View Full Version : Is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God?

21st June 2010, 01:52 AM
Hi Robert,

I read your catch-basket-concept article and came away wondering, "If he always receives answers to serious questions through his journaling, why hasn't he or has he ever asked whether or not the person we base our very calendar on was who he said he was?" I know that you stated that your "opinion" to be that the belief system of the student "creates" the "character" that we perceive to be Jesus, Buddha, etc. That is not what I'm asking, I'm asking what the "Voice" you hear, the one that instructed you to dismantle your belief system, says about Jesus Christ. So, please address the elephant in the room and put us all at ease. Thank you very much.


Robert Bruce
12th July 2010, 07:42 AM
To be true to the catch basket concept, one cannot 'believe' in any religion unless such believe comes through hard personal and repeatable experience.

We are generally convinced into choosing to believe a religious viewpoint and accepting its dogma, or we are born into and raised with a religious viewpoint.

No matter how you juggle these things, there is no substitute for personal experience that does not involve the dogmatic suppression of reason.

Religious believes are, in principle, much like choosing the reality of Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy.

We generally discard such things as we grow up.

This is a natural progression. The evolution of belief from something that is made up to something which is real.

If one removes everything but the truth from one's belief system, then and only then can the actual truth shine through - this is the message of the catch basket concept.
