

being human is epicenter of being, where in becomes out. as if to say, that very immaculate heart of the Mother is in fact outside of Her body worn upon Her chest. this portrays itself through being as human, human being that child which from inside mother came to be outside of mother, as that heart now externally exposed in and of manifest abundance where nothing is impossible and everything is possible.

ergo, being exposed also is the extensions of bodies, to include a mental mask, as use for a time and for utilization in and of all time, space and motion.

time is a mental concept...inborn and externalized as the constructed conceived of being. space is the dimensional happenstance of manifest construction which is unceasing as a source unstoppable. motion is energy set in fluid motion as e-motion where spirit becomes the multiplistic nature of energies, just as our emotions display multiplistic natural feelings with which the mental reactively uses in the construction of mask.

if you noticed therethe physical was jumped, or the solid manifest word was leaped through and over, from emotional to mental. this is why we end up uncomfortable in our own skin, and naturally evolving misconceptions erupt, both personally and socially.

the physicality, or flesh is dna given, following what is in parts given toward the human form. notice also, that we focused in the world forget about the spirit flipside which original dictates meaning and purpose as the Word.

so here we have two agencys of the word which become forgotten. spirit as The Word and flesh as the word held up -manifest. these two mirror reflectively.

while emotional and mental mirror reflectively. as if to say, that in a circle, what goes on in one quadrant has to be answered in the opposite quadrant. spirit would be that first quadrant from 0 to 90, and physical that quadrant of 180-270. while emotional is that quadrant of 90-180 and intellectual that quadrant of 270-360. where 360 = 0, the nigh unto nigh.

that 360 = 0 is an important notation which reveals what world is, for world is where mask meets truth at very 0/zero. to say, that what we would emotionally deny within automatically incorporates itself as mental mask through the two agencys of The Word, thus on one level arrives the intenalized eruptions of physical illness as well as spirit bringing full bore that which the day arriving would in all things considered bring, face to face with said mask.

we never consider that every day is suficient unto itself in our needs. to say that everyday we are face to face with spirit, spirit being everything is possible and nothing is impossible.

the point being, that going within far enough you unavoidably find your self right in the world. this is the meaning of "a world without end", as well as the meaning of "I remain".

the folly of it is astronomically humorous, with echos of laughter jovially scattering throught the external universe.

all worlds lead the be human, for this world is it, and all others are within the human where they've gone within, seen them, only to return right here right now.

thus is astral or whatever world ya might find up in the body of. all of em, myriads, are within the human being's consciousness perspectively as we alone, the body of spirit, it all around us, we in and of its being, spirit being human, to say that human is being spirit. flip how you may, there it is.

home is where the heart is, it predisposed to be exposed, all in it, whether we like it or not, love is, and endures all, all being its very darn self misunderstood in its all knowing which endlessly works itself out toward endless understanding, for abundance is endless...ya know.

duality, friend, is an endless mobius strip of traveling. be it the in and out of bodily being, or be it that manifest outlying world intersection where right and left are as well peripherally a mobius strip. the world/spirit is not flat, travel far enough and you arrive back on your own doorstep...guaranteed. doorstep - stoop, thus we kneel down in gratitude of an endless abundance. in gratitude comes 'sharing', and an end to receiving for one's self alone.


23rd June 2010, 03:26 AM
Thank you for taking such trouble to make such a detailed reply. . . . . I must print it, take it home & digest it before I make any further comments. . . . .

23rd June 2010, 01:44 PM
Thank you for taking such trouble to make such a detailed reply. . . . . I must print it, take it home & digest it before I make any further comments. . . . .

anything said or written is for YOU to within yourself...apply. never apply merely because it was said or written. always and in all ways, it is you and yours, and "what would you being....do?"

let the literal agency go. every recipe arrived from someone having applyed themself to it successfully first.

what is your first, that from would become your recipe?

i tire of the cake that I would bake, and crave the recipes of others. the world is a pastry shop, sweet, but with bitter reality of obesity of ego that would eat without personal health first and foremost and appetite second.

so, before ya gobble down my offered, and overfilled, cream puff; consider you and yours first.


23rd June 2010, 03:34 PM
You just reminded me of the coffee cake I forgot I had.

24th June 2010, 03:55 AM
Hehehe! I could taste that cake you mentioned. . . .CF Traveler; & I agree Tutor, re not simply swallowing others views - I don't, in fact, though I enjoy them washing over me & letting some sink in for permanent use, while others float off (ahem, mixed metaphors) :wink:

24th June 2010, 03:12 PM
Hehehe! I could taste that cake you mentioned. . . .CF Traveler; & I agree Tutor, re not simply swallowing others views - I don't, in fact, though I enjoy them washing over me & letting some sink in for permanent use, while others float off (ahem, mixed metaphors) :wink:

well, being as I've swallowed some views in my time, either to get the runs or upchucking in hindsight or both, I am just saying as I have myself done, but not regretfully, as it's all good i reckon so. :wink: